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Debugging Support for Aspect-Oriented Program Using Program Slicing and Call Graph. Takashi Ishio, Shinji Kusumoto, Katsuro Inoue Osaka University {t-isio, kusumoto, inoue}@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp. Overview. Aspect-Oriented Programming AOP’s advantage and disadvantages
Debugging Support for Aspect-Oriented Program Using Program Slicing and Call Graph Takashi Ishio, Shinji Kusumoto, Katsuro Inoue Osaka University {t-isio, kusumoto, inoue}@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp
Overview • Aspect-Oriented Programming • AOP’s advantage and disadvantages • Difficulties in debugging AOP program • Proposed Method • Program Slicing extended for AOP • Loop Detection based on Call Graph (not included in this presentation) • Implementation • Evaluation • Conclusion
Aspect-Oriented Programming • Key Idea: Separation of crosscutting concerns • In OOP, programmers cannot encapsulate crosscutting concerns: • logging, error handling, transactions, security, ... • Code for object interaction is scattered to related classes. • It is hard to manage scattered code. • In AOP: A crosscutting concern == An aspect • When a concern is changed, programmers modify one aspect instead of related classes.
AspectJ, an AOP extension for Java • AspectJ: an AOP extension for Java • An aspect is defined as a set of advices. • Advice: a procedure + a condition when the procedure is executed. • A condition = before or after specific events, or instead of the events (around). • Around advice uses proceed keyword to execute the original event. • Events are specified by Pointcut Designators (PCDs) including: • Method Call and Execution • Field Assignment and Reference • Exception Handling • A procedure is written in plain Java with thisJoinPoint object representing the event information.
Simple Example of Aspect aspect LoggingExample { after(): execution(void *.foo(int)) { Logger.logs(thisJoinPoint.getSignature()); } } • An advice knows when the advice is executed. • Call statements in classes are removed. when a method is executed, logger.logs(v) is called. A.foo(int v) A.foo(int v) Logger.logs(“A.foo”); Logging Aspect Logging Class B.foo(int v) B.foo(int v) Logger.logs(“C.foo”); C.foo(int v) C.foo(int v)
Advantages of AOP • AOP improves: • Maintainability • Programmers change one aspect instead of multiple classses. • Reusability • Programmers can reuse classes and aspects independently. • Reuse classes without aspect, or • Reuse aspects for other classes
Disadvantages of AOP • AOP is useful, but ... • several drawbacks exist. • Fault localization is difficult since: • A programmer needs to investigate related classes and aspects to understand the system behavior. • When a class is affected by several aspects, the result is hard to predict. • e.g. Logging + Transaction ??? • A transaction process is logged, or • Logging is transactional, or ... ? • The result depends on the definition of aspects, or compiler/interpreter implementation
Our Approach • Debugging Support • esp. fault localization (investigation) task • Extending Program Slicing for AOP • Program Slicing is a technique to aid fault localization.
Program Slicing • Program Slicing extracts a slice of codes,which affects the value of a specific variable. • Program Slicing excludes unrelated codes to aid fault localization. 1: a = 5; 2: b = a + a; 3: if (b > 0) { 4: c = a; 5: } 6: d = b; 1: a = 5; 2: b = a + a; 3: if (b > 0) { 4: c = a; 5: } 6: d = b; a slice based on slice criteria(6, b)
Data Dependence 1: a = 1; 2: c = 4; 3: b = a; a Control Dependence 4: if (a < 1) { 5: b = a; 6: } Program Dependence Graph Slice Calculation Process • Phase 1: Extraction of dependence relations • Data: assignment reference • Control: conditional statement controlled block • Phase 2: Construction of Program Dependence Graph • node: a statement. • edge: a dependence relation • Phase 3: Traversal of PDG • traversal backward from a node corresponding a slice criterion slice criterion
DC-Slicing for OOP • DC-Slicing: • a slicing method combining static and dynamic information. • control dependence relations static analysis • data dependence relations dynamic analysis • Dynamic information is used for • data dependence analysis • to distinguish object instances • method call analysis • to solve polymorhpic method calls • Size and Cost: • Size: Dynamic Slice < DC-slice < Static Slice • Cost: Static Slice < DC-slice < Dynamic Slice
DC-Slicing Extended for AOP • Basic Idea: • Advice Execution is similar to Method Call • An advice is executed when a condition is satisfied. A statement which satisfies a condition calls the advice. • AspectJ Developement Tools plug-in indicates an advice execution as a marker. • Extending PDG and Call Graph • Advice Call Vertex and Advice Execution Edge • A vertex is inserted into the place of the statement which calls an advice • An edge connected to an advice body
Control Flow Modified by Aspect A method call statement the part of around advice a.foo(); proceed a path without proceed a.foo(); Advices executed for each method call after advice call after: call(A.foo()) {...} the rest part of the around advice around: call(A.foo()) {...}
Dynamic Elements in AOP • Dynamic Pointcut: if, cflow • if(expr): When expr is true, the advice is executed. • cflow(PCD): all events reached from PCD • cflow( execution(C.foo() ) ) == all events during C.foo() is executing. • Converted to an advice call with “may be executed” control dependence relation. • We use dynamic information to resolve dynamic pointcut.
Implementation • Slicing tool as an Eclipse plug-in • Environment: Eclipse 2.1 + AspectJ 1.0.6 • Integrated Function: • PDG construction • [Compile]-[Rebuild All] constructs PDG • A call graph is also constructed. • A method call loop including advices is recorded as “infinite loop candidates”. • Slice Calculation • is started by a button of a tool bar • calculates a slice and indicates a slice on the text editor. • Dynamic Analysis is not integerated to IDE. • Dynamic analysis code is also inserted using AspectJ. • A programmer need to execute a program once.
Experiment • Debugging Experiment • We have 12 students debug an AspectJ program. • All students have used Java, but not AspectJ. • devided into two groups; • a group working with a program slice, another without the slice • Environment: Eclipse 2.1 + AspectJ Development Tools • Procedure: • A lecture for using Eclipse • Debugging a Java program using Eclipse. (PRE1) • A lecture for AspectJ • Write an AspectJ program using Eclipse. (PRE2) • Debugging a AspectJ program using Eclipse. (DEBUG)
Debugged Program • An AspectJ Program “Eval Expression” • Input: an expression represented by a graph. • An evaluation = graph traversal • Output: (* (+ 2 3) (+ 2 3) ) = 25 • 5 classes (Graph nodes) and 4 aspects, 340 LOC • Loop Detection, Caching, Print, Cleanup • The program contains a bug. • Print Aspect generates a String representation of a graph. • But the generated string is incorrect in several test cases. • Gives test cases to all students. • Gives a program slice to one group (6 students). • The variable contains the output is specified as a slice criterion.
A fragment of program slice public aspect CachingAspect { // member of this Aspect static private Set workers = new HashSet(); // add a member to Worker class private boolean Worker.isAlreadyCalculated = false; pointcut work_call() : call(void Worker.work()); pointcut first_work_call() : work_call() && !cflowbelow(work_call()); void around(): work_call() { Worker w = (Worker)thisJoinPoint.getTarget(); if (w.isAlreadyCalculated) return; else { proceed(); w.isAlreadyCalculated = true; workers.add(w); } } // clear the flag when calculation process is finished after(): first_work_call() { for (Iterator it = workers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Worker w = (Worker)it.next(); w.isAlreadyCalculated = false; } workers.clear(); } } When a node is already visited, return the value of the node. Otherwise, visit the node and set a “visited” flag. When a node is skipped, Print Aspect’s advice is also skipped. Reset flags after evaluation Excluded because flags do not affect the output.
Result • Effectiveness is evaluated based on working time. • Program slicing is used only “DEBUG” task. • Students working with a program slice completed DEBUG task faster than students without a slice. • However, the effectiveness is not statistically confirmed. Average Working Time (Unit: Minutes)
Discussion From an interview to the students: • A program slice is useful to investigate the problem. • A slice is a good starting point to read a program. • A slice is used to reduce the scope of investigation. • “unrelated aspects” is very useful information. • A program slice is not useful to fix a problem. • A programmer must investigate the influence of the modification to fix a problem. • Changes of classes and aspects may affect other aspects. • Other methods such as impact analysis should be combined to support bug-fixing task.
Conclusion • Debugging Support for AOP • Key Idea: Advice Execution == Method Call • Loop Detection using Call Graph • Application of Program Slicing • Program Slicing • indicates dependence relations changed by aspects • is effective to localize a fault. • Future Work • Visualization of Inter-aspect relations for large-scale software • Combining other technique to fix a fault, e.g. impact analysis
Applicability • Our program slicing extension is based on Join Point Model. • Dynamic slicing for Java byte-code is also applicable. • However, join point shadows are embedded into the byte code. • It is hard to untangle byte-code without aspect information.
Overview of Aspects Relation • Two aspects included in the program slice. • Print and Cleanup are dominated by Caching included in the Slice join point: visit a node ②around call Caching recursive call ① before, after ③proceed ⑤after visit method body ④after Cleanup LoopDetect Print
Collected Data • Students submitted: • What causes a problem • How to fix a problem • Modified Source Code • Time requried to complete the work • Thought about Program Slicing
Experiment 1: Applying tool • Apply program slicing • to 5 AspectJ design pattern implementation. • Evaluate analysis cost • Target: • 5 Design Pattern implementation in AspectJ • Observer, ChainOfResponsibility, ... • Average size: about 500 lines of code • Test: • Execute a sample code, and calculates a slice • specify a output variable as a slice criterion. • Comparation to AJDT’s marker
Evaluation • Program slicing reduces complexity • Aspects added dependence relations. • tracking by hands is costly since relations crosscutting many modules (files). • Slice can indicates a lost of dependence relations. • A statement skipped by an aspect (e.g. around advice)
A calculated slice: void f1() { x = f2(); : } int f2() { return doSomething(); } int f3() { return doSomething2(); } aspect redirectMethodCall { int around(): call(f2) { return f3(); } } Modified Dependence Relation void f1() { x = f2(); : } int f2() { return doSomething(); } int f3() { return doSomething2(); } aspect redirectMethodCall { int around(): call(f2) { return f3(); } } A developer tracks: An advice replaces a method call
Analysis Cost • Time • Static analysis = a traversal to AST generated by compiler. • Dynamic analysis: executes a program with dynamic analysis. • The performance depends on a target program and a test case. • about 2 times longer than normal execution on the average. • Memory • The analysis cost depends on a number of join points affected by aspects. • Analyze 10000 LOC Java Code 20MB • + 1000 LOC Aspect Logging All Events 100MB required ! • Too many method calls, executions, field set and get are extracted.
Dynamic Analysis Aspect • We implement dynamic analysis using AspectJ. • Dynamic analysis aspect • records a position of the assignment statement when a new value is assigned to a field, • extracts a dynamic data dependence relation when the field is referred, • collects method-call information for each thread (multi-threading), • collects information when an exception is thrown and which handling clause caught the exception (exception-handling).
Call Graph Example 凡例 Aspect Class call An inifnite loop