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Appendix Lab Manual for Programming Skills

Appendix Lab Manual for Programming Skills. Symbols used in Writing Programs. { opening curly bracket } closing curly bracket # hash sign or number sign (shift+3) ( ) small brackets “aaaa ” double quotes ‘ aaaa ‘ single quotes

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Appendix Lab Manual for Programming Skills

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  1. Appendix Lab Manual for Programming Skills

  2. Symbols used in Writing Programs { opening curly bracket } closing curly bracket # hash sign or number sign (shift+3) ( ) small brackets “aaaa ” double quotes ‘ aaaa ‘ single quotes , comma ; semicolon void main( ) main function // is used for making comment in one line /* is used for making comment in block form */

  3. Unit: 1 Objective: To understand the concept of comments, input ,output Statements and data types . //PROGRAM-1 to demonstrate cout ... COMMENTS // is used for making comment in program #include<iostream> //PREPROCESSOR void main( ) // FUNCTION WITH RETURN TYPE VOID { //Beginning cout<<"WELCOME TO VC++ World "<<endl; // cout IS AN OBJECT IN C++, endl IS END OF LINE, cout<<“Warning! Get ready”<<endl; //; IS CALLED TERMINATOR. } // End

  4. Unit: 1 Program Explanation #include <iostream> Include directive tells the compiler Where to find information about input and output that are used in Your program • cout (see-out) used for output to the monitor • “<<“ is the insertion operator • ‘\n’ causes a new line to be started on the monitor

  5. Unit: 1 //PROGRAM-2 to demonstrate cin cout (int, float,char)... #include<iostream> void main( ) { int a; float b; char c; cout<<"ENTER AN INTEGER VALUE"<<endl; cin>>a; cout<<"ENTER A FLOAT VALUE"<<endl; cin>>b; cout<<"ENTER A CHARACTER OR Alphabet"<<endl; cin>>c; cout<<"INTEGER= "<<a<<"\tFLOAT= "<<b<<"\tCHARECTER= "<<c<<endl; }

  6. Unit: 1 • Program Explanationcin >> a; • cin (see-in) used for input from the keyboard • “>>” extracts data from the keyboard • Think of cin as a name for the keyboard • “>>” points from the keyboard to a variable where the data is stored

  7. Unit: 1 //PROGRAM-3 to find Sum and Average of two numbers. #include<iostream> void main( ) { folat a,b; float sum,avg; cout<<"ENTER TWO NUMBERS"<<endl; cin>>a>>b; sum = a + b; avg = sum/2; cout<<"SUM = "<<sum<<"\n AVARAGE = "<<avg<<endl; }

  8. Unit: 1 //PROGRAM-4 to find Sum and Average of three numbers. #include<iostream> void main( ) { folat a,b,c; float sum,avg; cout<<"ENTER THREE NUMBERS"<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>c; sum = a + b + c; avg = sum/3; cout<<"SUM = "<<sum<<"\n AVARAGE = "<<avg<<endl; }

  9. Uint: 1 Check Your Programming skills: • Write a C++ program to find the difference between two Numbers? • Write a C++ program to find the product of three numbers? • Convert feet to inches given 1 feet= 12 inches?

  10. Unit: 2 Objectives:To implement the concept of operators // PROGRAM-5 to find area of a circle. #include<iostream> void main( ) { float r,area; const float pi=3.147; cout<<"ENTER RADIUS OF CIRCLE"<<endl; cin>>r; area = pi*r*r; cout<<"AREA OF CIRCLE = "<<area<<endl; }

  11. Unit: 2 //Program -6 to display Pay slip of an employee #include<iostream> void main () { double GSal,NSal,ded,basic,da; const double Housing=1000.00, TA=500.00; cout<<"Enter Basic Salary\n"; cin>>basic; cout<<"Enter Deduction Amount\n"; cin>>ded; da=basic*0.2; GSal=basic+da+Housing+TA; NSal=GSal-ded;

  12. Unit: 2 ….. cout<<"\t\t\t\tBasic :\t"<<basic<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tDA :\t"<<da<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tHousing :\t"<<Housing<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tTravelling :\t"<<TA<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tGross salary :\t"<<GSal<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tDeduction :\t"<<ded<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\tNet Salary :\t"<<NSal<<endl<<endl<<endl; }

  13. Unit: 2 Check Your Programming skills • Write a C++ program to find the area of Square? • Write a C++ program to find the volume of Square? • Convert centigrade to Fahrenheit given F=((C/5)*9) + 32? • Write a C++ program to create an invoice of item?

  14. Unit: 3 Objectives:To understand the concepts of conditional statements Or control structure.( if – else ) //Program -7 to find Number is MAX or MIN #include<iostream> void main() { int a,b; cout<<"Enter two numbers\n"; cin>>a>>b; if(a>b) cout<<a<<" is MAXIMUM "<<b<<" is MINIMUM\n"; else cout<<b<<" is MAXIMUM "<<a<<" is MINIMUM\n"; }

  15. Unit: 3 //Program -8 to find number is ODD OR EVEN #include<iostream> void main() { int num; cout<<"Enter a number\n"; cin>>num; if(num%2==0) cout<<num<<" is an Even Number\n"; else cout<<num<<" is an Odd Number\n"; }

  16. Unit: 3 //Program -9 to find the Grade of students #include<iostream> void main() { int mark; char grade; cout<<"Enter mark"; cin >> mark; if(mark >= 90 && mark <= 100 ) grade='A'; if(mark >= 80 && mark <= 89 ) grade='B';

  17. Unit: 3 …… if(mark >= 70 && mark <= 79 ) grade='C'; if(mark >= 60 && mark <= 69 ) grade='D'; if(mark < 60 ) grade='F'; cout<<"Mark"<<"\t"<<"Grade"<<endl; cout<<mark<<"\t"<<grade<<endl; }

  18. Unit: 3 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to find the largest among three numbers by using if-else? • Write a C++ program to find whether the given number is Prime number or not by using if-else? • Write a C++ program to find whether the given number is divisible of 5 or not by using if-else?

  19. Unit: 4 Objectives:To understand the concepts of conditional statements Or control structure.( Switch – Case ) //Program-10 to check the day of week by using SWITCH-CASE #include<iostream> void main() { int x; cout<<"Enter number"<<endl; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout<<"Saturday"<<endl; break;

  20. Unit: 4 …… case 2: cout<<"Sunday"<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<"Monday"<<endl; break; case 4: cout<<"Tuesday"<<endl; break; case 5: cout<<"Wednesday"<<endl; break;

  21. Unit: 4 …… case 6: cout<<"Thursday"<<endl; break; case 7: cout<<"Friday"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"Error"<<endl; } }

  22. Unit: 4 // Program- 11 Menu driven program ( + , * , - , %) using switch case statement #include<iostream> void main() { int n1, n2; char op; cout<<"Enter first number"; cin >> n1; cout<<"Enter second number"; cin >> n2; cout<<"Enter operator(*, /, + -)"; cin >> op; switch (op) { case '*‘:cout<<n1<<op<<n2<<"="<<(n1*n2)<<endl;break;

  23. Unit: 4 ….. case '/‘:cout<<n1<<op<<n2<<"="<<(n1/n2)<<endl;break; case '+‘:cout<<n1<<op<<n2<<"="<<(n1+n2)<<endl;break; case '-‘:cout<<n1<<op<<n2<<"="<<(n1-n2)<<endl;break; default:cout<<"Invalid oprator"<<endl;break; } }

  24. Unit: 4 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to find month of years by using a switch case statement? • Write a menu driven program to calculate different currency Conversions?

  25. Unit: 5 Objectives:To understand the concepts of conditional statements Or control structure.( Loops: FOR, WHILE, DO WHILE ) // Program-12 to print natural numbers from 1 to 30 using FOR loop #include <iostream> void main() { int i; for (i=0;i<=30;i++) { cout<<" "<<"i="; cout<<i<<endl; } }

  26. Unit: 5 // Program-13 to print natural numbers from 1 to 30 using WHILE loop #include<iostream> void main() { int a=1; while(a<=30) { cout<<a<<endl; a++; } }

  27. Unit: 5 // Program-14 to print natural numbers from 1 to 30 using DO WHILE loop #include<iostream> void main() { int a=1; do { cout<<a<<endl; a++; } while(a<=30); }

  28. Unit: 5 //Program -15 to display first 10 Odd numbers using FOR loop #include <iostream> void main() { int i; for (i=1;i<=20;i=i+2) cout<<" i="<<i<<endl; }

  29. Unit: 5 //Program-17 to display first 10 Odd numbers using WHILE loop #include<iostream> void main() { int a=1; while(a<=20) { cout<<a<<endl; a=a+2; } }

  30. Unit: 5 //Program-18 to display first 10 Odd numbers using DO WHILE loop #include<iostream> void main() { int a=1; do { cout<<a<<endl; a=a+2; } while(a<=20); }

  31. Unit: 5 //Program-19 to find the Factorial of Number using do while loop #include<iostream> void main() { int n,i=1,fact=1; cout<<" enter the number "; cin>>n; if(n>=0) { do { fact=fact*i; i++; }

  32. Unit: 5 ….. while(i<=n); cout<<"fact="<<fact<<"\n"; }}

  33. Unit: 5 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to display first 10 even numbers using For loop? • Write a C++ program to display first 10 even numbers using WHILE loop? • Write a C++ program to display first 10 even numbers using DO WHILE loop? • Write a C++ program to find the Factorial of Number using For loop? Write a C++ program to print all prime numbers between two limits by using do while loop?

  34. Unit: 6 Objectives:To understand the concepts of nested loops // Program-20 Program to display stars in a triangle shape #include <iostream> void main() { int i,j,k,n,m; cout<<"Enter a number"; cin>>n; m=n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) // * * * { // * * for(j=0;j<i;j++) // * cout<<" ";

  35. Unit: 6 ….. for(k=0;k<m;k++) cout<<" *"; cout<<endl; m--; } }

  36. Unit: 6 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to display different types of triangles * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • Write a C++ program to display following patterns? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  37. Unit: 7 Objectives:To understand the concept of arrays // Program-21 program to store 5 numbers in an array then print them #include<iostream> void main() { int a[5],i; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { cout<<"enter any Number :"<<endl; cin>>a[i]; }

  38. Unit: 7 ….. cout<<"The Elements are as below : "<<endl; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<endl; } }

  39. Unit: 7 // Program-23 program using arrays for checking Maximum number and Minimum number among elements #include <iostream> void main() { int a[8],i,max,min; cout<<"Enter 8 number:"<<endl; for(i=0;i<8;i++) cin>>a[i]; max=min=a[0];

  40. Unit: 7 ….. for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if (a[i]>max) max=a[i]; if (a[i]<min) min=a[i]; } cout<<"Maximum number="<<max<<endl; cout<<"Minimum number="<<min<<endl; }

  41. Unit: 7 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to store 5 numbers in an array then print them in reverse order? • Write a C++ program to display following patterns?

  42. Unit: 8 Objectives:To implement the concept of function. // Program-24 to Add two numbers using function #include <iostream> int add(int x, int y); void main() { int a, b; cout<<" Enter value of a "; cin>>a; cout<<" Enter value of b "; cin>>b; add(a,b); }

  43. Unit: 8 ….. int add(int x, int y) { int res; res = x+y; cout<<" Sum = "<<res<<endl; return res; }

  44. Unit: 8 // Program-25 to find the factorial of a number by using function #include<iostream> int fact(int); void main() { int x,f; cout<<"enter the number"; cin>>x; f=fact(x); cout<<"The factorial"<<f; }

  45. Unit: 8 …. int fact(int a) { int i,f=1; for(i=1;i<=a;i++) f=f*i; return f; }

  46. Unit: 8 Check Your Programming Skills: • Write a C++ program to calculate difference of two numbers by using functions? • Write a C++ program to calculate the Multiplication of two numbers by using functions? • Write a C++ program to calculate the square of any integer by using functions? • Write a C++ program to calculate the square root of any integer by using functions?

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