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Examples of : Passive & Active Transport

Warm Up : Describe the diagram below by using the following words (this should be REVIIIIEEEWWWW) Solution 4. doing dissolving 2. Solvent 5. being dissolved 3. Solute 6. mixture of the solute and solvent. Examples of : Passive & Active Transport. Critical Question.

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Examples of : Passive & Active Transport

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  1. Warm Up: Describe the diagram below by using the following words (this should be REVIIIIEEEWWWW) • Solution 4. doing dissolving 2. Solvent 5. being dissolved 3. Solute 6. mixture of the solute and solvent Examples of: Passive & Active Transport

  2. Critical Question Explain what happens to the cells in a salt water fish if placed in fresh water. Then grab the following diagram for labeling. Solvent Water = Salt = Solute Outside the cell Inside the cell Plasma membrane

  3. Passive Transport: Osmosis Brainstorm!! Which direction do you think the water will move in diagram 1? What do you think will happen to the yellow circle’s size? • Osmosisdiffusion of water from • HIGH concentration of H20(low solute)to • LOW concentrationof H20 (high solute) Label the Cells (yellow circles) (1 & 2) – as eitherhigh concentration water / low solute or low concentration water / high solute 1. 2.

  4. Osmosis: Types of Solutions (3) 1. Hypertonic 2. Hypotonic • When water leaves the cell because Solution: • High Concentration solute • Less water • Cell shrinks • When water enters the cell because Solution: • Low Concentration solute • More water • Cell swells (think hypO)

  5. Osmosis: Types of Solutions (3) Equal amount of molecules & water leaving and entering the cell Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic

  6. ALL CELLS (bacteria, archea, protists, fungi, plants, animals) depends on the movement of water for survival! For Example 

  7. 1 Osmosis • Hypotonic Example • example: Paramecium • problem: cells gain water, swell & can burst • solution: contractilevacuole • pumps water out of cell

  8. 2 Osmosis • Hypertonic Example • example: Plant (onion) • problem: if cell loses enough water,cell membrane rips away from cell wall • solution: Give plant fresh water!

  9. 3 Osmosis • Isotonic Example • Equal amount water between cell & environment • example:blood in arteries / veins • problem: none • water flows equally, in both directions • volume of cell does’t change

  10. Active Transport : Endocytosis Endocytosis: taking bulky material “En” to cell (uses energy) • Cell membrane folds in around food, creating a vacuole (sac) • Example: how white blood cells eat bacteria! Endocytosis & Exocytosis animations

  11. Active Transport : Exocytosis Exocytosis: “exits” bulky material out of cell(requires energy - Cell changes shape) • membrane surrounding material fuses with cell membrane • EX: Hormones or wastes released from cell

  12. Organelle Cut/Paste Activity To help you study for your QUIZ Monday!!!

  13. Exit Ticket OR Homework • What’s an example of passive transport? • What are the different types of solutions (3) a cell can be in? • What are the 2 examples of Active Transport? • What’s the key structure (organelle) all types of transport have in common?

  14. Critical Question Explain what happens to the cells in a salt water fish if placed in fresh water.

  15. Appling Describe what cellular processes are occurring to the woman during the day. What occurs inside her body after eating breakfast? What occurs inside her body as she starts her hike? What occurs inside her body as the day warms, and how might she respond to this? At noon, what may be occurring at a cellular and body level, and why? Within your group, answer the questions, brainstorm, and create a list of what may be occurring at both the cellular & body level for this woman. Create your list in your Engage Student Handout. Once your group has completed your list, raise your hand. A young woman decides to go for a hike in Yellowstone National Park on a summer day. She brings: • a water bottle, • protein bar, • hat, • some sunscreen and • bear repellant. Before her hike, she has a very good breakfast including eggs, oatmeal, fruit, and orange juice. At the beginning the 9 am hike, the day is cool and she’s wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. By noon, she has hiked 5 miles, it is 95 degrees, and very sunny.

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