VIRUS What is computer VIRUS? Virus can be defined as an executable program that is capable of infecting other computer programs by modifying them to include a copy of itself. By infecting programs a virus is capable of spreading itself through an entire network of computers , infecting each and every machine that is incapable of protecting itself. It can damage your system either by deleting your important files or corrupting the data, unexpected closing of important programs or slowing down of infected system or all of these .
Common categories of VIRUSES • File Viruses (parasitic viruses) • Boot sector Viruses • Multipartite Viruses • Macro Viruses • Network Viruses • E-Mail Viruses • Malicious Software
File Viruses • File Viruses are the pieces of Codes which attach themselves to executable files ,driver files of compressed files and they get activated when the host program is executed. Suppose the Virus attaches itself with windows media player.exe and whenever you double click the icon virus program is executed and starts working .Most file viruses spread themselves by loading into system memory and searching for more programs located on the drive if it finds any other program it modifies the program code so that the program gets infected by virus and activates it whenever that program is executed. This goes on repeating until all the by programs on the drive are infected with it. • Besides spreading itself Viruses also contains some destructive constituents which can be triggered immediately or it can be some specific date or time. It can make infected programs run automatically or close unexpectedly or to behave in an unexpected manner. Eg: Randex,Meve,MrKlunky.
Boot Sector Viruses • The information about the drive, and the program that makes the operating system to boot is stored in the boot sector to boot sector is a crucial part of hard drive, boot sector Viruses as the name indicates infects the boot sector. Since the Virus code resides in boot sector a virus is loaded in to memory every time the system boots up. • A boot sector Virus doesn’t affect files instead of that it affect the disks containing program. • These days boot sector Viruses are rare because the operating system protects the boot sector which make difficult to infect boot sector. Eg: Antiexe ,polyboot.b etc.