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A IABIN Coordination Hallmark • A multitude of clues to understanding structure and function of biodiversity in The Americas are buried in the data. It takes an entrepreneurial mindset of constant searching such as encouraged by IABIN and countries to find them.
IABIN Sustainability Advancing on Biodiversity Informatics and Sustainable Development Decision Processes and Policies At National and Regional Scales Through the Use of IABIN Data and Services in The Americas
IABIN Project Cycle and Management IABIN Data and Metadata Content Grants IABIN Standards and Protocols IABIN Data QA-QC IABIN Services and Interoperability
Proveemos Información en Ecosistemas y Agricultura • Humedales • Áreas Costeras y Marinas • Ecosistemas Riparios • Hidro-ecología • Biodiversidad • Producción Agrícola • Prioridades para la Conservación • Cambio Climático • Restauración • Ecología Aplicada
Vision of IABIN towards 2015 Evolve towards an integrated contributed network to bolster a wide range of biodiversity Web-based knowledge resources, thereby expanding IABIN user community in The Americas. IABIN Revamped Mission Support smooth interaction with a large and diverse variety of independent biodiversity institutions of data sources and legacy applications, running on distributed platforms into a contributed web-based network approach. As a result, IABIN endeavor is to building and managing cooperative information systems through integrated databases, biodiversity knowledge-based systems, groupwares, data workflows, and geographical user interfaces. IABIN will also have to be intelligently interfaced with web based application software, and will need to be dynamically integrated into customized and highly connected cooperative environments in The Americas. Such interactions may involve intuitive navigation, publishing, querying and retrieval, workflow analyses, on line education and will have to be combined with the needs of IABIN end-users, countries, conventions, mechanisms about biodiversity and climate change adaptation and mitigation. IABIN should position itself to become the premier vehicle for evidence based conservation in the Americas
Background: Significant Advances made with GEF Phase I funding • Common names, taxonomic hierarchies and datasets for specimens and species. • Invasive species’ tools, metadata, and associated data sets. • Pollinator’s datasets, occurrences, and ecological niche models. • A standardized classification database for ecosystem´s classes (terrestrial, marine and continental waters ecosystems) with mapping layouts and cross-references to local ecosystem classifications. • Information on geographical distribution, management and extent of Protected Areas. • Improved and documented IABIN data quality through application of mint algorithms developed by CIAT. • Metadata and published literature citations from a multilingual Catalog. • Web-based GIS tools applied to integrate and analyze IABIN data on conservation, planning, and environmental safeguards powered by IABIN DIAG and Ecosystems Assessment Reporting tools.
Amount of Thematic Networks Records in the IABIN Data Integration and Analysis Gateway (DIAG) SSTN 3,441,157 records ETN 1,885,790 records I3N 1,926 records PATN 7,042 records PTN 17,067 records TOTAL 5,352,982 records
IABIN II: Proposal Concept A significant amount of tools have been developed and standardized biodiversity and conservation data has been integrated through the support of IABIN GEF Phase I funding. These products are now ready for use to support national and regional decision making processes. IABIN II funding will be used to ensure efficient access to all IABIN TN data and tools for National and Regional Planning Processes, implementation of international conventions, and continued support for scientific inquiry and conservation applications across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for Colombia using Focalize it Tool Fuente : Fandiño-Lozano, M. & W. van Wyngaarden, 2005. Prioridades de Conservación Biológica para Colombia. Grupo ARCO, Bogotá. 186 pp.
Specific Applications of IABIN Data and Tools • Advancing biodiversity baselines for each nation along with a set of environmental indicators. • Identification of critical conservation areas throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. These critical conservation areas will be aggregated from national conservation assessments, using the IABIN data and tools as an important regional context for the representation of biodiversity and conservation values. • Support the development, implementation and monitoring of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans through improved acquisition of baseline socioeconomics, biological, and ecological information. • Integration of strategic ecosystem service values that are critical for sustainable development across the region with the biodiversity and conservation values.
Specific Applications of IABIN Data and Services • Identification of significant change agents across the region that could alter the landscape integrity for these biodiversity and ecosystem service values. These would include anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, energy development, agricultural development, deforestation and infrastructure development. These also include the probability of fire and other natural disasters, as well of predictions of climate change. The integration of this information will improve national and regional planning and adaptation policies and decisions. • Support the implementation of national, regional and project level environmental assessments and monitoring programs. These include support to organizations and processes focusing on the development of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), Country Environmental Assessments (CEA), Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), ecosystem services valuation and biodiversity offset analyses.
Implementation Components • The implementation of the IABIN 2 Components will depend upon the • continued development of the existing IABIN infrastructure, • improved availability of data and tools, • effective capacity building • creation of increased awareness.
Implementation Components Improve and distribute the infrastructure and tools that allow data integration of biological, ecological, geospatial, and socio-economic data; Train users and data providers on IABIN standards and data utilization for decision making; • Through new partnerships with national universities, government institutions and NGOs • Continue to improve standardized data in response to the identified needs of country partners; • Identify data gaps based on country needs, and strategies to fill these gaps • Provide relevant biodiversity information and synthesis indicators for regional development and conservation activities • GEF, World Bank, CAF, UNEP, and IADB. • Coordinate with other strategic regional and national initiatives and processes • e.g., GeoSur/CAF, IIRSA, IRBio, Natural Capital Project Toolbox, Forest Monitoring for Action (FORMA), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), Biotrade Coalition for Andes and Amazonia, Bank of Natural Capital, Bank BNDES Amazon Fund, The Business and Biodiversity Offset Programme (BBOP), The Environment Bank, The US Habitat Banking System, and The Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
Governance and Politics • Identify appropriate governance structure scenarios that would best support the planning, management and implementation of this IABIN Phase II project. • Develop a sound governance that will facilitate the management of the system infrastructure updating, upgrading, and making data available to users using IABIN standards. • Establish new relationships and agreements with strategic international organizations (e.g., UN organizations, multi-lateral development banks, etc.) to guide the development and implementation of this project. • Establish new relationships with national Ministries (e.g, National Geographic Institutes, Economic Affairs, Planning, Public Health, Development and Environment) to ensure the appropriateness of data, tools and other products required to carry out processes at the national level. • Implement functional structures and approaches that will be needed to address transboundary biodiversity conservation and development issues and projects.
IABIN Grantmaking 2011 IABIN Regional Showcase of the GEF 1 Project • U.S. Private Foundations • List of Potential Donors and Existing Proposals • IABIN CIs Proposal Development upon existing needs • Proposals drafted by John Waugh • IABIN 2009 Workplan Campaigns ( IABIN Enterprise Integration and Analyses, IABIN meets The Semantic Web, Data and Metadata Contents Grants, IABIN User Working Groups, IABIN Cloud Computing, IABIN MEDS
Climate Adaptation Monitoring, Evaluation, and Decision-Support (Climate Adaptation MEDS) • It is proposed that a monitoring evaluation and decision-support (MEDS) tool be developed integrating biodiversity, land use/land cover, socio-economic, demographic, meteorological, and infrastructure data with climate models for use in climate adaptation planning and evaluation.
IABIN and Google Parks The specific objective of the project is to create a global facility to collect, catalogue, search and access information on the world’s protected areas and their management, and support epistemic communities working together to address conservation topics. This publicly accessible knowledge-base would feature rapid search capabilities, the ability to organize information in a variety of ways (e.g., visual information such as maps, remote sensing imagery and photographs, text, and numeric data). Data would be linked to online web logs and/or chat facilities, using a distributed management model, with helpdesk functionality and the ability for users to contribute additional information. These elements will produce an interactive global knowledge base designed to keep professionals in touch with one another between meetings and training sessions to share knowledge and to solve problems
Monitoring Rapid Environmental Change in South America Our goal is to improve transparency and rigor in decision-making and governance of a complex bio/geo/socio-economic system. Our objective is create a more transparent, rigorous, and publicly accessible decision making process through the provision of data and the development of models using the data to describe a range of scenarios describing alternative futures for South America based upon different combinations of driving forces (e.g., moderate and predictable climate change combined with large-scale hydropower development and most road corridors, or extreme climate change combined with limited hydropower development and major multimodal transportation corridors). These scenarios will be developed through a series of workshops bringing together regional and global experts on all aspects of the IIRSA program, including engineers, hydrologists, environmental planners, biodiversity experts, climate modelers and climate adaptation specialists, environmental health experts and epidemiologists, demographers, and specialists in social and economic development, including indigenous peoples representatives. The product of these workshops will be a series of alternative futures.
Use of IABIN to Assist in the Preparation of National Reports • Undertake review of work undertaken to date on the harmonization of implementation and reporting of the three major environmental conventions, summarizing their analyses and key recommendations, and identify areas of possible harmonization in the three participating small island states arising from that work, including indicators (Output: review of harmonization analyses done to date) • Propose a framework for a national harmonized reporting framework, including data management requirements (Output: draft reporting framework and information management strategy) • Test the framework through a scenario exercise at a workshop for the national implementing agencies. (Output: revised strategy and framework based upon consultation and testing via scenarios with national focal points). • Assist the national focal points for IABIN in using the draft framework, as amended through the workshop, in developing and implementing GEF projects • Assist each country in developing a sample report. (Output: • pilot harmonized report). • .
IABIN Proposals to be submitted • Vulnerability Atlas for the Wider Caribbean • Developing Ecosystem Data System for Latin America and the Caribbean • IABIN Applied Biodiversity Institute • Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response Learning Network • Catalog of Ecosystem Services • Vulnerability Atlas for the Wider Caribbean • EcoHealth
IABIN Proposals to be submitted • Wildfire Risk in the Americas • Ecosystem Services in Food Production • Ecosystem Integrity Trends • Protected Areas system design for climate change • IABIN supports with IT to biodiversity safeguards of green banking • Comprehensive assessment of land use/land cover in the Americas • Emulate the CHM-like national governance structure model for IABIN • IABIN Data and Services supporting global biodiversity initiatives • Leverage a IABIN representative into WGISS CEOS
arturo.restrepo@gmail.com IABIN Coordinator