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186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik SS 2011

186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik SS 2011. Organizers: Matthias Bernhard, Thomas Auzinger Teaching staff: M.Wimmer, O.Mattausch, S.Jeschke, R.Habel, C.Scheiblauer, M. Knecht, M.Ilcik, P.Guerrero, M. Arikan, R. Preiner, T. Sturn.

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186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik SS 2011

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  1. 186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus ComputergraphikSS 2011 Organizers: Matthias Bernhard, Thomas Auzinger Teaching staff: M.Wimmer, O.Mattausch, S.Jeschke, R.Habel, C.Scheiblauer, M. Knecht, M.Ilcik, P.Guerrero, M. Arikan, R. Preiner, T. Sturn Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology

  2. Seminar Mission statement: • Get an idea how scientific work is carried out (in CG) • Practice to review literature and get familiar with a particular scientific topic • Selecting, reading and understanding • Summarizing and explaining (orally and written) • Comparing and discussing • Practice to give a talk • Experience critical scientific discussion

  3. Seminar Tasks: • Submit initial literature list • 3 Lectures: • „Wie halte ich einen Vortrag“ (Prof. Purgathofer), • „Forschung und wie sie funktioniert“ (Prof. Gröller), • „How to write a scientific paper“ (Prof. Wimmer) • Write draft of your thesis • Review a draft of a colleague • Give a presentation • Active discussion participation • Revision of final document

  4. Talk • Use Institute’s PowerPoint template for presentations • 20 + 5 minutes talk • In English • Active discussion participation is mandatory and will be graded • Reviewer has to begin the discussion

  5. Thesis • Seminar Thesis (186.175) : STAR 8-12 pages per student • Bachelor Thesis (186.162): book chapter 20-30 pages per student • In English • Format reports in the style of a scientific paper • Use LaTeX • Students can work in groups of two

  6. Scientific discussion • Review of a paper: • Draft of thesis one week before presentation • Everyone gets a draft to review • Typical review form of a conference (Eurographics) • Help author to improve the manuscript • Reviewer begins discussion after the talk • Revision • Improve final submission according to reviewers comments

  7. Important Dates • Attend 3 lectures : • Fri 11.3. 14:15-15:15, “Forschung und wie sie funktioniert” • Fri 15.4. 14:15-15:45, “How to write a scientific paper” • Mon 16.5. 14:00-15:30, “Wie halte ich einen Vortrag” • Fri 15.4., Deadline: list of literature • Thu 2.6., Deadline: draft of your paper • Fri 3.6., Receive paper for review • Wed 8.6., Deadline: review • Thu 9.6. 9:00-…, Presentations • Fri 30.9., Deadline: final paper

  8. TOPICS • Please prepare to take some notes...

  9. GPGPU – Parallel Programming on Graphics Hardware • A survey of parallel programming languages and libraries • CUDA, OpenCL, FORTRAN, Compute Shader • Thrust, BSGP, BLAS • Numerical Applications

  10. External Sorting of Point Data • Laser scanners sample their environment with up to 1 billion points per scan • Algorithms work more efficient on sorted data • Data does not fit completely in the main memory of a computer, therefore... • External Sorting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 3 1 2 4 7 6 5 6 7 1 2 3 4

  11. Multi-threaded Data Structures • In recent years the largest enhancements in processing speed are due to parallelization of well known algorithms. • Research papers on algorithms that can be used to build and manipulate data structures like the octree or the kd-tree in a parallelized way.

  12. Image-based 3D Reconstruction • Give an overview on current reconstruction methods like Structure from motion, SLAM, Mircrosofts Kinect and PointGreys stereo vision products

  13. RT normal estimation for point clouds • Point clouds from stereo vision / 3d scanner deliver a point cloud of the augmented scene but without any normal vectorsGive an overview tothe state of the artalgorithms for real-time normal estimationon point clouds.

  14. Architectural Reconstruction from Sparse Point Clouds • manual generation of building models of urban environments are highly costly • automatic algorithms to reconstruct geometry from point clouds

  15. Inverse Rendering • recover reflectance properties of surfaces in a real scene from a set of photographs, taking into account both direct and indirect illumination one of several input photographs estimated reflectance properties

  16. Post Processing Effects • Research and implement real-time post-processing effects like motion blur, depth of field, cell shading, edge detection, bloom...

  17. HDR-tonemapping • Map high-dynamic range colors to a limited range (e.g. for a LCD-display) • Tone-mapping operator • Computed from image properties (e.g.brightness) • Goal: perceptual match between a real scene and a displayed image • Thesis: give overview and discuss perceptional issues 6 different exposures to generate HDR image Tonemapped image

  18. Camera Artifacts for AR • Give an overview on adding camera artifacts to augmented reality scenes to make virtual objects look more realistic. • Also available as PR or DA!

  19. Simulating Depth-of-field in 3D graphics • DoF • Lens can only focus one point -> limited range where details are perceived in full sharpness • In Computer Graphics: • Has to be simulated • Increase perceived realism • Guide attention • Thesis: discuss optics, simulation techniques and applications

  20. Non-Photorealistic Rendering • Non-Photorealistic Rendering is inspired by artistic styles such as painting, drawing, technical illustration and animated cartoons • Research all kinds of Non-Photorealistic Rendering techniques

  21. Similarity Detection for Shape Understanding • Methods for shape understanding often detect similar parts in a shape to extract its structure • Given this structure 'smarter' operations can be applied to the shape

  22. The Heat Kernel as Shape Descriptor • The way heat propagates in a shape tells a lot about that shape's geometry • The heat kernel provides a compact representation of the heat propagation in a shape

  23. Geometry Synthesis of Surface Details by Exemple • Given an example model with particular geometric surface details, how can one apply the same kind of details to another surface?

  24. Semantic Object Deformations • A survey of advanced deformations methods

  25. 2D Animation Should be intuitive, direct, user friendly Interesting questions As rigid-as-possible manipulation Intuitive handling of depth 2D animation is fun!

  26. Automated Architectural Floor Plans • A survey of floor planing algorithms • Planar graphs, Optimization, Geometry

  27. Topics on Image Processing • Choose your interest from a large range of topics (resizing, merging, denoising, dehazing, color adjustments, recompositioning, …). • Give an (coherent) overview of the state of the art of a single or various techniques.

  28. Image Resizing What is the best way to resize an image? Very hot topic in recent years Good: Seam carving for context-sensitive resizing Even better: Combine different operators in an optimal way

  29. Representing Textures in Gabor Space • Gabor Transform for texture representation in the context of texture synthesis for rendering

  30. Ocean and Wave Dynamics • Oceans and waves can be simulated with different approaches • Procedural, Numerical, Empirical

  31. Seminar Questions? http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/courses/Seminar/index.html

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