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Dr. Danyel Reiche Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), FU Berlin Renewable Energies

Dr. Danyel Reiche Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), FU Berlin Renewable Energies in the European Union International Conference on Energy Education Santiago de Compostela, 30.6.2005. Country. Hydro*. Wind. Biomass. Geothermal. Total. Austria. 65.4 . 0.3. 2.6. 0.0. 68.3.

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Dr. Danyel Reiche Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), FU Berlin Renewable Energies

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  1. Dr. Danyel Reiche Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), FU Berlin Renewable Energies in the European Union International Conference on Energy Education Santiago de Compostela, 30.6.2005

  2. Country Hydro* Wind Biomass Geothermal Total Austria 65.4 0.3 2.6 0.0 68.3 Belgium 0.4 0.1 1.9 0.0 2.3 Denmark 0.1 13.1 6.6 0.0 19.8 Finland 12.4 0.1 11.2 0.0 23.7 France 12.8 0.1 0.7 0.0 13.6 Germany 4.0 2.7 1.3 0.0 8.1 Greece 4.9 1.1 0.0 0.0 6.1 Ireland 3.6 1.5 0.3 0.0 5.5 Italy 12.1 0.4 0.7 1.4 14.7 Luxembourg 1.8 0.4 1.0 0.0 3.2 Netherlands 0.1 0.8 2.7 0.0 3.6 Portugal 16.4 0.8 3.6 0.2 21.0 Spain 9.3 3.5 1.8 0.0 14.6 Sweden 44.0 0.4 2.6 0.0 47.0 United Kingdom 1.2 0.3 1.3 0.0 2.9 EU-25 9.9 1.2 1.6 0.2 12.9 Production of electricity from renewable sources in 2002. Share in gross production of electricity (source: European Commission) * Does not include pumped storage.

  3. Country RES electricity production Bulgaria Cyprus 0 Czech Republic 3.6 Estonia 0.1 Hungary 0.5 Latvia 66.3 Lithuania 0.8 Malta 0.2 Poland 1.9 Romania 28 Slovenia 27.9 Slovakia 18.5 Turkey 20.8 Production of electricity from renewable sources in 2001. Share in gross production of electricity (source: European Commission)

  4. Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment • amount of rainfall • sunshine intensity • wind speed • (non-)availability of fossil resources Factors which influence renewable energy development

  5. Country Hard coal Lignite Austria - 0.5 Finland - 1.9 France 1.8 0.2 Germany 28.5 52.5 Greece - 12.5 Ireland - 0.6 Spain 9.4 2.0 United Kingdom 27.2 - EU-15 66.9 70.2 Bulgaria - 7.7 Czech Republic 11.0 20.7 Hungary 0.1 4.0 Estonia - 3.0 Poland 82.0 15.0 Romania 2.5 6.9 Slovakia 0.8 0.9 Slovenia - 0.8 Accession States 96.4 59.0 Coal exploitation in the enlarged European Union, 2001 (in Mio t SKE)

  6. Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment • level of oil and gas prices • subsidies for fossil and uranium based energies • internalisation of external costs

  7. (non-)availability of nuclear power or government decisions to phase it out • targets and definitions • administrative responsibility • green parties in power • permit procedures • international obligations and programs (EU-Directive, ALTENER, Kyoto) Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment

  8. (non-)availability of nuclear power or government decisions to phase it out • targets and definitions • administrative responsibility • green parties in power • permit procedures • international obligations and programs (EU-Directive, ALTENER, Kyoto) Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment

  9. ffavourable regulation (feed-in tariffs, quota obligations, tenders, exemptions of energy taxes for RES, etc.) Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment • (non-)availability of nuclear power or government decisions to phase it out • targets and definitions • administrative responsibility • green parties in power • permit procedures • international obligations and programs (EU-Directive, ALTENER, Kyoto)

  10. Definition of feed-in tariffs and quota obligation Feed-in tariffs: Two basic features: Purchase obligation & guaranteed premium prices for RES electricity. Quota systems: Fixing of a certain amount or share of RES power to be reached in a given time period  Mostly in combination with TGCs

  11. Adminis-trative handability Technolo-gy specific payment Location dependent payment Long-term security for investments Compatibility with law and competition Acceptance Success Conditions for Instruments Promoting Renewable Energies

  12. Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment • technological development of RES • grid capacity

  13. Factors which influence renewable energy development Politics Cognitive environment Geography/ starting position in energy policy Technology Economic environment • public awareness • compatibility with the dominant belief in the efficiency of large scale units

  14. Résumé • Differences in RES-use cannot only be explained with the natural conditions. Natural Conditions are an important, but not sufficient explanation for success or failure in RES policy. • Single Factors are often overvalued. Success or failure in RES policy can only be explained in combination of all the presented factors. • Most successfull countries in RES use Feed-in Tariffs. But there is no natural superiority of any instrument, success depends on the specific construction of the tool

  15. Sources • Danyel Reiche (ed.) • „Handbook of Renewable Energies in the European • Union – Case Studies of all Member States, • Frankfurt Am Main 2002 • (Second edition comes out in some weeks) • Danyel Reiche (ed.) • „Handbook of Renewable Energies in the European • Union II – Case Studies of all Accession States, • Frankfurt Am Main 2003.

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