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Becoming Equal to Angels: The Divine Influence in Our Lives

Discover the powerful impact of angels in Jacob's life, as outlined in Genesis. From divine dreams to protecting guidance, explore how angels communicate and guide us in our daily journey. Learn how Jacob's faith and interaction with his angel resulted in blessings and protection.

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Becoming Equal to Angels: The Divine Influence in Our Lives

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  1. Now is our time to Practice Training to become equal to the Angels Class 5: You can be Equal to the Angels!

  2. The Influence of Angels in Jacob’s Life Genesis 28:12-15 12 Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. 13 And behold, the LORD stood above it and said: "I am the LORD God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. 14 "Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. 15 "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you." This angel stayed with Jacob all his life

  3. Genesis 31:11-13 11 “Then the Angel of God spoke to me in a dream, saying, 'Jacob.' And I said, 'Here I am.' 12 And He said, 'Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me.Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.'“ Genesis 31:24 24 But God had come to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said to him, "Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad." Angels can talk to us in dreams

  4. Genesis 31:29 29 "It is in my (Laban) power to do you harm, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, 'Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad.' 42 "Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands, and rebuked you last night." The angels are very aware of the way others treat us

  5. Genesis32:1-2, 9-12 1 So Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. 2 When Jacob saw them, he said, "This is God's camp." And he called the name of that place Mahanaim. 9 Then Jacob said, "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac,the LORD who said to me, (an angel – 31:11-13) 'Return to your country and to your family, and I will deal well with you': 10 "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies. 11 "Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and attack me and the mother with the children. 12 "For You said, 'I will surely treat you well, and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.'"

  6. Genesis 32:24-27 24 Then Jacob was left alone (others crossed the Jabbok river); and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. 25 Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. 26 And He said, "Let Me go, for the day breaks." But he said, "I will not let You go unless You bless me!" 27 So He said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob." Jacob knew he needed his angel’s help to save his family

  7. Hosea 12:3-5 3 He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and in his strength he struggled with God. 4 Yes, he struggled with the Angel and prevailed; he wept, and sought favor from Him. He found Him in Bethel, and there He spoke to us-- 5 That is, the LORD God of hosts. The LORD is His memorable name. Jacob prevailed through tears! He pleaded with his angel for help. That’s what we need to do.

  8. Genesis 32:28-30 28 And He said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed." 29 Then Jacob asked, saying, "Tell me Your name, I pray." And He said, "Why is it that you ask about My name?" And He blessed him there. 30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." Part of Jacob’s personal relationship with God, was through his relationship with his angel. This is an important step for ourselves.

  9. Genesis 48:15-16 And he (Jacob) blessed Joseph (his sons), and said: "God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has fed me all my life long to this day, the Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; let my name be named upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth." There is no separation between God & His angels. Their work is His work. Their blessing is His blessing. An Angel who works with us may continue working with our children.

  10. Angels worked to save Jesus Matthew 4:10-11 10 Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.'" 11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him. John 1:50-51 50 Jesus answered and said to him, "Because I said to you, 'I saw you under the fig tree,' do you believe? You will see greater things than these." 51 And He said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."

  11. Matthew 26:36-38 36 Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, "Sit here while I go and pray over there." 37 And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. 38 Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." In his time of great sorrow and distress, Jesus needed his friends Psalm 69:20 Reproach has broken my heart, And I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none.

  12. Matthew 26:39-41 39 He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." 40 Then He came to the disciples and found them asleep,and said to Peter, "What? Could you not watch with Me one hour? 41 "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." The disciples were overcome and bewildered by what Jesus was going through. They let him down.

  13. 43 Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. Luke 22:43-44 44 And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling Matthew 26:43 43 And He came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy. Matthew 26:42-43 42 Again, a second time, He went away and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done." When Jesus’ friends failed, an angel came through for him!

  14. John 20:10-14 10 Then the disciples went away again to their own homes. 11 But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. 12 And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. 13 Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him." 14 Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. These angels had brought Jesus through a perfect life and finally could resurrect him for God

  15. You can become equal to the Angels Luke 20:34-37 34 Jesus answered and said to them, "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36 nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. Adopted forever into God’s family to join angels in their work

  16. Fun things Angels did • Create this world and all the living creatures • Guide stone from David’s sling into Goliath • Bring the plagues on the Egyptians • Knock wheels off Pharaoh’s chariots • Chase Philistines out of the land with hornets • Tear the veil in the temple when Jesus died • Lead Peter out of prison • Arrange worldwide tax so Jesus born in Bethlehem • Shower fire & brimstones on Sodom • Lengthen the day for Joshua to take the land • Bring the animals to Noah in the ark • Rain manna & quail on the Israelites • Guide the arrow that just happened to hit Ahab Who wouldn’t want to join them?

  17. Saints will help Christ rule like Angels Matthew 19:28-30 28 So Jesus said to them, "Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.

  18. We will rule over nations Revelation 2:26-27 26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations — 27 'He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter's vessels' — as I also have received from My Father; As the Angels assist Christ to rule the nations today, we will assist him in his kingdom

  19. God is training us to be angels Hebrews 12:7-11 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

  20. We must learn to live like Angels Galatians 5:13-15 13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 15 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! Angels cooperate, support each other, serve God & Christ

  21. Ephesians 4:32-5:2 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. 1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Angels have learned to be perfect imitators of God and they patiently live by His love

  22. So what do the Angels want from Us?

  23. Be aware of their presence Like Elisha who knew they were all around him

  24. Cooperate with their decisions Don’t try force your own way

  25. Thank God for their protection Be aware of their constant help

  26. Let them train us Accept their discipline and let them shape us into the image of Christ

  27. Pray every day for their help Without their continual involvement in our lives, we could never develop into God’s children

  28. Listen to God, Jesus & the Angels in our Bibles every day

  29. Learn to Trust God like Angels do Let them grow the faith of Jesus Christ in You

  30. Imitate their patience & mercy If we want to join them in God’s family forever, we must learn to live like them now

  31. Let’s leave Camp rejoicing in our hope of being made equal to the Angels and committed to live in Christ as members of God’s family now & forever

  32. May God graciously grant us to join His angels in His family forever

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