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Profil i nternet seksualni h predator a. Mr Lidija Nikolić-Novaković. Beograd, 23. novembar 2013. Internet seksualni predatori: ko su oni?.
Profil internet seksualnih predatora Mr Lidija Nikolić-Novaković Beograd, 23. novembar 2013.
Internet seksualni predatori: ko su oni? • Internet seksualni predatori generalno nisu pedofili. Budući da su ovi predatori (hebephilia) uglavnom zainteresovani za decu u ranom pubertetu, takvi prestupnici se ne uklapaju u klinički profil pedofila koje, po definiciji, seksualno privlače deca u pretpubertetskom uzrastu (APA, 2000).
Tipovi internet seksualnih predatora? • Lovci (stalkers) • Kruzeri(cruisers) • Masturbatori (masturbators) • Trgovci ili kolekcionari(networkers or swappers) • Kombinacija sva četiri tipa
Ko su najčešće žrtve? • Istraživanja pokazuju da adolescenti koji provode mnogo vremena u čet sobama: - imaju probleme sa svojim roditeljima; - pate od depresije ili osećaja usamljenosti; - već su seksualno zlostavljanji. • Internet seksualne predatore naročito zanimaju devojčice uzrasta od 13-14 godina.
Izopačena pravda http://www.perverted-justice.com/
Faze razgovora • Prva faza: formiranje prijateljstva/posebnog odnosa • Druga faza: procena rizika • Treća faza: razgovori o seksu • Četvrta faza: susret licem u lice
Strategije koje predatori upotrebljavaju u razgovorima sa žrtvama: • Razvijanje lažnog poverenja: - razmena ličnih podataka; - razmena informacija o prethodnim vezama; - informacija o omiljenim aktivnostima; - komplimenti – razmena fotografija • Komunikativna desenzitizacija: predator namerno i često koristi vulgarne rečida učini žrtvu manje osetljivom na vulgarni jezik. • Izolacija: pošto na internetu nije moguće postići potpunu fizičku izolaciju, predator to postiže tako što se stara da žrtva uvek razgovara sa njim bez ičijeg nadzora.
1. Formiranje prijateljstva/posebnog odnosa Kontakt i razmena ličnih podataka: virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:36:16 PM): hivirgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:36:18 PM): how r u doin virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:36:19 PM): aslmistygray013 (07/30/09 12:41:32 PM): himistygray013 (07/30/09 12:41:36 PM): whats ur asl?virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:41:41 PM): my name is Joe virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:41:50 PM): 25,m,michiganvirgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:41:51 PM): youmistygray013 (07/30/09 12:41:57 PM): 14 f mi
Razmena fotografija Seksualni predator uvek šalje tipičnu fotografiju – on go u kupatilu: virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:49:25 PM): what u look like Heather ? u got a pix mistygray013 (07/30/09 12:49:30 PM): ya mistygray013 (07/30/09 12:49:32 PM): do u? virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:49:54 PM): yea i do have a pix heather virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:50:00 PM): but u probably wont want it mistygray013 (07/30/09 12:50:14 PM): why not? virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:50:26 PM): its of me nude standing in front of the bathroom mirror after i got out of the shower awhile ago virgin18yearold (07/30/09 12:55:49 PM): just remember the pix isnt the greatest kinda blurry and i took the pix after i got out of the shower so im not hard down below virgin18yearold (07/30/09 1:09:26 PM): and yes Heather thats me mistygray013 (07/30/09 1:10:02 PM): kool virgin18yearold (07/30/09 1:10:13 PM): thx virgin18yearold (07/30/09 1:10:35 PM): u not mad for seeing my dick r u or u liked seeing
Komplimenti • south_calif_46m (4:10:08 PM): Beautiful lips, Amy • south_calif_46m (4:10:14 PM): You're a hottie • mesadash8pilot (08/23/08 10:54:00 PM): your really cute • rubyslippers013 (08/23/08 10:54:06 PM): thanks • mesadash8pilot (08/23/08 10:54:33 PM): I really like your hair the way it is in the picture your kind of looking down
2. Procena rizika – izolacija žrtve Predator želi da bude siguran da neće biti uhvaćen i da je žrtva uvek sama: • wellhungnwky : is anybody going to bother us tonight? • xjonalynx : no • xjonalynx : my dad's in iraq • wellhungnwky :ok • xjonalynx : my mom's on a trip with her bf. (bitch) • wellhungnwky : yes i know....hehe • wellhungnwky : do u have any family that comes over? • xjonalynx : no, we just moved here • xjonalynx : we don't have family here” • mesadash8pilot: Do your grandparents ever work before you go to school? • rubyslippers013: my gma does sometimes • rubyslippers013: my gpa is different times all the time • mesadash8pilot: well I would like to time it to where no one is home at your house so you can suck my cock and I can fuck you
Obično traže od žrtve da obriše sve čet logove i da nikome ne kaže za razgovor: • Predator: don’t tell anyone we have been talking • Pseudožrtva: ok • Pseudožrtva: lol who would i tell? No one’s here • Predator: well I want it to be our secret
3. Razgovori o seksu Razgovori o seksu često se povezuju sa sticanjem novih znanja, igrom koju treba odigrati ili ovladavanjem bitnih veština za učestvovanje u budućim seksualnim odnosima: Predator: Basically the bf is in charge when it comes to that stuff, in a private place.. go ahead and just start sucking my dick until I'm ready to cum, then I'll probably put you on the bed and put it in your pussyPseudožrtva: okPredator : So lets make an examplePseudožrtva : kPredator: We pull up under the stars in my truck and we lay down in the back.. what would you do because your the gfPseudožrtva: suck on uPredator: Would I have to ask or say anything?Pseudožrtva : noPredator: good job babe :)
Fiksirani diskurs Predatorima je najvažnija tema seksa koju ne žele da menjaju. U sledećem dijalogu predator ignoriše pitanje žrtve i vraća se na temu seksa: • Predator: licking dont hurt • Predator: its like u lick ice cream • Pseudo-victim: do u care that im 13 in • march and not yet? i lied a little bit b4 • Predator: its all cool • Predator: i can lick hard
4. Susret • mesadash8pilot (09/12/08 11:45:41 PM): so is anybody going to be home with you on monday? • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:46:05 PM): gramma might have a dr appt • mesadash8pilot (09/12/08 11:48:13 PM): ah, I was seeing if I could come over and have you suck my cock and fuck me • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:49:07 PM): cool • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:49:12 PM): r u really gonna come? • mesadash8pilot (09/12/08 11:49:57 PM): only if no one was home • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:50:26 PM): i can ask gma when shes goin 2 her dr • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:50:43 PM): i think its in the mornin real early • mesadash8pilot (09/12/08 11:50:56 PM): nah, we would need our privacy pretty much all day • rubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:51:03 PM): k • mesadash8pilot (09/12/08 11:51:12 PM): your going to suck my cock and fuck me a lot when I comerubyslippers013 (09/12/08 11:51:16 PM): ok
Zaključak • Da bi adolescenti znali kako da se zaštite od seksualnih predatora na društvenim mrežama, moraju se upoznati sa jezikom koji predatori upotrebljavaju u razgovorima da ih navedu na seksualni odnos. • Jedan od načina da ih naučimo kako da prepoznaju seksualne predatore u čet sobamai zaštite se od neprijatnih razgovora i seksualnog zlostavljanja jeste putem obrazovnihmaterijala koji, pored drugih informacija, uključuju i primere stvarnih razgovora između predatora i žrtve i analize tih razgovora.
Literatura • American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC: Author. • Holmes, S.T. and Holmes, R. M. (2009). Sex Crimes: Patterns and Behavior, 3rd ed. Los Angeles: Sage. • Lanning, K. V. (2002). Law enforcement perspective on the compliant child victim. The APSAC Advisor, 14(2), 4-9. • Olson, L.N., Daggs, J.L., Ellevold, B.L., & Rogers T.K.K. (2007). Entrapping the Innocent: Toward a Theory of Child Sexual Predators’ Luring Communication. Communication Theory 17, 231-251. • Perverted Justice. (2007, January 25). daddy_needs_slave. Transcript posted to: http://www.perverted-justice.com/?archive=daddy_needs_slave • Perverted Justice. (2006, March 9). dveightus. Transcript posted to: http://www.perverted-justice.com/?archive=dveightus • Seto, M.C. (2008). Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. • Wolak, J., Finkelhor, D., & Mitchell, K. J. (2004). Internet-initiated sex crimes against minors: Implications for prevention based on findings from a national study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(5), 424.e11-424.e20.