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Towards Beautiful Test Cases for Compiler Bugs

Towards Beautiful Test Cases for Compiler Bugs. John Regehr University of Utah.

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Towards Beautiful Test Cases for Compiler Bugs

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  1. Towards Beautiful Test Cases for Compiler Bugs John Regehr University of Utah

  2. template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shift_right ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shr ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } } } # 5 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 14 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< floating_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { typedeftypename dispatch::meta::as_integer<A0, unsigned>::type itype; return bitwise_cast<result_type>(shift_right(bitwise_cast<itype>(a0),a1)); } }; } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext{ } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< integer_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { return a0 >> a1; } }; } } } # 6 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 20 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext {

  3. From GCC PR 50800: “Testcase is [here] (couldn't attach it due to bugzilla size restrictions)” template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shift_right ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shr ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } } } # 5 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 14 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< floating_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { typedeftypename dispatch::meta::as_integer<A0, unsigned>::type itype; return bitwise_cast<result_type>(shift_right(bitwise_cast<itype>(a0),a1)); } }; } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext{ } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< integer_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { return a0 >> a1; } }; } } } # 6 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 20 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext {

  4. From GCC PR 50800: “Testcase is [here] (couldn't attach it due to bugzilla size restrictions)” template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shift_right ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shr ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } } } # 5 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 14 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< floating_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { typedeftypename dispatch::meta::as_integer<A0, unsigned>::type itype; return bitwise_cast<result_type>(shift_right(bitwise_cast<itype>(a0),a1)); } }; } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext{ } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< integer_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { return a0 >> a1; } }; } } } # 6 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 20 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { Next comment: “That you couldn't attach it should tell you something…”

  5. From GCC PR 50800: “Testcase is [here] (couldn't attach it due to bugzilla size restrictions)” template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shift_right ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<tag::shift_right_( A0 const& , A1 const& )>::type shr ( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) { typename boost::dispatch::make_functor<tag::shift_right_, A0>::type callee; return callee( a0 , a1);; } } } # 5 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 14 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/scalar/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< floating_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< floating_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { typedeftypename dispatch::meta::as_integer<A0, unsigned>::type itype; return bitwise_cast<result_type>(shift_right(bitwise_cast<itype>(a0),a1)); } }; } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext{ } } } namespace boost { namespace dispatch { namespace meta { template< class A0 , class A1> __attribute__((always_inline)) boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> >) , tag::cpu_ > dispatching( boost::simd::tag::shift_right_, tag::cpu_ , scalar_< integer_<A0> > const , scalar_< integer_<A1> > const , adl_helper = adl_helper() ) { boost :: simd :: ext :: implement< boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_ > that; return that; } } } } namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { template< class A0 , class A1 , class Dummy > struct implement < boost::simd::tag::shift_right_( scalar_< integer_<A0> > , scalar_< integer_<A1> > ) , tag::cpu_, Dummy > { typedef A0 result_type; inline result_type operator()( A0 const& a0 , A1 const& a1 ) const { return a0 >> a1; } }; } } } # 6 "/home/gaunard/build/may_alias/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/include/functions/shift_right.hpp" 2 # 1 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" 1 # 20 "/home/gaunard/dev/may_alias/modules/boost/simd/operator/include/boost/simd/toolbox/operator/functions/simd/common/shift_right.hpp" namespace boost { namespace simd { namespace ext { Next comment: “That you couldn't attach it should tell you something…” Next comment: 203 KB reduced test case attached

  6. (safe_47 (((g_1161 ^ 0x2893L), (((safe_9 ((!l_1747), ((l_1749 = func_37 (func_58 ((l_1748, 4294967293UL), g_110, l_1168, p_7, l_1747), g_381, p_9)), g_894))) != l_1747) <= p_10)), p_8))), g_11) <= p_7)), g_1315, p_8), 10))) > 4UL), 0x93L)) ^ g_1161))) <= l_1750), p_8), g_458); g_1122 = (l_1749 && func_37 (l_1750, (g_1161 = ((safe_17 (((safe_60 (l_1755, 4)) | (g_703, (safe_55 ((p_10, 3UL), p_7)))), ((safe_51 ((safe_42 (0UL, ((l_1747 != 0x3AL) < g_28))))) | 0xF862D3BEL))) != 0xC7L)), g_1487)); g_146 = 0xBC806FC8L; l_1788 = func_24 (((safe_13 ((~ (((g_458 != (safe_54 (((~ (l_1749 = (safe_43 ((safe_14 ((((safe_62 ((safe_4 ((safe_63 (((l_1750 = 1L), (safe_59 (l_1168, 1))), (((p_10 = func_46 (func_46 (l_1749, g_894, (safe_23 (l_1749, (l_1167 = g_1161))), ((l_1469 =

  7. (safe_47 (((g_1161 ^ 0x2893L), (((safe_9 ((!l_1747), ((l_1749 = func_37 (func_58 ((l_1748, 4294967293UL), g_110, l_1168, p_7, l_1747), g_381, p_9)), g_894))) != l_1747) <= p_10)), p_8))), g_11) <= p_7)), g_1315, p_8), 10))) > 4UL), 0x93L)) ^ g_1161))) <= l_1750), p_8), g_458); g_1122 = (l_1749 && func_37 (l_1750, (g_1161 = ((safe_17 (((safe_60 (l_1755, 4)) | (g_703, (safe_55 ((p_10, 3UL), p_7)))), ((safe_51 ((safe_42 (0UL, ((l_1747 != 0x3AL) < g_28))))) | 0xF862D3BEL))) != 0xC7L)), g_1487)); g_146 = 0xBC806FC8L; l_1788 = func_24 (((safe_13 ((~ (((g_458 != (safe_54 (((~ (l_1749 = (safe_43 ((safe_14 ((((safe_62 ((safe_4 ((safe_63 (((l_1750 = 1L), (safe_59 (l_1168, 1))), (((p_10 = func_46 (func_46 (l_1749, g_894, (safe_23 (l_1749, (l_1167 = g_1161))), ((l_1469 = Exposes an LLVM miscompilation bug Part of an 89 KB program randomly generated by Csmith

  8. Csmith is our C compiler fuzzer ~425 compiler bugs discovered and reported so far http://embed.cs.utah.edu/csmith/ (safe_47 (((g_1161 ^ 0x2893L), (((safe_9 ((!l_1747), ((l_1749 = func_37 (func_58 ((l_1748, 4294967293UL), g_110, l_1168, p_7, l_1747), g_381, p_9)), g_894))) != l_1747) <= p_10)), p_8))), g_11) <= p_7)), g_1315, p_8), 10))) > 4UL), 0x93L)) ^ g_1161))) <= l_1750), p_8), g_458); g_1122 = (l_1749 && func_37 (l_1750, (g_1161 = ((safe_17 (((safe_60 (l_1755, 4)) | (g_703, (safe_55 ((p_10, 3UL), p_7)))), ((safe_51 ((safe_42 (0UL, ((l_1747 != 0x3AL) < g_28))))) | 0xF862D3BEL))) != 0xC7L)), g_1487)); g_146 = 0xBC806FC8L; l_1788 = func_24 (((safe_13 ((~ (((g_458 != (safe_54 (((~ (l_1749 = (safe_43 ((safe_14 ((((safe_62 ((safe_4 ((safe_63 (((l_1750 = 1L), (safe_59 (l_1168, 1))), (((p_10 = func_46 (func_46 (l_1749, g_894, (safe_23 (l_1749, (l_1167 = g_1161))), ((l_1469 = Part of an 89 KB program randomly generated by Csmith Exposes an LLVM miscompilation bug

  9. short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; } $ clang -O1 foo.c ; ./a.out 0 $ clang -O2 foo.c ; ./a.out 1

  10. Reported as LLVM PR 12189 on 3/5/2012, fixed same day short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; } $ clang -O1 foo.c ; ./a.out 0 $ clang -O2 foo.c ; ./a.out 1

  11. intprintf(constchar *, …); char f[] = { -9L }; int main (void) { printf ("%d\n", 255 | f[0]); } Intel CC 12.0.5 for x86-64 is wrong at “-Ofast -ipo”

  12. intprintf (const char *, ...); const union { short f1; int f2 : 13; } a = { 30155 }; int main (void) { printf ("%d\n", a.f1); printf ("%d\n", a.f2); return 0; } GCC 4.4.3 from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for x86-64 is wrong at -O1

  13. intprintf (const char *, ...); int b; static struct S0 { intf2 : 1; } c; intmain (void) { b = -1 ^ c.f2; printf ("%d\n", b); } GCC from mid-Feb 2012 for x86-64 is wrong at -O0 (PR 52209)

  14. Beautiful test case == • Small (but not obfuscated) • Well-defined • Unambiguously elicits bad behavior • Makes the compiler bug obvious Not all bugs have beautiful test cases

  15. Delta Debugging algorithm “ddmin” == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test results for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  16. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; } Is this still interesting?

  17. #!/bin/bash clang -O1 test.c &&\ ./a.out > out1.txt &&\ clang -O2 test.c &&\ ./a.out > out2.txt &&\ ! diff out1.txt out2.txt

  18. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; } Assume not interesting, so we backtrack

  19. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  20. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  21. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  22. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  23. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  24. ddmin == • Greedy search • Delete chunks • Test for “interestingness” • Keep reducing granularity short a; int b, d, k, l, m; int fn1 (short p1, int p2) { return p1 - p2; } int fn2 (short p1) { return p1 == 0 || a == 0 ? a : a % p1; } int fn3 (int p1, unsigned short p2) { return p2 == 0 ? 0 : p1 % p2; } void fn4 (unsigned char p1) { if (p1) b = 1; } void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  25. Problem: ddmin gets stuck • Output is often not beautiful • Our premise: • The Delta Debugging concept is sound • But ddmin is too hard-coded, inflexible

  26. Generalized Delta Debugging • One or more transformations • E.g. “remove chunks of text” • Interestingness test • Fitness function • E.g. “prefer smaller test cases” • Search algorithm • E.g. “greedy”

  27. Generalized Delta Debugging • One or more transformations • E.g. “remove chunks of text” • Interestingness test • Fitness function • E.g. “prefer smaller test cases” • Search algorithm • E.g. “greedy”

  28. C-Reduce: A Generalized Delta Debugger • Fixpoint computation • Parameterized by • Interestingness test • Plugins that perform transformations Plugins are iteratorsimplementing: • reset() • advance() • transform(file)

  29. void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  30. void fn5 (p1) { short 0 = 60018; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  31. void fn5 (p1) { short n = 0; k = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  32. void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; 0 = fn2 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  33. void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = 0 (p1); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  34. void fn5 (p1) { short n = 60018; k = fn2 (0); d = k != 0; l = fn1 (d, n); m = fn3 (l, p1); fn4 (m); } int main () { fn5 (2); printf ("%d\n", b); return 0; }

  35. Example transformations: • Remove chunks of text (like ddmin) • C-specific peephole transformations • 0xfeedbeefULL 1 • x ^= yx = y • (x + 1)  x + 1 • while (…) if (…) • x ? y : z  y C-Reduce has 49 plugins so far

  36. Some transformations make coordinated changes across different parts of the program • Inline a function call • Scalar replacement of aggregates • Un-nest nested function calls • Remove dead arguments • Make function return void • Reduce array dimension or pointer level • Shorten identifier name • These use Clang as a rewriter

  37. current test case yes transformation transformation transformation transformation interesting? transformation no

  38. Beautiful test case == • Small (but not obfuscated) • Well-defined • Unambiguously elicits bad behavior • Makes the compiler bug obvious

  39. GCC PR 51962 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int r[3], x[3], y[3]; int main() { int xa=2,ya=5,xb=4,yb=2,n=3; x[0] = 3; x[1] = 5; x[2] = 1; y[0] = 1; y[1] = 3; y[2] = 3; r[0] = 2; r[1] = 1; r[2] = 2; inttcount = 0; for (int k=min(xa,xb); k<=max(xa,xb); k++) { boolfound1,found2 = false; for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-ya)*(y[j]-ya))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found1 = true; } if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-yb)*(y[j]-yb))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found2 = true; } if (found1 && found2) break; } if (!found1) tcount++; if (!found2) tcount++; } cout<< tcount << endl; return 0; }

  40. GCC PR 51962 Bug report says: “Compile the following simple code without -O3, and run. Now compile it with -O3 option (for optimization), run again. Surprisingly 2 different outputs appear.” #include <iostream> using namespace std; int r[3], x[3], y[3]; int main() { int xa=2,ya=5,xb=4,yb=2,n=3; x[0] = 3; x[1] = 5; x[2] = 1; y[0] = 1; y[1] = 3; y[2] = 3; r[0] = 2; r[1] = 1; r[2] = 2; inttcount = 0; for (int k=min(xa,xb); k<=max(xa,xb); k++) { boolfound1,found2 = false; for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-ya)*(y[j]-ya))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found1 = true; } if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-yb)*(y[j]-yb))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found2 = true; } if (found1 && found2) break; } if (!found1) tcount++; if (!found2) tcount++; } cout<< tcount << endl; return 0; }

  41. GCC PR 51962 Bug report says: “Compile the following simple code without -O3, and run. Now compile it with -O3 option (for optimization), run again. Surprisingly 2 different outputs appear.” #include <iostream> using namespace std; int r[3], x[3], y[3]; int main() { int xa=2,ya=5,xb=4,yb=2,n=3; x[0] = 3; x[1] = 5; x[2] = 1; y[0] = 1; y[1] = 3; y[2] = 3; r[0] = 2; r[1] = 1; r[2] = 2; inttcount = 0; for (int k=min(xa,xb); k<=max(xa,xb); k++) { boolfound1,found2 = false; for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-ya)*(y[j]-ya))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found1 = true; } if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-yb)*(y[j]-yb))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found2 = true; } if (found1 && found2) break; } if (!found1) tcount++; if (!found2) tcount++; } cout<< tcount << endl; return 0; } GCC developer responds: “You do not initialise found1.” PR 51962 is RESOLVED INVALID And this person may have a hard time getting someone to read his next bug report

  42. GCC PR 51962 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int r[3], x[3], y[3]; int main() { int xa=2,ya=5,xb=4,yb=2,n=3; x[0] = 3; x[1] = 5; x[2] = 1; y[0] = 1; y[1] = 3; y[2] = 3; r[0] = 2; r[1] = 1; r[2] = 2; inttcount = 0; for (int k=min(xa,xb); k<=max(xa,xb); k++) { boolfound1,found2 = false; for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-ya)*(y[j]-ya))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found1 = true; } if (((k-x[j])*(k-x[j])+(y[j]-yb)*(y[j]-yb))<=r[j]*r[j]) { found2 = true; } if (found1 && found2) break; } if (!found1) tcount++; if (!found2) tcount++; } cout<< tcount << endl; return 0; }

  43. C99 has • 191 kinds of undefined behavior • 52 kinds of unspecified behavior • Code in a bug report must not execute these behaviors • ddmin and C-Reduce tend to introduce these behaviors

  44. #!/bin/bash is_valid_c99 test.c &&\ clang -O1 test.c &&\ ./a.out > out1.txt &&\ clang -O2 test.c &&\ ./a.out > out2.txt &&\ ! diff out1.txt out2.txt

  45. Validity checkers: KCC: executable semantics for C99 http://code.google.com/p/c-semantics/ Frama-C: static analyzer that supports an interpreter mode http://frama-c.com/

  46. Median size output from reducers • For 57 compiler-crash bugs • ddmin*: 8.6 KB • C-Reduce: 0.33 KB • For 43 wrong-code bugs • ddmin*: 6.5 KB • C-Reduce: 0.51 KB *http://delta.tigris.org/

  47. Reduction fails when compiler is non-deterministic • Usually due to memory unsafety + ASLR • Reduction works poorly when compiler bug stems from a resource overflow • Infinite loop, memory leak, register spill

  48. Can C-Reduce create reportable test cases from proprietary codes? • We hope so • Clearly “declassification” has to be done on a case-by-case basis • We would love to get feedback about successes and failures

  49. Does C-Reduce work for C++ code? • Yes, but not (yet) very well • C++-specific transformations are needed • Template instantiation • Namespace and class hierarchy flattening • Problem: No validity checker for C++

  50. Factoring the transformations out of a delta debugger isa good idea • C-Reduce can (sometimes) produce beautiful test cases • Ensuring validity of test cases is hard

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