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serpo, serpere, serpsi. to crawl, creep, glide, slither (like a snake). bigae, bigarum, f.pl. pair of horses; (two-horse) chariot. tumeo, tumēre, tumui. to be distended, swell, be swollen. Ei! (+ dative). Woe! Alas!. muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus. to change; to exchange.
serpo, serpere, serpsi to crawl, creep, glide, slither (like a snake)
bigae, bigarum, f.pl. pair of horses; (two-horse) chariot
tumeo, tumēre, tumui to be distended, swell,be swollen
Ei! (+ dative) Woe! Alas!
muto, mutare, mutavi,mutatus to change; to exchange
exuviae, exuviarum armor stripped from anenemy, spoils; mementos
squaleo, squalēre, squalui to be covered with dirt,be dirty
barba, barbae beard
concresco, concrescere,concrevi, concretus to harden, become stiff
fleo, flēre, flevi, fletus to weep, cry
compello, compellare, compellavi, compellatus to address, speak to, callout to
expromo, expromere,exprompsi, expromptus to bring out; to express,speak
indignus, -a, -um undeserving, unworthy;undeserved, unmerited
culmen, culminis, n. summit of a building, roof,rooftop; height, zenith
commendo, commendare,commendavi, commendatus to commit, entrust
pererro, pererrare,pererravi, pererratus to wander through/over;to look over, think over/about
aeternus, -a, -um endless, eternal, everlasting,enduring
vitta, vittae ribbon, headband