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Explore the history, audience expectations, and narrative themes in the thrilling world of film genres. Discover how thrillers captivate viewers with suspense, tension, and intricate plot twists.
Thriller Films By Phoebe Farrington
What is ‘genre’?.... There are different types of genre, for example in music, genre means different musical styles such as house, classical or rock, however in film or literature, the genre is determined by the subject, setting or plot of the story. An overview of the Thriller Genre…. Thriller films are known to promote intense excitement, suspense, anticipation, uncertainty, anxiety and tension. A typical thriller film follows the conventions when the main character is placed in a menacing situation or to make an escape that seems almost impossible. Characters in thrillers usually are convicts, criminals, assassins and innocent victims.
History of Thriller …. Safety Last, released in 1923, was one of the earliest Thriller films to be produced. The Cat and the Canary, The Bat Whispers and Murders and the Zoo were also some of the earliest Thriller films released in the 1930s. English film-maker and producer, Alfred Hitchcock was a major figure in shaping the Thriller genre to the modern day. The Lodger and Blackmail were some of his most famous and earliest creations. Hitchcock's’ films often followed a particular theme e.g. an innocent victim – who was normally very average – placed into a dangerous situation, because of misidentification. Physco was another popular 1960s thriller. Fragment of Fear was released in the 1970s and Fatal Attraction was released in the 80s.
Audiences Expectations…. An audiences expectations when watching a thriller is to be ‘thrilled’. They are meant to become quite paranoid as they do not know what is going to happen. They should also feel confused, as the plot is mean to twist and turn, so you can never tell what is going to happen. The audience should be drawn in straight away, so they don’t lose interest and lose the element of uncertainty. The target audience for thrillers are mainly targeted at teenagers to middle aged people (however, tend to be particularly popular within 18 to 22 year olds). Thrillers are targeted at people who like to think through the narrative of the films. People who tend to watch thrillers likes the element of surprise and twists. Thrillers are normally targeted equally at men and women, which may be through having a male protagonist or a female protagonist.
Thriller Subgenres…. A subgenres are all the different categories within one genre. • Crime Thriller – Now You See Me • Action Thriller - Hostage • Psychological Thriller – Shutter Island • Sci-fi Thriller – Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. • Romance Thriller – Fatal Attraction • Medical Thriller - Frankenstein • Serial Killer Thriller - Seven • Legal Thriller – The Firm • Spy Thriller – Mission Impossible • Eco/disaster Thriller – The Day After Tomorrow Thriller Hybrids are films that have elements of two or more genres for example rom-coms (Pretty Women) , action adventures (Spiderman) , and comedy horrors (Shaun of the Dead).
Narrative Themes and Conventions…. • Involves plot, Torodov’s theory suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages. First a state of equilibrium at the outset, then secondly a disruption of the equilibrium by some action. Thirdly a recognition that there has been a disruption, then next an attempt to repair the disruption. Lastly, a reinstatement of the equilibrium . This type of narrative structure is very familiar to us and can be applied to many mainstream film narratives. • There is often a crime at the core of the narrative. • The narrative structure is complex with false paths, clues and resolutions. • The narrative will twist and turn. • The plot builds towards a climax. • Thrillers have restricted narration – questions/riddles left unanswered till the end of the film, because they want the viewer to watch the whole film and not stop watching halfway through. It intrigues the viewer to stay tuned in.
Thriller Characters …. Narratives are usually developed through characters. Vladimir Propp suggested that characters took on the role of narrative ‘spheres of action’ or functions. Some of the seven character types he came up with are; The villain who causes the narrative (disruption) problem and is resolved by the hero. A helper ppossibly a cop duo, a love interest that they may be fighting for justice, for example this may be a princess. A dispatcher is someone who sends someone on a quest. Some characters are associated only with one particular genre/subgenre. Protagonists are innocent victims, often an ordinary person. Antagonists are convicts, criminals, serial killers. For example in Collateral the main protagonist is introduced right at the beginning of the opening title sequence, and sets the scene for the narrative. In thriller cop films, characters will be paired in a duo. The word archetype is used to describe recurring and universal characters such as superheroes and type cast roles such as Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious film series. Tom Cruise is another actor who is type cast for many action films such as Mission Impossible.
Mise-en-scene…. Mise-en-scene means everything in scene and Includes; • Character types/roles • Stars, which are mainly type cast/actors • Costume – the clothing of a character speaks volumes about their personality. It also can show historical context and social status. Typically of the thriller genre a hero is normally shown in normal clothes, a cop in a trench coat or uniform and a villain may be shown in slightly more odd clothes or even a uniform. For example, in Psycho Marion is wearing ordinary clothes (the protagonist) and the antagonist is wearing a suit. • Lighting – High key lighting is lighting that appears to be natural even though it very rarely is. A three point lighting system is used to reduce shadows and be flattering to the character. Low key lighting, uses a lighting system which intensifies shadows and gives a moody or scary effect. Back lighting is when a character is lit from behind, thus silhouetting them. Dark and dim lighting is more likely to be in thriller film as it creates that tense atmosphere.
Props – items that are used by characters in a particular scene. Props are a good indicator of genre and often give information about character/location and time. For example, knives and guns may be more typical of a thriller than a comedy. Props that are typical of the thriller genre may be an object that gives a clue toward the narrative for example a ribbon, a weapon or a piece of jewellery. • Iconography – The visual style of a piece of film or the meaning that using a famous actor brings to a film or show, or even a place or object. For example, in Pyscho when Marian is killed in the shower, the shower curtain being pulled back is an iconic scene. • Makeup – A characters makeup can literally be the way they present themselves. Or how they facially are made up for special FX i.e. this could involve fake blood or cuts to represent they have been injured. It makes the representation more realistic and visual.
Mise-en-scene…. • Location – where and when the scene is shot, locations that are typical in the thriller genre are ordinary places such as B&Bs and Hotels. Locations of thrillers are often set in these ordinary locations as it thrills the viewer as it could happen to anyone and anywhere, which is typical of the thriller genre. Woods are also typical of the thriller genre because it’s a bit eerie, as well as being an ordinary public place. Décor/set design - the way the set has been decorated in order to express particular characteristics/social status and personality. Typical sets in thrillers may includes police stations, hotels, B&B’s, motels, in ordinary places like peoples homes, or train stations, sewers and schools. • Figure/facial expression – the characters physical movements, expressions and what that says about them. Proxemics refers to the physical distance between characters (body language can illustrate status or importance). Physicality means the physical presence of an actor and what that brings to a role. In thriller films facial expressions are more likely to be serious as opposed to happy, and body language would probably be quite uncomfortable as they will be on edge.
Technical Aspects …. Cinematography; • Establishing shot – a shot that establishes a scene, often giving the viewer information of where the scene is set. Used normally in thrillers at the beginning during the opening title sequence. • Aerial shot – a camera shot taken from an overhead position. This may be used in thrillers from looking down towards something. • Wide shot – the subject takes up the full frame, with a little ‘safety room’ above and below it. This may be used in a thriller when the character is saying/doing something of a particular importance to the narrative. • Long shot – similar to a wide shot as the subject is shown fully in frame. This may be done to show what the subject is doing in a thriller or maybe to give clues by what the subject looks like. • Two shot – A shot of two characters engaging in conversation. This could be used in a thriller by showing the protagonist and antagonist having a conversation or being face to face.
Medium shot – the subject and surroundings take up roughly equal pats of the frame. Framing of the subject from waist up or waist down. This may be used in a thriller to show what the subject looks like, it could even be used to show to characters having a conversation. Medium close up – the framing of a subject from the chest up. A medium close up may be used in a thriller to show more about the characters of what they are doing. Close up – a head and shoulders shot, mostly used to show expressions/emotions of the character. Can also be of an object to show more detail, this might be used frequently in thrillers, in order to give clues and hints to the narrative. Extreme close up – When the face or body of a character or a small part of an object takes up the whole frame, this could be used within a thriller often to show and give massive clues to the narrative and plot twists. POV – point of view shot shows a view from the subjects perspective. This may be used particularly in a thriller film to represent the view of the antagonist or protagonist. For example it could be used during a chase or a following scene.
Associated POV – looking from behind the characters shoulders at a subject. The subjects face normally takes up 1/3 of the frame, but that depends on what the director would like to achieve. • Overhead shot – the type of camera shot in which the camera is positioned above the character or the action being filmed. • Reaction shot – a shot that shows the reaction of a character. Reaction Shot
Camera angles; A camera angle is the position of the camera in relation to the subject of a shot. The camera might be at a high angle that looks down upon a subject or object. A high angle may be used to make the subject/object look more vulnerable or appear small. OR the camera might be at a low angle that looks up at a subject or object. A low angle is often used to make the subject/object look more dominant or powerful. In thrillers high and low angles are usually used when they want to show an important scene or reaction. They do this because they want to convey clearly the vulnerability or importance of the subject in that situation. A canted angle or oblique angle is a camera angle that makes what is shot appear to be skewed or tilted. An image from the film Shutter Island, at a low angle. An image from the Casino Royale, at a high angle.
Camera movements; • Pan is a horizontal camera movement where the camera moves left to right on a tripod. It can be used to give a panoramic view, maybe used to establish a scene. This is commonly used in thrillers because it can slowly reveal information about the film, and give subtle but important clues about the film. By using the restricted narratives it doesn’t give away everything about the film straight away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mRW167P6Fs • Tilt is a move up and down on a tripod. • Tracking is a movement parallel to the action, the camera follows the action alongside. This is usually done using a track or dolly or handheld using a steadicam. • Dolly shot is where the camera is on a track and move in or out. • Crane shot is sometimes used to signify the end of a scene/film or programme. The affect achieved by the camera being put onto a crane is that is can move upward. • Steadicam is a stabilising mount for a camera which mechanically isolates the operators movements for the camera, allowing a very smooth shot, even if the operator is moving quickly or is walking on an uneven surface. • Zoom is using a zoom lens means you can zoom in or zoom out without actually moving the camera itself. Zoom may be used for dramatic effect, such as zooming into an important detail or subject at an intense moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WtDmbr9xyY – 2 minutes 10. • Hand –held is when something is shot by handheld and creates a shaky effect.
Sound; • Diegetic sound - is sound that has a source within the frame. • Dialogue – words spoken by characters. • Ambient sound – the Diegetic background sounds represented by sounds which are present at the scene or location. • Non Diegetic sound - is sound that has been added post production. • Score – the musical component of a programmes sound track. • Incidental music – non Diegetic sound that is added for action or revelation purposes. • SFX – sounds that are added during the post production stage. • Sound motifs – a sound effect or combination of sound effects that are associated with a particular character, setting, situation or idea. • Sound Bridge – they can occur at the beginning of one scene when the sound from the previous scene carries over briefly before the sound from the new scene begins.
In thrillers, non-Diegetic sound is most commonly used. This were sound is added post production. This could be in the form of SFX, such as gun shots, stabbing sounds, or incidental music, such as a soundtrack. In thrillers it is typical to play sudden and strong noises to surprise the viewer. Some good examples of non-Diegetic sound in opening sequences, would be Physco, Vertigo and Shutter Island. In all the opening sequences, the effect of the sound is too create tension and atmosphere which is typical within the thriller genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mRW167P6Fs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WtDmbr9xyY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZjOOwaiTGQ However in other thriller scenes, sound can also be Diegetic. This can also create an effect in thriller because it emphasises, the noises that are important making it seem like everyday life, which means when something does go wrong, you are more surprised as you didn’t expect it. This is also typical of the thriller genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYB9ytA6weo
Sound Perspectives – the sense of a sounds position in space because of volume or pitch. Used to create a more realistic sense of space with events happening closer/further away. • Pleonastic sound – is sound that imitates screen action. The effect that pleonastic sound has is that, it can make a scene intense that may not have been otherwise. Pleonastic sound is often added to make the viewer jump as it is often sudden and piercing. A good example of this is the shower scene in Physco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WtDmbr9xyY • Contraptual sound – is in opposition to what we see on screen – contradicts the action to create disharmony. A good example of Contraptual sound would be The Shining. The effect of this is uncertainty because the picture you are seeing contradicts what you are actually hearing. It is telling you one thing, however makes you unsure, as the scenery is very light hearted but the music is suggesting otherwise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgCejsyS0t8 • Voice over – when a voice is heard when we see an image of a space and time when the character is not actually speaking. Often used during a flashback. For example Shaw shank Redemption. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCmWfb7bfxQ
Editing; • Editing is the stage in the film-making process in which sound and images are organised into an overall narrative. • Continuity editing is editing that is seamless, so you can barely see it as a viewer. Almost all films used continuity editing, this is so that the audience can become fully absorbed into the action of the film. • Match on Action is when the cut is made on an action. It cuts when someone is just about to jump and the next shot is taken when the subject hits the ground. Match on action is typical in a thrillers by using it to jump to where significant events or plot twists have occurred. • Graphic match is when there is a familiar relationship between the shots to make the change seem smooth. • Graphic Contrast is when the next shot is an obvious contrast to the last to create an impact. This contrast could be similar actions/subject or continuity of direction. • Eye-line match is when the character reacts to something of screen. • Shot reverse shots are edits that switch back and forth between two characters interacting with each other e.g. In conversation. Shot reverse shot is also typical of the genre as it often gives hints to the narrative during the conversation between both characters. This is especially used in opening titles sequences for thriller films as they hint at the narrative by introducing the antagonist and protagonist.
Cutaways are a brief shot that momentarily interrupts continuous action by briefly inserting another related action. This may be in form of a person, object and then followed by a cutback to the original shot. • Jump cut, is an abrupt, disorientating transitional device in the middle of the continuous shot in which the action is noticeably advanced in time and/or cut between two similar shots, usually done to create discontinuity for artistic effect. • Freeze frame is the effect of seemingly stopping a film in order to focus in on one event or element. Freeze frames are also used frequently in thriller films, this is because normally a prop or a significant event is highlighted to give clues to the plot twists happening within the film. • Flashback, a scene or moment in a film in which the audience is shown an event that happened earlier in the film’s narrative. • Juxtaposition, is the placement of two – often opposed – images on either side of an edit to create an effect. • Linear narrative, is when a style of story telling in which events happen chronologically. • Montage editing is when the juxtaposition of seemingly unconnected images in order to create meaning. This is also common within the post production stage of a thriller film as thriller films are typically unconventional and have twists and turns throughout, which adds to the unpredictability of the film. • Cross cutting, also know as parallel editing is a type of editing in which events in two locations are cut together in order to simplify a connection between the two sets of events. Cross cutting is often used to dramatically build tension in chase scenes or to compare two different scenes, which is typical in the thriller genre.
Bibliography;…. Websites I have used in construction of my research…. • Wikipedia • http://www.filmsite.org/thrillerfilms.html • http://www.screenonline.org.uk/film/id/444810/index.html • http://www.scribd.com/doc/22176569/Target-Audience-and-Genre-Research#scribd Images from films I have used in construction of my research…. • Slide one; Psycho (1960), Shutter Island (2010), Cape Fear (1991) • Slide two; Psycho (1960) • Slide three; The Cat and the Canary (1927) • Slide four; • Slide five; Hostage (2005) • Slide six; • Slide seven; Mission Impossible (1991), Fast Furious (2001) Collateral (2004) • Slide eight; Seven (1995) Pyscho (1960) • Slide nine; The Island of Dr.Moreau (1996) • Slide ten; Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) • Slide eleven; The Shining (1980) Vertigo (1958) Collateral (2004) • Slide twelve; Collateral (2004) • Slide thirteen; Tears of the Sun (2003) • Slide fourteen; Shutter Island (2010) Casino Royale (2006) • Slide fifthteen; • Slide sixteen; • Slide seventeen; • Slide eighteen;