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Career Academy Retreat Nuts and Bolts, Day 1:

Career Academy Retreat Nuts and Bolts, Day 1:. Budgets Calendar Academy Courses and New Submissions Academic Plans. Purchase Requisitions and Coding. Budget Code Strings. Academy Resource Codes. Common Object Codes. The Old Way:. The New Way:. SMARTeTOOLS.

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Career Academy Retreat Nuts and Bolts, Day 1:

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  1. Career Academy RetreatNuts and Bolts, Day 1: Budgets Calendar Academy Courses and New Submissions Academic Plans

  2. Purchase Requisitions and Coding

  3. Budget Code Strings

  4. Academy Resource Codes

  5. Common Object Codes

  6. The Old Way:

  7. The New Way: SMARTeTOOLS *Ask your principal how requisitions are being handled at your site.

  8. End Of Year Expenditure Reporting

  9. End-of-Project (EOP) Financial Expenditure Report

  10. End of Year Expenditure worksheet • Use the Expenditure report given to you today (from the business office) to input the 2010-2011 expenditures.

  11. End-of-Project (EOP) Financial Expenditure Narrative

  12. Expenditure Narratives • Ask business office for a “detail” report of your academy’s 2010-2011 expenditures • Keep good records throughout the year of your expenditures (spreadsheet, copies of requests, etc.)

  13. Developing Your Annual Academy Budgets

  14. 2-Year CPA Budget Cycle Odd Years = XXXXX.1 (11-12, 13-14) Even Years = XXXXX.0 (10-11, 12-13)

  15. BUDGET FORM Required Signatures: Prepared by (please print):_________________________ Signature:___________________________ Date:___/___/___ Principal Name:_________________________________ Signature:___________________________ Date:___/___/___ Dist. Bus. Manager:______________________________ Signature:___________________________ Date:___/___/___ CDE Approval Name (CDE Use Only): Signature:________________________________Date:___/___/___

  16. Examples of District Match* • Smaller class size • Extra preps for Academy Coordinator(s) • Release time for curriculum development, program planning, team building • Assignment of a counselor to CPA with smaller counselor-to-student ratio than other counselors • Transportation for field trips, to post-secondary classes, to internships and job shadowing locations • Administrative time applied to supporting/ coordinating the Academy • Substitute costs to support program activities • Equipment purchased for the academy • Instructional & clerical assistants • Academy office space *District Match IS the grant award for CvPAs until outside funds are awarded

  17. Examples of Business and Community Partner Match • Serve on an Advisory Committee • Help develop career technical curriculum • Provide speakers for Academy classes • Host field trips giving a perspective of workplace • Provide mentors who serve as career-related role models and personal points of contact • Provide job shadowing, internship, and other work experience opportunities • Provide student scholarships • Provide equipment and technology • Offer externships for academy staff • Provide additional funds for academy • Sponsor students to Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) events

  18. Some Acceptable uses of CPA Funds • Release time for coordination, planning, curriculum development, & participation in Academy events • Transportation for field trips relevant to CPA career focus • Clerical assistance for Academy needs • Awards, such as pins and medallions • Instructional supplies related to the career focus of Academy • Reasonable equipment expenditures • Professional development needs for staff • Instructional time in excess of negotiated school day


  20. BUDGET PLANNING • Evaluate the yearly progress of the Academy including student achievement. • Include input from your Advisory Committee. • CPA and CvPA Grant Funds are: • Instructional in nature • Supplemental--use funds for activities/items that are “in addition to” what is offered as part of every student’s standard curriculum

  21. Budget Planning Continued… • DONOTuse funds to supplant (replace) activities or items already provided by the district, such as: • Standard supplies allocated to every classroom • Standard textbooks • Teaching salaries covered by the district • Budgets should: • Be thorough, thoughtful and accurate • Include the narrative portion • Include signatures from both principal and district business manager • Ensure that the $ amounts on the budget form and narrative match

  22. BUDGET GUIDELINES • PERSONNEL EXPENSE:  Limit line item 1000, 2000 and 3000 inclusive to 40 percent of the overall budget. • TECHNOLOGY should be limited to 25 percent. • FIELD TRIPS: should be instructional in nature and tied to the occupational area of the academy.

  23. "Organizations demonstrate priorities through the allocation of resources—time, money, and human resources.” Are the resources in your academy allocated according to your vision & stated priorities?

  24. Review the Budget with your Team • Does your Budget Include: • A Budget Form (Summary of Expenditures by Object Code) • District Match (CPAs) AND Business/Industry Match (CPAs and CvPAs) • Acceptable uses of Academy Funds • Instructional • Supplemental • Personnel Expenses are limited to 40 percent of the overall budget (line items 1000, 2000 and 3000 inclusive). • Technology is limited to 25 percent. • Field trips are instructional in nature and tied to the occupational area of the academy. • A Budget Narrative • Signatures from the Principal and Business Manager

  25. Final 2011-2012 Academy Budgets • Develop/review your 2011-2012 budget with your leadership team to create a budget that provides optimal student benefit • 2011-2012 Budget will be submitted on Thursday, August 18th

  26. Academy Calendars

  27. Let’s Begin to Plan for the New Year • Course Submission Deadlines for the 2012-2013 school year • Report Deadlines (October 15th) • Calendar “Reporting Day” with Ms. Heller!  • Accessing School Site Calendars and making sure academy events are approved and scheduled into the site calendar

  28. Report Deadlines • Annual Report • October 15th • (all new CvPAs will not do one in 2010, but WILL do one in 2011 to verify funding for the following year) • End of Program Fiscal Report and Narrative • August 18th • (Last day of the retreat ) • Budget and Budget Narrative • August 18th • (Last day of the retreat )

  29. Academy Elective Courses

  30. Course Outline Development and Approval Process • Submit an Intent to Create a Course Outline Form to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction • By October 1st • Once approval to create the course outline is obtained, submit the course outline to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction  • By December 1st • The Director of Curriculum and Instruction verifies that the proposed course outline has site administrative approval. The course of study is then aligned to the district format, edited, and any obvious lack of clarity is addressed. • If the Director of Curriculum and Instruction recommends revisions to the course outline, the teacher(s) continue to work on the document and resubmit it to the CIT.  • If the Director of Curriculum and Instruction recommends the course of study for approval, it is forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for final review, and then submitted to the Board of Education for final approval.  • The course outline is presented to the Board of Education for final approval  • By March 1st

  31. Current Courses and Plans for 12-13 • Review with your academy teams. • Communicate any changes to Ms. Santos and Ms. Parrish ASAP. • Make sure new course outlines are submitted on time.

  32. UC A-G Approval • Improves options for students • UC“Doorways” Website: http://www.ucop.edu/a-gGuide/ag/welcome.html “Course Descriptions” “Career Technical Education”

  33. “Making it REAL”

  34. Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) • Business Professionals of America (BPA) • DECA (formerly Distributive Education Clubs of America) • Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) • Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) • National FFA Organization (formerly Future Farmers of America) • SkillsUSA (formerly Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) • Technology Student Association (TSA) • Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) • National Young Farmer Educational Association • Future Educators Association (FEA)

  35. http://www.acteonline.org/uploadedFiles/About_CTE/files/CTSOguide-FINAL.pdfhttp://www.acteonline.org/uploadedFiles/About_CTE/files/CTSOguide-FINAL.pdf

  36. Industry Certifications and Articulation Agreements Industry Certifications: Articulation Agreements: Measure qualifications needed in a specific industry or job function: • CAD Certification • EMT Certification Provide students with the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school: “AP for CTE”

  37. Academic Plans for Career Academy Students 4, 6, and 8 year Planning

  38. Academic Plans for Students

  39. CPA and CvPA Resources • www.centinela.k12.ca.us • CASN (Career Academy Support Network by UC Berkeley in conjunction with CPA) http://casn.berkeley.edu/ • CDE resource pages: • Career Technical Education page: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/ • CPA page: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/hs/cpagen.asp • CTE Standards & Framework: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/sf/ • CTE Online (a california career tech resource): http://www.cteonline.org/ • Donors Choose (solicit donations for specific projects) http://www.donorschoose.org/ • I could be (mentoring website) http://www.icouldbe.org/

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