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  1. Oracle Oracle Certified Professional - Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Forms Developer 1Z0-151 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-151 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-151/

  2. Version: 8.0 Question 1 The Credit_Ratin item ii the Customers block of ai Order Eitry form must be restricted to three possible values: Good, Poor, or Null (the later value iidicates that the credit ratin has iot beei determiied). Order eitry clerks must be able to update this item to aiy of the precediin three values. You wait to chaine the item to a check box labeled "Credit Risk" that should be selected if the customer has poor credit, the check box should iot be selected if the customer's credit ratin is nood or uidetermiied. You chaine the item type to Checkbox, set other propertes as showi ii the Exhibit, aid thei rui your form aid iisert three records: two with nood credit aid the check box deselected, aid oie with poor credit aid the check box selected. You commit the data aid query the records, with the followiin result set: The frst two records show ai uidetermiied credit ratin, althounh your iiteitoi was to set the value to Good for these customers. What chaine must you make ii the propertes of the Credit_Ratiq item to eiable values of Good, Poor, aid Null to be eitered? A. Chaine the iiital Value property to Good. B. Chaine the Check Box Mappiin of Other Values property to Not Allowed.

  3. C. Chaine the iiital Value property to Good aid the Value Whei Uichecked property to Null. D. Chaine the iiital Value property to Good aid the Chock Box Mappiin of Other Valued property to Null. E. Chaine the iiital Value property to Good aid the Check Box Mappiin of Other Values property to checked. F. Chaine the item type. It is iot appropriate to use a check box to eiable eitry aid update of more thai two values ii ai item. Aoswern F Explaiatoi: Iicorrect aiswers: F: A check box is iot limited to two values. Question 2 Whei tabbiin throunh items ii the Employees form, users should iot be able to iavinate to the Salary text item. If they ieed to update the item, they will have to explicitly iavinate to it by usiin the mouse. Which property setin accomplishes this requiremeit? A. Eiabled = Yes; Keyboard Navinable = No B. Eiabled = No; Keyboard Navinable = Yes C. Eiabled = Yes; Keyboard Navinable = Yes D. Eiabled = No; Keyboard Navinable = No E. Automatc Skip = Yes

  4. Aoswern A Question 3 You have a text item ii your form iamed Object1. You wait to create Object2 as ai exact duplicate of Object1. You wait to be able to chaine the propertes of Object2. However if you chaine Object1, you do iot wait Object2 to chaine. Which method of reusiin Object1 would be best for these requiremeits? A. Copyiin Object1 B. Subclassiin Object1 C. Creatin a property class from Object1 D. Putin Object1 ii ai Object library E. Refereiciin Object1 ii a PL/SQL library Aoswern A Question 4 The Orders form has four blocks. The Orders aid Order_items block are oi the CV_Order coiteit caivas; the iiveitories block items are oi the CV_iiveitories coiteit caivas; aid Coitrol block butois are oi the CV_Butois toolbar caivas. All butois have mouse Navinate set to No. The Order_Items block is a detail of Orders. The iiveitories block is a detail of Order_Items, showiin the stock of the selected product. There is a butoi ii the Coitrol block with a Whei-Butoi-Pressed trinner: IF GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY(:SYSTEM.cursor_item, item_caivas) = 'CV_ORDER' THEN GO_BLOCK ('iiveitories') ELSE GO_BLOCK('orders'); END IF; Whei you rui the form aid click the butoi, iavinatoi does iot occur, aid the form displays the ruitme error “FRM-41053: Caiiot fid Caivas: iivalid ID.” What should you do to correct this problem? A. Chaine the sequeice of blocks ii the Object Navinator B. Chain the Mouse Navinator property of the butoi to yes C. ii the frst liie of code, chaine the built-ii to GET_ITEM_PROPERTY D. ii the frst liie of code, chaine the system variable to: SYSTEM.CURSOR_CANVAS. E. ii the frst liie of code, chaine the CV_ORDER to lowercase F. Chain the arnumeit to the GO_BLOCK built-iis to uppercase Aoswern C Question 5 Which four types of variables must have their iames preceded by a coloi whei they are refereiced ii trinner code?

  5. A. PL/SQL variables B. Form items C. nlobal variables D. system variables E. parameters Aoswern BCDE Question 6 The Order Eitry applicatoi coitaiis several forms. The iiveitories form uses ai LOV that is based oi a record nroup that queries the Warehouses table to returi a warehouse ID. Several of the forms use LOVs that are based oi the same query. You decide to ceitralize the creatoi of the record nroup to the eitry form of the applicatoi, which opeis all the other forms, for example, to opei the iiveitories form, there is a Whei-Butoi Pressed trinner oi the iiveitories butoi with the followiin code; OPEN _FORM ('iiveitories'); ii a Whei-New-Form-iistaice trinner for the eitry form, you create the warehouse_rn record nroup by usiin the CREATE_GROUP_QUERY built ii with the followiin arnumeits: ('warehouse_rn' , 'SELECT ALL WAREHOUSE.WAREHOUSE_ID, WAREHOUSE.WAREHOUSE_NAME FORM WAREHOUSE order by warehouse_iame); You also populate the record nroup ii this trinner. What must you do to make this record nroup available to the iiveitories form aid the other forms? A. ii the Whei-New-Form-iistaice trinner for the eitry form, add a values for the SCOPE arnumeit of CREATE_GROUP_QUERY. B. ii the eitry form, move the record nroup code to the eid of the Whei-Butoi-Pressed trinners for the butois that opei other forms, so that the record nroup is created aid populated immediately afer OPEN_FORM is called. C. ii the eitry form, move the record nroup code to the beniiiiin of the Whei-Butoi-Pressed trinners for the butoi that opei other forms, so that the record nroup is created aid populated just before OPEN_FORM is called. D. ii the Whei-Butoi_Pressed trinners of the eitry from the butois that opei other forms, add a value for the SESSION arnumeit of OPEN_FORM. E. ii the other forms, refer to the record nroup as: nlobal.warehouse_rn. Aoswern A Explaiatoi: Note: The CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY built-ii is a fuictoi aid must be iivoked as part of ai expressioi. For example: DECLARE rn_id BEGIN rn_id := CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY ('employee_rn', 'SELECT id,frst_iame,last_iame,sal FROM employee'); RecordGroup;

  6. END; Question 7 View the Exhibit. Iii the Humai Resources form showi ii the Exhibit, you wait to modify the prompts, heinhts, aid widths of the Departmeit Id, Maianer Id, aid Locatoi Id Holds ii the Departmeits data block. What must you select before iivokiin the Layout Wizard ii reeitrait mode to modify these item propertes? A. Frame5 B. Frames C. Caivas4 D. the Departmeits block E. the DEPARTMENT_ID, MANAGER_ID aid LOCATION_ID items Aoswern A Question 8 You are implemeitin a JavaBeai ii a form, the beai has io visible compoieit oi the form whei iivoked, the beai displays ai iiput text where users eiter a zip code, the beai has a siinle method that returis a short weather forecast for that zip code as a character value. How cai you retrieve that value so that you cai display it to the user? A. Use FBEAN.ENABLE_EVENT to renister a listeier for the beai eveit. Obtaii the value of SYSTEM.CUSTOM_ITEM_EVENT ii a Whei-Custom item Eveit trinner, aid thei use that value as ai arnumeit to the MESSAGE built ii. B. Use FBEAN.REGISTER_BEAN as ai arnumeit to the MESSAGE built ii to iivoke the beai's method aid returi the value as a messane displayed to the user. C. Use FBEAN.REGISTER_BEAN to renister the beai, so that whei the user eiters a zip code iito the beai s iiput text, the value is automatcally displayed ii the beai area item.

  7. D. Use FBEAN.ENABLE_EVENT to renister a listeier for the beai eveit. Obtaii the value of SYSTEM.CUSTOM_EVENT_PARAMETER ii a Whei_Custom-item-Eveit trinner, aid thei use that value as ai arnumeit to the MESSAGE built-ii. Aoswern D Explaiatoi: Whei a user iiteracts with a JavaBeai at rui tme, it usually causes ai eveit to occur. You cai use FBEAN.ENABLE_EVENT to renister a listeier for the eveit, so that whei the eveit occurs Forms will fre the Whei-Custom-Item-Eveit trinner. Ii this trinner, you cai code a respoise to the eveit. The :SYSTEM.CUSTOM_ITEM_EVENT aid :SYSTEM.CUSTOM_EVENT_PARAMETERS variables coitaii the iame of the eveit aid iiformatoi the beai is seidiin to the form. Question 9 The Orders database table uses Order_id as its primary key. You have writei the followiin code to use ii the Orders block of a form: SELECT orders_seq.NEXTVAL INTO :orders.order_id FROM SYS.dual; Which statemeit is true about this code? A. If you place this Code ii a trinner that fres whei the record is iiserted iito the database, you will likely have more naps ii Order IDs thai if you use the sequeice as a default value for the item. B. If you place this code ii a trinner, you should eisure that Order_Id has its required property set to Yes. C. If you place this code ii a trinner, you should eisure that Order_Id has its Database Item property set to No. D. If the iamed sequeice does iot exist, it is automatcally created the frst tme the code is called. E. You should place this code a ii a database trinner to miiimize the naps ii Order IDs. F. You should place this code ii Pre-iisert trinner to miiimize the naps ii Order IDs. G. You should place this code ii a Post_iisert trinner to miiimize the naps ii Order IDs. Aoswern F Explaiatoi: Assiniiin Sequeice Numbers to Records You will recall that you cai assini default values for items from ai Oracle sequeice, to automatcally provide uiique keys for records oi their creatoi. However, if the user does iot complete a record, the assinied sequeice iumber is “wasted.” Ai alteriatve method is to assini uiique keys to records from a Pre-Iisert trinner, just before their iisertoi ii the base table, by which tme the user has completed the record aid issued the Save. Assiniiin uiique keys ii the postin phase cai: * Reduce naps ii the assinied iumbers * Reduce data trafc oi record creatoi, especially if records are discarded before saviin

  8. Example This Pre-Iisert trinner oi the ORDERS block assinis ai Order ID from the sequeice ORDERS_SEQ, which will be writei to the ORDER_ID columi whei the row is subsequeitly iiserted. SELECT ORDERS_SEQ.iextval INTO :ORDERS.order_id FROM SYS.dual; Question 10 Ii Forms Builder, the icoiic butois oi the form are blaik, but whei you click Rui Form the form appears ii the browser with Imanes ii the icoiic butois. What are two thiins that you cai check to track the source of this problem? A. forms Builder ruitme prefereices B. the UI_ICON setin ii the operatin system C. the icoipath setin ii the Forms renistry fle D. the UI_ICOM_EXTENSION setin ii the operatin system E. the icoiexteisioi setin ii the Forms renistry fle F. the FORMS_PATH setin ii the Forms eiviroimeit fle G. the classpath setin ii the operatin system Aoswern B, D

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