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Ice cleats<br>Quadtrek All-Terrain Ice Cleats with 24 spikes made of rubber and steel which provides a strong grip while you walk, run, or jog on ice, snow, or any other terrain. Industrial Quality Ice Cleats. One Size Fits All. Easy Transition from Indoor to Outdoor. Easy for Workers to Use. Reduce Employer's Exposure to Potential Lawsuits & Slip and Falls. One Size Fits All Jobs. #IceCleats That Don't Quit.<br>This Quadtrek Ice cleats for running stabilizes while you walk, run or Jog on ice, snow, grass, or even mud. u00b7 Lightweight and is small enough to be rolled up and placed in any bag. These Ice cleats that will help you come to grips with wintry runs. #IceCleatsForRunning #IceCleats. Traction Cleats with 7 Steel Spikes. Lightweight, Durable & compact, Better grip, for walking on ice & snow ideal for camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting.<br>Triangle shaped 24 spikes<br>Product weight is approx. 300 g<br>Available in size S, M, L, XL<br>Adjustable with every footwear<br>Anti-slip with a strong grip<br><br>Stay Injury Free This Upcoming Winter Season With Our Ice Cleats For Shoes & Boots. Ice cleats from Quadtrek allow you to walk safely in the snow, ice, and other conditions! We don't just make ice cleats, we make slips and falls disappear. #IceCleatsForShoes.<br>STRONGER & SAFER SPIKES: Featured 24 high-quality Stainless Steel Spikes per foot and firm chain system, providing excellent traction on a variety of terrain or other worst conditions, keep you safe and injury-free.<br>DURABLE & STRETCHY MATERIAL: Made from Thermoplastic Elastomer(TPE),5mm thicker than ordinary rubber, till strong performance under -45u00b0C.Easy to put on&off with adjustable strap. Won't tear or snap, ensure long-lasting comfort and durability.<br>DESIGNED FOR YOUR COMFORT: Suitable for males and females of any age including teenagers, adults, elders. Used on angled terrain, ice roads, icy driveway, mud and wet grass, dangerous sections of trail, etc.Great for trail running, hiking, and ice fishing.<br>FLEXIBLE & POCKET SIZE: Suitable for various kinds of sports, hiking shoes, boots, mountaineering boots. The Strap ensures more comfort and safety. Portable and lightweight, can be put into the carry bag included and will not take up much space.<br><br>Buy Quadtrek Snow Cleatsu00a0: here:\https://www.quadtrekusa.com/product/all-terrain-ice-cleats/
Ice cleats QuadtrekAll-TerrainIceCleatswith24 spikesmadeofrubberandsteelwhich providesastronggripwhileyouwalk,run,or jogonice,snow,oranyotherterrain. IndustrialQualityIceCleats.OneSizeFits All.EasyTransitionfromIndoortoOutdoor. EasyforWorkerstoUse.ReduceEmployer’s ExposuretoPotentialLawsuits & Slipand Falls.OneSizeFitsAllJobs.#IceCleatsThat Don’tQuit. ThisQuadtrekIcecleatsforrunning stabilizeswhileyouwalk,runorJogonice, snow,grass,orevenmud.·Lightweightand issmallenoughtoberolledupandplacedin anybag.TheseIcecleatsthatwillhelpyou cometogripswithwintryruns. #IceCleatsForRunning#IceCleats.Traction Cleatswith7SteelSpikes.Lightweight, Durable & compact,Bettergrip,forwalking onice & snowidealforcamping,hiking, fishing,andhunting.
Ice cleats Triangleshaped24spikes Productweightisapprox.300g AvailableinsizeS,M,L,XL Adjustablewitheveryfootwear Anti-slipwithastronggrip StayInjuryFreeThisUpcoming WinterSeasonWithOurIceCleats ForShoes & Boots.Icecleatsfrom Quadtrekallowyoutowalksafelyin thesnow,ice,andotherconditions! Wedon’tjustmakeicecleats,we makeslipsandfallsdisappear. #IceCleatsForShoes
DURABLE & STRETCHY MATERIAL: Made from Thermoplastic Elastomer(TPE),5mm thicker than ordinary rubber, till strong performance under -45°C.Easy to put on&off with adjustable strap. Won’t tear or snap, ensure long-lasting comfort and durability. DESIGNED FOR YOUR COMFORT: Suitable for males and females of any age including teenagers, adults, elders. Used on angled terrain, ice roads, icy driveway, mud and wet grass, dangerous sections of trail, etc.Great for trail running, hiking, and ice fishing.
FLEXIBLE & POCKET SIZE: Suitable for various kinds of sports, hiking shoes, boots, mountaineering boots. The Strap ensures more comfort and safety. Portable and lightweight, can be put into the carry bag included and will not take up much space. Buy Quadtrek Snow Cleats : here:\https://www.quadtrekusa.co m/product/all-terrain-ice-cleats/