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RLC. A CAS Review Project. Four Areas of RLC Program. Mission Leadership Program Diversity. Mission. Findings. RLC Mission Statement: “to enhance students ' leadership and interpersonal skills , enabling them to become more effective leaders in any organizational structure .”

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  1. RLC A CAS Review Project

  2. Four Areas of RLC Program • Mission • Leadership • Program • Diversity

  3. Mission

  4. Findings RLC Mission Statement: “to enhance students' leadership and interpersonal skills, enabling them to become more effective leaders in any organizational structure.” Core Values: • friendships • fun experiences • knowledge that is gained to excel in future job endeavors • self and social awareness.

  5. Findings Virginia Tech Mission Statement: “Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is a public land-grant university serving the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world community. The discovery and dissemination of new knowledge are central to its mission. Through its focus on teaching and learning, research and discovery, and outreach and engagement, the university creates, conveys, and applies knowledge to expand personal growth and opportunity, advance social and community development, foster economic competitiveness, and improve the quality of life.” UtProsim

  6. Explanation of Findings Our Mission is Successful in: • leadership can be learned • personal philosophy of leadership • understanding of self, others, and community • responsibilities in community membership • consistent with Virginia Techs • {personal growth and interpersonal social skills}

  7. Recommendations • community development {like Virginia Tech} • include principles, leadership theories, etc • multicultural populations • student involvement in VT student government • The core values & professional language • UtProsim?

  8. Leadership

  9. Findings: • Mission Statement • Learning Priorities • Faculty and Staff • Living in Peddrew-Yates • Leadership and Social Change Minor (ILRM) • RLC Courses

  10. Explanation of Findings • Clear vision and mission • Student learning, development, and integration • Close-knit community • Networking • Ethical behavior • Leadership • Applicable theories and technology

  11. Recommendations: • Changing student and institutional needs • Comprehensive, long-term plan • Community

  12. Program

  13. Findings: Overview of RLC • Living-learning community • Peddrew-Yates dorm; peer events • Take classes on leadership theory and practice • Program Elements • LDRS 1015 and 1016 • Peer Leader Program • Intern Program • Faculty & Staff • Service event

  14. Findings: • The following ratings are the calculated average from a student survey we conducted: • The program provides evidence of its impact in

  15. Findings: Knowledge acquisition, integration, construction, application: • This information is based off a survey of 82 students. • 90%of students agreed or strongly agreed that they learned useful knowledge and skills, which they plan to utilize to reach future goals. • 86% agreed/strongly agreed that the classes taught them how to be effectively team leaders. • 59% agreed/strongly agreed the action plans assisted them in personal growth

  16. Findings: Cognitive complexity • 90% agreed/strongly agreed that their classes taught them skills they use in organization and groups outside the RLC • 83% agreed/strongly agreed that the classes helped improve their communication skills • 86% agreed/strongly agreed that the classes taught them to effectively lead a group • 84% agreed/strongly agreed that the classes helped them develop a plan to meet their goals

  17. Findings: Intrapersonal development • 91% agree/strongly agree that RLC has increased their level of self-awareness. • 74% agree/strongly agree that the RLC helped increase their self-esteem.

  18. Findings: Humanitarianism and civic engagement • 87% agreed/strongly agreed that the RLC encouraged them to become involved on campus. • Current students: • Club/organization officers • Future PLs • Bible study leaders • Future RAs • FLEX, SGA • RLC Alumni • Big Event Directors • RLC Interns • Homecoming Court

  19. Findings: Practical competence • 71% agreed/strongly agreed that the RLC helped improve their social skills • 90% agreed/strongly agreed that their classes taught them skills they use in organization and groups outside the RLC (also included in rating of cognitive complexity)

  20. Recommendations: • Additional service opportunity • Required Spring event in 1016 • Philanthropy • Intern Application Requirements/Considerations • Office Interns to be previous PLs • RLC Member Application process • More focus on desire/motivation, less on previous high school leadership experiences = higher growth • Faculty/Transparency • Creates a greater experience for both the student and faculty • Do not require, but encourage; up to the discretion of each instructor

  21. Diversity

  22. Findings: • RLC statistics on demographics and majors of students • University statistics on demographics, majors, and ethnic backgrounds • Programs offered within the RLC

  23. Explanation of Findings • Students: RLC is a good representation of the demographics of the University, but only half of the offered undergraduate majors and minors are represented by RLC students. Minorities are not well represented. • Awareness of Diversity: LDRS 1016 class focuses on the topic of diversity and social justice • Serving Needs of Diverse Populations: Open to ethnically diverse populations, but not a priority

  24. Demographics University (23,690) Virginia Residents (17,492) Non-Virginia Residents (5,689) International (509) RLC (213 total students) Virginia Residents (177) Non-Virginia Residents (34) International (2)

  25. Recommendations: • Marketing geared toward underrepresented populations and international students • Collaboration with diversity programs and minority student leaders • Recruitment efforts • Incorporating diversity into the mission of the RLC

  26. Contact Us • KristianneMacaraeg • Kvmac22@vt.edu • Erica Largen • Erica15@vt.edu • Michael Chung • mchung90@vt.edu • Dana Hummel • Danna21@vt.edu

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