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True Crime. Mrs. Candi Watson Cardinal Newman School. Terms to Know. Homicide - the killing of one human being by another human Murder - criminal homicide; the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse
True Crime Mrs. Candi Watson Cardinal Newman School
Terms to Know • Homicide- the killing of one human being by another human • Murder- criminal homicide; the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse • First degree murder- it is generally a killing which is deliberate & premeditated in conjunction with felonies such as rape, burglary, arson (varies from state to state) • Second degree murder-a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a possibility
Terms to know • Manslaughter- the unjustifiable, inexcusable and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, & malice • Voluntary manslaughter- requires an intent to kill or cause serious bodily harm • Involuntary manslaughter- the act of unlawfully killing another human being unintentionally • Justifiable homicide- a killing without evil or criminal intent, for which there can be no blame, such as self-defense or to protect another
Terms to know • Psychopath- a person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior • Sociopath- a person affected with an antisocial personality disorder • Antisocial personality Disorder- a personality disorder characterized by chronic antisocial behavior and violation of the law and the rights of others
Antisocial Personality Disorder • A condition characterized by repetitive behavioral patterns that are contrary to usual moral and ethical standards and cause a person to experience continuous conflict with society. Symptoms include aggression, callousness, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, hostility, a low frustration level, marked emotional immaturity, and poor judgment. A person who has this disorder overlooks the rights of others, is incapable of loyalty to others or to social values, is unable to experience guilt or learn from past behaviors, is impervious to punishment, and tends to rationalize his/her behavior & blame on others
Types of Killers serial mass cult Spree • Serial killer- a person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of incidents • Mass Murderer- a person, especially a political or military leader, who is responsible for the deaths of many individuals • Spree Killer- a serial killer whose murders occur in a very short span of time and follow no discernible pattern • Cult- a religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader
Terms associated with killers • Sexual Sadism- the deriving of sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others • Rape- a criminal offense defined in most states as forcible sexual relations with a person against that person’s will • Sodomy- anal or oral intercourse between human beings • Necrophilia- erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses • Cannibalism- the act of a human eating the flesh of another human • Sex Offender- generic term for all persons convicted of crimes involving sex, including rape, molestation, sexual harassment, and pornography production or distribution
Terms to Know • Criminology- the study of crime and the people who commit crime • Forensic- relating to the use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law • Forensic psychology- the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system • Forensic psychiatry- dealing with legal aspects of mental disorders • Forensic pathology- a branch of medicine used for legal purposes and concerned with determining cause of death, examination of injuries due to crime & negligence & examination of tissue samples relevant to crime; also called forensic science
Forensics • “Forensics is the application of science to law.” it is used to investigate criminal cases involving a victim- such as assault, robbery, kidnapping, rape, & murder • The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) is dedicated to the application of science to the law. Membership includes physicians, criminologists, toxicologists, attorneys, dentists, physical anthropologists, document examiners, engineers, psychiatrists, educators and others who practice & perform research in forensic science.
CSI • DNA Evidence- DNA is called the “genetic blueprint” of life; first described by scientists Crick & Watson in 1953 as material that makes up the genetic code of living organisms; DNA is the same in every cell throughout an individual’s body. With the exception of identical twins, no two individuals have the same DNA blueprint. • DNA Analysis- examines DNA found in physical evidence such as blood, hair, and semen & determines whether it can be matched to DNA taken from specific individuals
Behavioral Analysis Unit • Component of the FBI • Uses behavior science to assist in criminal investigations • Brought into mainstream culture by television shows & movies such as Criminal Minds & Silence of the Lambs • BAU assistance is to law enforcement agencies is provided through the process of “criminal investigative analysis”(process of reviewing crimes from behavioral & investigative perspective) • Headquarters is FBI in Quantico, Virginia
Offender Profiling • Also known as Criminal Profiling • behavioral & investigative tool that is intended to help investigators to profile unknown criminal subjects or offenders • Provides a social & psychological assessment of the criminal • In modern criminology, profiling is considered the “third wave” of investigative science • A) 1st wave is study of clues • B) 2nd wave is study of crime itself • C) 3rd wave is study of psyche of criminal • Most famous profiler in recent history is John E. Douglas
Unit 1: Serial Killers • Serial killers have a history of multiple slayings of victims who were generally unknown to them beforehand with a “cooling off” period in between. Their crimes are committed as a result of a compulsion that usually has roots in the killer’s dysfunctional childhood. Many times, this compulsion is linked to the killer’s sex drive. They suffer from Anti-Social Personality Disorder. • Organized- killers who plan out the crime & bring tools; look for strangers far away from home; destroy evidence; have high IQs (105-120) • Disorganized- killers who are of low intelligence & have low IQs (80-95); very impulsive & opportunistic; use weapons at crime scene & usually don’t conceal evidence
Serial KillersThree Types • 1) Thrill Seeker- sees outsmarting law enforcement as a game, enjoys media attention, police pursuit, & evading authorities; they send messages & keep records • 2) Mission Oriented- feels he/she is doing society a favor by eliminating a certain group of unworthy people (like prostitutes) • 3) Power & Control- enjoys victim’s terror, suffering, & screaming; very sadistic
Serial Killers • Characteristics: • White, male, heterosexual, average age is 30 • Wetting the bed past age 12 • Cruel to animals • Pyromaniac • Abandoned by fathers & raised by domineering mothers • Dysfunctional childhoods • Tend to be loners & anti-social • Often start as peepers • Very interested in voyeurism, fetishism, & sado-masochistic pornography at a young age
Serial Killer random facts • 85% are in USA • Usually appear normal & charming • Term “serial killer” was coined in mid-1970s by Robert Ressler at FBI • There have been approximately 400 serial killers in the U.S. in the past century, with 2500-3900 victims • 80% of the 400 have emerged since 1950 • 73% are white; 22% are black; 5% other ethnic groups
Modus Operandi • Mode of operating or working; in criminology, a distinct pattern that comes to be associated with a particular criminal; known as the criminal’s “M.O.”