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中国参加 IEC/TC111 活动的 工作介绍 Introduction to W ork Concerning IEC/TC111 Activities China Attended in. 中国质量认证中心副主任 王克娇 2006.01.20 Wang Kejiao, Deputy Director of China Quality Certification Center (CQC) January 20th, 2006. 全国电工电子产品与系统的环境标准化工作组结构图.
中国参加IEC/TC111活动的 工作介绍 Introduction to Work Concerning IEC/TC111 Activities China Attended in 中国质量认证中心副主任 王克娇 2006.01.20 Wang Kejiao, Deputy Director of China Quality Certification Center (CQC) January 20th, 2006
全国电工电子产品与系统的环境标准化工作组结构图全国电工电子产品与系统的环境标准化工作组结构图 • Block Diagram of Environmental Standardization Workgroup of National Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems
国家标准委高新技术部 Department of High and New Technology Under China National Standardization Committee 全国电工电子产品与系统的环境标准化工作组 总体组秘书处:中国质量认证中心 Environmental Standardization Workgroup of National Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems General Service Group Secretariat: China Quality Certification Center 材料声明工作组(拟成立) Material Declaration Workgroup (Intended to set up) 有害物质检测工作组 秘书处:信息产业部第四研究所 Harmful Substance Detection Workgroup Secretariat:No.4 Research Institute Under Ministry of Information Industry 环境意识设计工作组 秘书处:中国电器工业协会 Environmental Ideology Design Workgroup Secretariat: Association of China Electrical Appliances Industry 回收利用特别工作组(拟成立) Special Workgroup of Recycling (Intended to set up)
一、IEC/TC111米兰首次大会Ⅰ. Fisrt Milan Conference of IEC/TC111 --2005年3月21日至3月25日 针对IEC/TC111此次会议,我方提出6份具体提案 : --March 21 through 25, 2005: For this conference of IEC/TC111, we have made six detailed proposals: 1)针对TC111的工作范围,我们提出:标准起草组成员应有广泛的代表性,必须保证发展中国家代表的参与;电子电气产品中限制物质的使用及环境意识设计也应给广大发展中国家留出过渡期,发达国家应向发展中国家提供技术和资金支持。(针对TC111整体) 1)As for the work scope of TC111, we propose that: The members of the drawing-up group should be widely representative, it should ensure that the representatives of developing countries attend the conference;period of transition should be left in the use of restricted substances and in environmental ideology design, and in electrical and electronic products. Developed countries should provide technical and financial support to developing countries. (TC111 as a whole) 2)针对“电子电器产品中限制物质的检测程序”的提案,我们提出:应确定拆分原则,以保证各个实验室之间检测结果的一致性和可比性;部分检测方法缺少比对和验证。(WG3) 2)As for the proposal ,“the detection program of restricted substances in electrical and electronic products”, we suggest that principles of dismantlement should be set in order to ensure the consistency and comparability of the detection results between labs. Parts of detection methods lack of comparison and certification. (WG3) 3)详细地提出对同质物质进行清晰详细定义的必要性,以及如果不进行详细定义会产生的不同理解进而产生的消极后果。(WG3) 3)Put forward in detail the necessity of clear and detailed definition of comaterials, as well as the adverse subsequence resulting from different understandings without detailed definition(WG3)
4) 针对“电子电器产品中限制物质的检测程序”的提案,再次提出了提案中存在的一些问题,如;所使用的标准物质的差异及样品制备方法的差异对测试结果的影响等等。(WG3) 4)As for the proposal “the measurement program of restricted substances in electrical and electronic products”, we put forward some problems present in the proposals, such as:the influence of difference in standard material used, and the difference in the way of preparation, to the measurement results, etc.(WG3) 5) 对日本提出的“环境意识设计”提案提出了相应的建议:作为ECD的国际标准,应包括我们迄今为止所能想到的环境方面;该标准应建立通俗易懂实用的技术规范,应推荐一些ECD工具;应强调循环利用在ECD中的重要性。(WG2) 5) As for the proposal of “Environmental Ideology Design” made by Japanese, we have put forward respondent proposals: as international standard of ECD, the aspects we have thought of should be included; straightaway and practical technical specifications should be established; some ECD instruments should be recommended;the importance of recyclingin ECD should be stressed. (WG2) 6)正式提出一份提案“Producer‘s Material Declaration for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems”,该提案已经提交国家标准委,计划作为国家提案正式提交TC111。由于在会上同“材料声明”工作组的其他成员进行过沟通,TC111已明确表示考虑中国的提案。(WG1) 6)A proposal,“Producer's Material Declaration for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems”,was formally put forward. It has been submitted to the National Standard Committee, which is scheduled to present to TC111 as state proposal. As communicated with material workgroups in conference, TC111 had clearly expressed the proposal made by China would be put into consideration. (WG1)
会议期间,各成员单位团结一致、精诚合作,提出了中国在制定相关标准方面的建议,为中国更深入地参与TC111范围内相关国际标准及技术文件的制定奠定了坚实的基础。会后,国家标准委批准CQC陆梅副主任加入SPS工作组、一名成员加入“材料声明”工作组、三名成员加入“环境意识设计”工作组、三名成员加入“有害物质检测”工作组。会议期间,各成员单位团结一致、精诚合作,提出了中国在制定相关标准方面的建议,为中国更深入地参与TC111范围内相关国际标准及技术文件的制定奠定了坚实的基础。会后,国家标准委批准CQC陆梅副主任加入SPS工作组、一名成员加入“材料声明”工作组、三名成员加入“环境意识设计”工作组、三名成员加入“有害物质检测”工作组。 During the conference, all the member units unite together with all the faith and dedication, and made the proposals on establishing related standards, setting a solid foundation for participating further in establishment of related international standards and technical documents with the scope of TC111. After the conference, the National Standard Committee approved the nomination of Lu Mei,Deputy Director of CQC as member of SPS workgroup, the nomination of one member as member of “Material Declaration” workgroup, and three as member of “Environmental Ideology Design” workgroup, and three as member of “Harmful Substance Detection” workgroup.
-- 2005年5月23日至24日 IEC/TC111/WG3成立首次工作会议在法国召开,参加该次会议的有来自ACEA特别工作组和WG3工作组的专家共计31人。中国2名专家全程参与讨论了标准草案(1CD稿)的各个章节,针对草案中存在的问题提出了修改意见和建议。参加讨论的专家提出的主要问题集中在以下2个方面: A、均质材料定义的理解; B、样品的拆解; 由于这两个问题密不可分,讨论的主要意见各有道理,最终决定制定一个指导性技术文件,对样品拆解工作加以指导。 --May 23 through 24, 2005. First work conference of foundation of IEC/TC111/WG3 was held in Paris. The attendants of the conference are experts from ACEA special workgroup and WG3 workgroup, altogether 31. Two Chinese experts participated all through in the discussion on every chapters and sections of the draft standard (1CD Draft),making revision comments and suggestions on current problems in the draft standard. The questions asked by the experts attended the conference concentrate mainly on the two following aspects: A、Comprehension of definition of homogenous materials; B、Dismantlement of Samples. As the two questions are inseparable, each of the main views has its reason. Finally, a decision was made that a directory technical document should be made in this workgroup, guiding the dismantlement of samples. 二、检测方法( WG3 )工作组巴黎会议 Ⅱ. WG3 Paris Conference on Test Method
三、材料声明特别工作组西班牙会议Ⅲ.Spain Conference of Material Declaration Special Workgroup --2005年6月13日至14日 在巴塞罗那AFME(电子材料制造商协会)召开,中国派出专家参会。会前,继续细化、修订、完善了中方提案,并在会上作了发言。 两天的会议基本上围绕在材料声明中是否加入产品的环境信息展开讨论,部分代表团成员认为:目前急需制定出材料声明的调查表等具体的指导标准,而产品的环境信息所需的环境评估标准众多,环境评估机构基准不同,很难在短时间形成被国际社会统一接受的标准方法,难以满足目前市场及相关法规的需要;法国代表团坚持加入产品的环境信息,以完善材料信息,方便后续的使用者和消费者。日本代表团认为TC111已经成立WG2环境意识设计工作组,而且6月底就要召开首次会议,这部分工作可以在WG2工作组中进行。其他一些国家代表认为这两种意见均有可取之处,需要进一步探讨。 --June 13 through 14, 2005 The Spain conference of material declaration workgroup was held at AFME (Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Materials) in Barcelona. Chinese experts were sent to attend the conference.Before the conference, the proposal from China delegate was further specified, revised and perfected, and on which a speech was made at the conference. During the two-day conference, discussion was made basically about whether or not the environmental information of products should be included in the material declaration. Some of delegate members think that:Particular directory standards such as questionnaire are badly needed to make out, while there are many appraisal standards needed by environmental information,and basic standards for environmental appraisal are so different that a uniform standard method accepted by international society is too difficult to be formed, which could hardly meet the requirements of the market and related laws and regulations;French delegate insists on including environmental information of products, so as to perfect material information and facilitate following consumers and users.Japanese delegate think that TC111 has set up the environmental ideology design workgroup WG2, and the first meeting of which will be held at the end of June, so task of this part could be started within workgroup WG2.Some delegates from other countries think that the both ideas have redeeming features,which need further study.
通过讨论,达成如下结论: Through discussion, the following conclusions were made: 1)已经注意到本工作组在产品的环境信息方面与TC111的 其他工作组的业务范围有交叉,提请TC111大会考虑。 1)It has been noticed that this workgroup has some crossover of business scope with other TC111 workgroups in product information. Please take them into consideration at the conference of TC111. 2)形成了材料声明标准提案和产品的环境信息标准提案的 背景文件、范围、制定目标和理由。 2)Background documents, scope, targets setting and reasons for proposal of material declaration standard and proposal of environmental information standard have been formed. 3)讨论确定美国为材料声明提案的召集人,法国为产品的 环境信息提案的召集人。 3)Through discussion, it was settled down that the U.S. was nominated caller of material declaration proposal, and France caller of environmental information proposal. 4)各代表团表态时,中方代表表示继续参加材料声明提案 的研究工作,是否参加产品的环境信息的相关工作需要等 中国NC做决定。 4)When delegates expressing their attitude, representative of Chinese delegate showed that Chinese delegate will continue participating in research of proposals of material declaration. As for whether or not to participate in works related to environmental information of products, it is up to Chinese NC.
四、环境意识设计(WG2)日本、米兰会议Ⅳ. WG2 Japan and Milan Conferences on Environmental Ideology Design --2005年6月28日至29日 --June 28 through 29, 2005 --2005年10月13日至14日 --October 13 through 14,2005 中国的IEC/TC111/WG2工作组没有派专家参加该工作组的2次会议,但是一直在密切跟踪整个工作组的相关信息,国内的WG2工作组在国内成立了国际标准跟踪研究技术支持小组,采取会议或电子邮件的方式,重点研讨了该工作组正在起草的标准(IEC62430)针对标准草案提出了一些建设性的意见。已经派遣3名专家参加2006年1月份在泰国举行的第三次会议。 IEC/TC111/WG2 workgroup experts from China did not attend the second meeting of the group, but they had always paid close attention to and kept tracing on all the information related to the workgroup. Chinese WG2 has set up a technical support group in charge of tracing and researching international standards by means of meetings and e-mails, discussed mainly the standard being drafted by the workgroup (IEC62430), and put forward some constructive proposals on standard drafting. Three experts have been sent for attending the third meeting in Thailand in Jan. 2006.
五、IEC/TC111南非会议ⅴ.IEC/TC111 South Africa Conference --2005年10月20日至22日 IEC/TC111南非会议在南非召开。会前及时转发了IEC/TC111的相关文件资料,并要求各参会单位认真研究,及时反馈相关信息。会上,针对会议议题,中国代表团提出如下观点: • 鉴于“材料声明”、“产品的环境信息”及“环境意识设计”三个项目业务范围存在较多交叉,须明确界定项目组的业务范围; 应优先确保目前急需的“材料声明” 、“环境意识设计”标准的制定;需请示标准委后,再决定是否派观察员参加“产品的环境息”项目组; -- October 20 through 22, 2005 IEC/TC111 South Africa Conference was held in South Africa. Before the conference, related documents of IEC/TC111 were distributed in time for the attendants to study and feed back related information. At the conference, Chinese delegate put forward the following ideas on the topics of the conference: • In view of the crossover of the business scope of three items “material declaration”, “environmental information of products” and “environmental ideology design”,the business scope of the item group shall be defined; The setting of currently necessary “material declaration”and “environmental ideology design” standards shall be preferably ensured; we will contact China National Standard Committee first and then decide on whether or not to assign observers to attend the “environmental information of products” item group.
向大会介绍了中国在样品拆分工作上的工作思路和取得的经验,听了中国代表团的相应介绍后,主席和秘书长提议由中国代表团起草 “样品拆分”工作开展的框架原则,提交下次会议讨论,与会代表都表示非常期待该文件的出台,由中国起草的关于“样品拆分”的NP已经于2005年年底通过国家标准委正式提报到IEC/TC111秘书处; • Introduce the thought line and experience in dismantlement of samples in China to the conference. After hearing the introduction by Chinese delegate, Chairman and General Secretary of the Conference suggested that China delegate draw up the frame principle of carrying out the “dismantlement of samples”, and submit it for discussion at the next conference. The attendants showed that they expected the document to come into being. The NP drafted up by China had been approved at the end of 2005, and submitted formally to the secretariat of IEC/TC111.
针对“符合ROHS等相关法规的要求是生产商的责任,不需要第三方符合性声明”的个别观点,指出:是否需要“第三方符合性声明”,应该参照工业经济发展的水平而定,不能一概而论。这个选择权不应由会议提出,生产企业和最终用户应有非常重要的发言权和选择权。目前的情况是无论发达国家或发展中国家,都有很多用户需要由公正的第三方出具符合性声明,此观点得到了包括参会的IECQ和大多数技术组织的代表的认可。针对“符合ROHS等相关法规的要求是生产商的责任,不需要第三方符合性声明”的个别观点,指出:是否需要“第三方符合性声明”,应该参照工业经济发展的水平而定,不能一概而论。这个选择权不应由会议提出,生产企业和最终用户应有非常重要的发言权和选择权。目前的情况是无论发达国家或发展中国家,都有很多用户需要由公正的第三方出具符合性声明,此观点得到了包括参会的IECQ和大多数技术组织的代表的认可。 • Responding to the isolated view that “the requirement of meeting the related laws and regulations such as ROHS, is the manufacturer’s liabilities, without need for the third party’s declaration of conformity”,Chinese delegate pointed out that whether or not the third party’s declaration of conformity is necessary, should be decided on the level of economic and industrial development, we oughtn't to generalize about that. This right of choice should not be made out by the conference, instead, the manufacturers and users should enjoy the important right of speech and choice. The current condition is that either in developed countries or in developing countries, there are many users who need impartial third parties to present declaration of conformity. This view has been accepted by IECQ attendants and by the representatives from most of the technical organizations.
通过参加会议,我们感到,发达国家对该TC的工作十分重视。他们在各自的国内邀请各方面的专家组成了技术支持小组,在研究各自国内产业发展水平、标准制修订情况的基础上,针对TC111所确定的工作范围,按各自国家的整体利益有针对性地提出了多个不同的NP,力图全力主导、影响国际标准的制定。对此,国家标准委十分重视,计划2006年初正式成立相应的技术委员会归口对应IEC/TC111的工作,整合现有资源,统一规划,争取做到资源、信息的有效共享,为我国有效参与相关国际标准的制定提供了坚实技术保证平台。通过参加会议,我们感到,发达国家对该TC的工作十分重视。他们在各自的国内邀请各方面的专家组成了技术支持小组,在研究各自国内产业发展水平、标准制修订情况的基础上,针对TC111所确定的工作范围,按各自国家的整体利益有针对性地提出了多个不同的NP,力图全力主导、影响国际标准的制定。对此,国家标准委十分重视,计划2006年初正式成立相应的技术委员会归口对应IEC/TC111的工作,整合现有资源,统一规划,争取做到资源、信息的有效共享,为我国有效参与相关国际标准的制定提供了坚实技术保证平台。 • Through the conference, we felt strongly that some developed countries have showed much concern on TC. They invited experts in various fields from individual country to form technical support group, and on the basis of studying the level of industry development and conditions of standard setting and revision in their own country, in accordance with the scope set up by TC111, and according to the interests of their own country, put forward several different NPs pertinently, trying to influence and dominate in the standard setting of international standards. Therefore, have each committee belonged to corresponding works, integrate current resources, make united plans, striving for efficient share of resource and information, setting up a platform with strong technical support for China’s participation in establishing international standards.
六、积极参与IEC/TC111 AHG1 SPS的制定Ⅵ. Participate actively in the setting of IEC/TC111 AHG1 SPS • AHG1是IEC/TC111的战略声明特别工作组,负责制定IEC/TC111的战略发展规划,用于指导IEC/TC111的标准制修订工作,SPS制定的成功与否对IEC/TC111工作的开展具有至关重要的作用。 • AHG1 is the special workgroup of strategy declaration for IEC/TC111, which is in charge of the planning of strategic development for guiding setting and revision of IEC/TC111 standards. The success or failure of the setting of SPS is crucial to the work of IEC/TC111. • 结合中国的实际情况,积极主动地全程参与了SPS的制定、修改工作,提出了许多建设性的修订意见。 • Combining with the Chinese practical situation, this group has participated actively in the setting and revision of SPS, and put forward many constructive proposals on revision.
报告结束! 谢谢大家!