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Understanding Organisms: Traits, Life Cycles, and Survival Strategies

Explore the intricacies of parent-offspring relationships, species traits, and the adaptability of organisms through their life cycles and specialized structures. Discover how heredity, variations, instincts, and learned behaviors shape survival strategies in different species.

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Understanding Organisms: Traits, Life Cycles, and Survival Strategies

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  1. Parent and Offspring

  2. Organisms • An organism is any living thing made up of cells. • Butterflies • Dogs • Trees • Humans • Ants • Lions

  3. Parent Organism and Offspring • Parent Organism is the parent of the offspring (usually a mom and dad). • Dog • Cow • Offspring are the children of an organism. • Puppy • Calf

  4. Life Cycles • All organisms have a life cycle. • A life cycle is the series of events or phases an organism goes through from birth to death, or to the birth of the next generation. • Describe the life cycle of another organism. • http://www.infovisual.info/02/029_en.html

  5. The life cycle of a butterfly

  6. Life Cycle of a meal worm/ beetle • What do you notice about the parent and the offspring? Mom does not look anything like baby.

  7. Traits • Have you ever wondered why you have brown eyes and your brother has blue? • How about your sister has a killer jump shot and you can barley throw the ball? • Eye color and athleticism are both traits. • Traits are characteristics that set a species apart from other species. • Traits are inherited from your parents.

  8. Types of traits • Wing span • Height • Skin color • Fur color • Hair type • Eye color

  9. Is the color of your clothing a trait? Why or why not? • Is the color of a bird’s feathers a trait? Why or why not?

  10. Look at the picture, what are this species’ traits? • Red eyes • Sticky feet • Green and white skin • Four limbs • Jumping ability

  11. Species • A species is a set of organisms with common characteristics or traits. • Cats have four legs, mice have tails, lions have sharp teeth and claws, and flowers have petals. These traits identify members of a species as being the same.

  12. Variations • Variations are slight trait differences among individuals of a species. • What are the variations between the frogs?

  13. Heredity • Heredity is the passing of (inheriting) physical or mental traits from parent to offspring. • A child inherits his or her eye color and height from his or her parents.

  14. Instinct is something that a species does naturally (inborn or inherited behavior) Learned behavior is something learned (not inherited) from repeated reactions in the environment. Which are instincts, which are learned? Flying Opening the fridge for food Crying A dog running for food after hearing the can opener Behavior can be inherited or learned.

  15. Instinct versus learned behavior Instinctive behavior Learned behavior A cat learns where the best place is to hunt A dog runs toward the sound of the can opener A child speaks Spanish • A cat hunts • A bird migrates South • A baby cries

  16. Inherited Traits Types of adaptations or specialized structures snowshoe hare’s foot, leaves and petals on a plant, and stinger on a scorpion What are some of your specialized structures? • Some inherited traits are unique body or cell parts that help an organism survive these are called Specialized structures. • These specialized structures are types of adaptations. • Adaptations- are behaviors or body parts that help living things survive.

  17. Adaptations- are behaviors or body parts that help living things survive. An animal may have to change its behavior in order to survive. Adaptations

  18. Survival • Survival – a species succeeds, or lives successfully in their environment; finding food, avoiding predators, and raising young. • If a species does not have adequate adaptations or specialized structures it may not survive.

  19. A punnett square helps one predict what traits an organism may pass on. Punnett Squares

  20. All organisms need certain environments to live. • Environments are the physical surroundings of an organism (all the living and non living parts) • What environment does a polar bear live in? • Could a population of polar bears live in the United States? • A population is all of a species living in a certain area.

  21. Population • A meadow has many different populations. • The meadow may have a population of hawks, mice, trees and butterflies.

  22. El ambiente • El ambiente- alrededores físicos

  23. heredado • Heredado- rasgos genéticos o comportamientos obtenidos por sus padres

  24. Los instintos • Los instintos- unos comportamientos heredados

  25. Los comportamientos aprendidos • Los comportamientos aprendidos- los acciones aprendidos

  26. El ciclo de vida • El ciclo de vida Etapas por las que pasa un animal durante su vida

  27. El decediente • el descendiente- los hijos o crías de un organismo

  28. El organismo • El organismo- un ser vivo

  29. El organismo del padre • El organismo del padre- los padres de las crías o los descendientes

  30. La población • La población-todas de una especie viviendo en un lugar

  31. la estructura especializada • la estructura especializada- los partes del cuerpo adaptada para sobrevivir

  32. La especie • La especie- nivel inferior del sistema de clasificación

  33. Sobrevivir • Sobrevivir- seguir vivo

  34. Los rasgos • Los rasgos- características de un tipo de ser vivo

  35. Las variaciones • las variaciones- son diferencias pequeñas entre animales de la misma especie

  36. Adaptación • Adaptacióncaracterística o comportamiento que ayuda a un ser vivo a sobrevivir

  37. Adaptaciones de los animales • • Diferentes animales tienen distintas características físicas. • • Podemos comparar las características físicas de los • animales. • • Cada animal tiene características que le permiten vivir en • su medio.

  38. Tener • Ser • Estar

  39. Grupos de animales • Anfibios • Insectos • Mamíferos • Reptiles • Pájaros • Pez

  40. Los anfibios

  41. Los insectos

  42. Los mamíferos

  43. Los reptiles

  44. Los pájaros

  45. Los peces

  46. Tener (to have) • yo tengo • tú tienes • usted/él/ella tiene • nosotros/as tenemos • ustedes/ellos/ellas tienen • vosotros/as tenéis

  47. Usa las formas correctas de tener. • María _____________ dos libros. • Carlos y Sarita __________ carpetas. • Tú y tus amigos __________ lápices. • Marco y yo __________ mochilas. • Yo __________ un cuaderno. • Tú _____________ tres libros.

  48. El cuerpo El pico La ala La cola La garra

  49. Partes de los animales El nariz La cola Los dientes La aleta

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