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Solving Scale Linear Systems ( Example system continued ). Lecture 14 MA/CS 471 Fall 2003. Today. We will discuss direct methods for a slightly larger loop current problem as introduced last time.
Solving Scale Linear Systems (Example system continued) Lecture 14 MA/CS 471 Fall 2003
Today • We will discuss direct methods for a slightly larger loop current problem as introduced last time. • Then we will look at a much larger problem and examine the memory/work requirements for direct methods.
Note • It is important that at least one loop has aresistor that lies only on that loop (i.e. at least one resistor lying on a wire not shared by two loops). • Otherwise the entire circuit will short circuit around the boundary of the entire circuit.. • For example: 9 9 8 8 1W 1W 4W 4W 6W 6W 5 4 5 4 3W 3W 7W 7W 1 1 + - + - 2 3 2 3 1W 1W 2W 2W
Circuit Problem Enlarged 9 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 5 4 3W 7W 1 + - 10V 2 3 1W 5W 2W Problem: Find the current running through each closed loop 1W 4W 6W 11 15 3W 7W 7 + - 20V 17 12 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 16 6 3W 7W + - 30V 10 14 13 1W 2W
Shortcut to Loop Current Matrix 9 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 5 4 3W 7W 1 + - 10V 2 3 1W 5W • To obtain the n’th row of the • Matrix: • The diagonal entry is equal to the sum of the resistances on the n’th loop • There is an off diagonal entry foreach neighbor of the loop which is equal to:a) –sum(resistances) on shared wire if loop currents are in opposite direction b) sum(resistances) on shared wire if loop currents are in the same direction 2W 1W 4W 6W 11 15 3W 7W 7 + - 20V 17 12 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 16 6 3W 7W + - 30V 10 14 13 1W 2W
9 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 5 4 3W 7W 1 + - 2 3 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 11 15 3W 7W 7 + - 17 12 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 16 6 3W 7W + - 10 14 13 1W 2W
Run bigcircuit • Create the list of non-zeros • Convert the list to Matlab’s sparse matrix format • Convert the sparse matrix to a full matrix (just for viewing)
Counting the Non-Zeros with nnz • We can use Matlab’s built in nnz function to find the number of non-zeros: i.e. there are only 58 non-zero entries out of 17x17=289 possible
Now We LU Factorize The Sparse Matrix • Since there are only a few degrees of freedom we will use a direct method to factorize and solve the system. • We can use the built in LU factorization of the matrix… • i.e. find two matrices L & U such that A=LU where L is logically lower triangle and U is logically upper triangle..
Solving The System • Now we have factorized the system into A=LU we can solve in three stages. • Build the source vector, v • Solve y = L\v • Solve for the currents I = U\y
Solving for the loop currents using an LU factorization 9 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 5 4 3W 7W 1 + - 10V 2 3 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 11 15 3W 7W 7 + - 20V 17 12 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 16 6 3W 7W + - 30V 10 14 13 1W 2W
Solving for the loop currents using an LU factorization 9 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 5 4 3W 7W 1 + - 10V 2 3 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 11 15 3W 7W 7 + - 20V 17 12 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 16 6 3W 7W + - 30V 10 14 13 1W 2W
Let’s Renumber • Matlab has a built in routine symrcm which takes a symmetric matrix and returns a permutation array so that if we use this to permute the unknowns (by column and row swaps) the bandwidth of the matrix may be reduced…
How Were The Loops Renumbered • We can examine the permutation matrix: • i.e. the old 13 cell becomes the new 1 cell • 6->2, 14->3…
9 16 8 17 1W 1W 5W 5W 2W 2W 1W 1W 4W 4W 6W 6W 5 4 14 15 3W 3W 7W 7W 1 13 + - + - 2 3 12 10 1W 1W 5W 5W 2W 2W 1W 1W 4W 4W 6W 6W 11 15 9 6 3W 3W 7W 7W 7 11 + - + - 17 5 12 8 1W 1W 5W 5W 2W 2W 1W 1W 4W 4W 6W 6W 16 6 4 2 3W 3W 7W 7W + - + - 10 7 14 3 13 1 1W 1W 2W 2W
Let’s Figure Out the Sequence of Shells in symrcm 16 17 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 14 15 3W 7W 13 + - 12 10 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W 6W 9 6 3W 7W Level 1 Level 4 11 + - 5 8 1W 5W 2W 1W 4W Level 2 Level 5 6W 4 2 3W 7W + - Level 3 Level 6 7 3 1 1W 2W
Effect of Reordering Before After
Notes • We could have also used Cholesky factorization (since the loop current matrix is symmetric). • Just by reordering unknowns we have changed the amount of fill in the L,U factors of the matrix. • Changing the ordering of cells will not change the answer (beyond round off). • However, we have reduced the amount of work required in the backsolves.
Comparing The Results • We can compare the results from solving using the original matrix and using the reordered matrix: No reordering With reordering
OK – Let’s Get Serious And Look At A Large Circuit Case We can construct a random circuit:
The Sparsity Pattern of a Loop Circuit Matrix for a Random Circuit (with 1000 closed loops)
Notes • For a more realistic circuit (i.e. with less random interconnects) the fill in the L & U matrices will be reduced more after reordering using RCM
Lab Task • Construct a more realistic “random” circuit for an arbitrary N (i.e. design a process which randomly grows a circuit). Use an interconnect of say 4 per cell on average. • Time how long the LU factorization takes for N=10,100,1000,1e4,1e5,1e6,1e7,1e8and plot a graph of time v. N • Calculate the number of non-zeros (i.e. how much memory is taken by the L & U matrices). Plot this as a function of N. • Solve with a random source vector for N=10,100,…,1e6 and time how long the backsolves take and plot a graph of time v. N • Perform a polynomial fit of the timings (estimate the polynomial growth rate with N)… • USE SPARSE MATRICES!. You can use Cholesky if you wish.