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復興的火 The Fire of Revival 復興的火焰正燃燒, Let the fire of revival blaze, 讓我們響起勝利的號角, Let us sound the victorious trumpets, 傳揚耶穌基督的真道, Proclaim the Salvation of Jesus Christ, 一起邁向合一的宣教。 Marching on towards the battle cry.
復興的火 The Fire of Revival復興的火焰正燃燒,Let the fire of revival blaze,讓我們響起勝利的號角,Let us sound the victorious trumpets,傳揚耶穌基督的真道,Proclaim the Salvation of Jesus Christ,一起邁向合一的宣教。Marching on towards the battle cry.
在主前同心的禱告,With one heart praying for the lost,讓我們忠於十架的呼召,Faithful to the calling of the cross.以讚美在寶座前圍繞,Let’s praise Him and worship in one accord,讓復興的火在我裡面燃燒。The fire of revival burns brighter in my soul.
復興的火,聖靈的火,Revival’s fire, Spirit desire,在我心中點燃。Kindle with in my soul.復興的火,聖靈的火,Revival’s fire, Spirit desire,把我燒在主祭壇。consuming my life, my all.
復興的火焰正燃燒,Let the fire of revival blaze,讓我們響起勝利的號角,Let us sound the victorious trumpets,傳揚耶穌基督的真道,Proclaim the Salvation of Jesus Christ,一起邁向合一的宣教。Marching on towards the battle cry.
在主前同心的禱告,With one heart praying for the lost,讓我們忠於十架的呼召,Faithful to the calling of the cross.以讚美在寶座前圍繞,Let’s praise Him and worship in one accord,讓復興的火在我裡面燃燒。The fire of revival burns brighter in my soul.
復興的火,聖靈的火,Revival’s fire, Spirit desire,在我心中點燃。Kindle with in my soul.復興的火,聖靈的火,Revival’s fire, Spirit desire,把我燒在主祭壇。consuming my life, my all.
何等尊貴 Worthy, You are worthy1.尊貴,何等尊貴,Worthy, You are worthy,萬王之王,萬主之主,何等尊貴,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are worthy.尊貴,何等尊貴,Worthy, You are worthy,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
2. 聖潔,何等聖潔,Holy, You are Holy,萬王之王,萬主之主,何等聖潔,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are Holy,聖潔,何等聖潔,Holy, You are Holy,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
3. 耶穌,我主耶穌,Jesus, You are Jesus,萬王之王,萬主之主,我主耶穌,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are Jesus.耶穌,我主耶穌,Jesus, You are Jesus,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
1.尊貴,何等尊貴,Worthy, You are worthy,萬王之王,萬主之主,何等尊貴,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are worthy.尊貴,何等尊貴,Worthy, You are worthy,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
2. 聖潔,何等聖潔,Holy, You are Holy,萬王之王,萬主之主,何等聖潔,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are Holy,聖潔,何等聖潔,Holy, You are Holy,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
3. 耶穌,我主耶穌,Jesus, You are Jesus,萬王之王,萬主之主,我主耶穌,King of kings, Lord of lords, You are Jesus.耶穌,我主耶穌,Jesus, You are Jesus,萬王之王,萬主之主,我敬拜祢。King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship you.
Lord Take Up Your Holy Throne主,登上祢聖寶座1.Lord take up Your holy Throne主,登上祢聖寶座Deep within my heart在我心深處Take the place that is Yours alone充滿它唯有祢配得Deep within my heart在我心深處
And of the increase of Your government祢榮耀國度,祢執政權柄There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境You are worthy Lord to reign主祢真配得掌權
2. Lord take up Your holy Throne主,登上祢聖寶座throughout all this land遍滿這聖殿Take the place that is Yours alone充滿它唯有祢配得throughout all this land遍滿這聖殿
And of the increase of Your government祢榮耀國度,祢執政權柄There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境You are worthy Lord to reign主祢真配得掌權
3. Lord take up Your holy Throne主,登上祢聖寶座throughout all the earth遍滿這全地Take the place that is Yours alone充滿它唯有祢配得throughout all the earth遍滿這全地
And of the increase of Your government祢榮耀國度,祢執政權柄There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境There shall be no end永遠無止境You are worthy Lord to reign主祢真配得掌權