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Full stack developer roles & responsibilities

Learn Full Stack training in Hyderabad from visualpath Training Institute, located in ameerpet and get a job in MNC's and high paying companies easily. This course will help you to master various Technologies that fulfills front end, back end and database. Contact us @ 919989971070 to schedule your Free Demo.

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Full stack developer roles & responsibilities

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  1. Full Stack Developer Roles & Responsibilities

  2. What does a full-stack developer mean • The term full-stack means developers who are comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies. Using Awesome Backgrounds. • To be more specific, it means that the developer can work with databases, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and everything in between, also, venturing as far as converting Photoshop designs to front-end code. Capture Audience Attention. • A full-stack developer doesn’t need to master all of the areas and technologies he needs to work it, because that just makes it nearly impossible, he just needs to be comfortable working with those technologies, and that’s a lot too.

  3. What full-stack meant in 2000 and what it means now? • 2000 was a long time ago, in that year PHP 4.0 was released. Yes, 4.0. Back then, a good web developer knew a little HTML, CSS and some procedural PHP, because proper OOP didn’t even exist until version 5.0. Using Awesome Backgrounds • The LAMP (Linux – Apache – MySQL – Perl/PHP) stack was all the rage in those years, with little or no alternative. In the early 2000s if somebody used version control they were considered either technological heretics or wizards. Today it’s unheard of and laughed at, not using one.

  4. Technology Stacks Main technology stacks that are required from a full-stack developer today are: • System administration • Web Development Tools • Back End Tech • Front End Tech • Design

  5. System administration: Linux powering most of the Internet, it’s a de-facto operating system in web development (not to dismiss .NET). In addition, a full-stack developer should know how cloud hosting works, Amazon / Rackspace or other providers and its APIs. Search is an integral part of most websites – a developer should know how to set up and use search servers such as Sphinx or Elasticsearch. Caching is also important, Varnish, reverse proxy, Memcached and opcode caching. He needs to know what each of these is and how to use it.

  6. Web development tools: Version control: Git, Mercurial, SVN Virtualization: VirtualBox, Vagrant, Docker Today, it’s unnaceptable not to use version control, even if you’re a solo developer. With virtualisation tools, having separated development environments on a per project basis is really nice to have, and easy to set up with VirtualBox and Vagrant at least. If you want to work with Vagrant you also need to know the basic syntax of Ruby and shell scripts as well.

  7. Back-end tech: Back-end tech: Web servers: Apache, Nginx Programming language: PHP, NodeJS, Ruby Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, SQL / JSON in general Apache and Nginx are the norm for web development. A full-stack developer should know how to set up these applications and serve the contents of his website. PHP is what needs to be mastered on a high level, NodeJS, Ruby is nice to know as well. In addition to web server and programming languages, database management is also a requirement for a full-stack developer which in itself is another beast.

  8. Front-end tech: HTML / HTML5: Semantic web CSS / CSS3: LESS, SASS, Media Queries JavaScript: jQuery, AngularJS, Knockout, etc. Compatibility quirks across browsers Responsive design AJAX, JSON, XML, WebSocket Alongside HTML, CSS, Javascript, a full-stack developer should also know about responsive design and how to work with media queries and CSS preprocessors like LESS and SASS. One should also know how to communicate with the back-end via AJAX or WebSockets.

  9. Design: • Converting website design into front-end code • UI • UX In addition to front-end technologies, a full-stack developer also understands what is possible and what not to create with the constraints of HTML / CSS / Javascript and convert the design (Photoshop/Illustrator files) accordingly.

  10. Is it better to be a full-stack developer? Being a full-stack developer means to have an open mind towards new technologies, having your hands dirty in each one and to have an understanding of how a web application gets done from a concept to design to the finished product. The full-stack developer will have an increasingly important role in the web development of the future, especially when development methods such as DevOps are becoming an essential part of software development companies, where the line between code developers and administrators who are responsible for code deployment and setup is getting thinner each day.

  11. Thank You For more information about Full Stack Online Training Visualpath Training Institute Address:- Flat No:205, 2nd Floor Nilgiri Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad Contact :- +91-9989971070 Website:- www.visualpath.in

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