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The “best practice” of the renewable energy in Latvia. Rīga, 20 August 2010 Oj ārs Balcers. Content. Introduction Main renewable energy resources (REN) in Latvia Commercial opportunities for REN. Why go for energy saving and green energy. Climate and energy Local employment
The “best practice” of the renewable energy in Latvia Rīga, 20 August 2010 Ojārs Balcers
Content • Introduction • Main renewable energy resources (REN) in Latvia • Commercial opportunities for REN
Why go for energy saving and green energy Climate and energy Local employment Replace energy import; Improves import-export balance. Energy prices rise Decreases external energy dependency. Energy efficiency improves Decentralised energy generation is believed to be more progressive in the context of climate change
A young flood survivor walks in search of clean water in Nowshera near Peshawar, Pakistan. (August 2010)
http://www.mlo.noaa.gov/home.html <- 350 !
External trade in currency and energy units: wood, natural gas, and electricity
Energy border value – Latvia (electricity, natural gas, and wood)
Latvian energy bilance in 2006 was 206 PJ. 19 PJ or 9 % were electricity. Wood was 50 PJ, or 24 %. Rest were fossil resources – oil products 33 %, natural gas 32 % and coal 2 %. Usage of other energy resources was not significant. REN amounts increases since 90ies (1994.g.- 27%; 2004.- 36%). In 2020 REN will reach 40% primary energy resources (internat. commitments)
Electricity loss (commercial and technical) in total increase 10 % of all supplied electricity. Such loss should be addressed first of all.
1EJ = 1018 J http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=7424.php
Kocēnu novada Zilākalna pagastā rekonstruēs energoapgādes sistēmuReconstructionworks to reduceenergydemand – themostimportantdirectionforLatvia Valmiera, 19.aug., LETA. Kocēnu novada Zilākalna pagastā tiks rekonstruēta energoapgādes sistēma, jo novada dome saņēmusi Lauku atbalsta dienesta apstiprinājumu par finansējuma piešķiršanu projektam, aģentūrai LETA pastāstīja novada domes sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste Elīna Upīte. Finansējums projektam "Atjaunojamo energoresursu energoapgādes sistēmas rekonstrukcija Zilākalna pagastā" piešķirts no Eiropas Savienības lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai (ELFLA). Projektā paredzēts samazināt kurināmā materiāla - šķeldas - mitruma līmeni, izbūvēt angāru šķeldas uzglabāšanai, rekonstruēt apkures katlu un izbūvēt šķeldas padeves sistēmu. Projekta rezultātā tiks paaugstināta pašvaldības sniegto siltumenerģijas pakalpojumu kvalitāte, palielināsies kurināmā materiāla ekonomija un samazināsies izmešu daudzums. Projektu plānots realizēt 12 mēnešu laikā, sākot no šā gada novembra. Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 21 74 lati, no kurām 75% ir ELFLA piešķirtais finansējums.
Initiative is welcome! To decrease impact on climate many options are available, one can renovate building, decrease electricity bills, grow own food, store it in cellar, ride a bicycle, install a solar collector, sort waste, introduce composting, use recycled paper, etc etc
ThemosttopicalLatvian REN Goalsare (40%, 2020) • Biomass (woodchip, straw, and reeds) co-generation • Street lightning (Ministry of Environment Climate Change Financial Instrument) • Energy efficiency activities – buildings, network, equipment (water boilers, fridges) • Transport: biogas, hybrid cars, electric transmission • CM Regulations (quota system end, REN competition, offshore wind)? • REN support and private persons (incl, solar energy in private houses and micro-generation)? • Economic measures – cellars, collectors, and small investment energy efficiency measures.
Naturalgaspricesetting • European tendency is to change the way gas price is set limit natural gas price setting mechanism, limit natural gas tying to oil product pricesand include in long-term supply contracts references to Exchange prices. • Such practise exist in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Germany. • LR Regulator is suggesting changes inmechanism natural gas prices are set in Latvia
Latvian green energy resources • Future energy resources will be diversified (biomass, gas, wind, and water) • Energyefficiency role is increasing
Solar energy can be used for heating water. In winter system can be fit with extra wood heating
Photovoltaic,wind, and water • Perspectives are good, but… • There are many solutions
Kā darbojas ūdens triecis?Vides vēstis, Nr. 7/8, (101), 2007
I suggest everyone to follow the energy discussion.Thank you for attention!