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EGI Work Package 3: Definition of EGI Functions

EGI Work Package 3: Definition of EGI Functions. Diana Cresti, INFN diana.cresti@pd.infn.it. WP3 Objective To define the functional role of the EGI with respect to the NGIs at the start of the EGI, and plan for the evolution of its functions as it matures. WP3 in the context of EGI_DS.

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EGI Work Package 3: Definition of EGI Functions

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  1. EGI Work Package 3:DefinitionofEGI Functions Diana Cresti, INFN diana.cresti@pd.infn.it

  2. WP3 Objective To define the functional role of the EGI with respect to the NGIs at the start of the EGI, and plan for the evolution of its functions as it matures.

  3. WP3 in the context of EGI_DS • WP2 – input on requirements from NGIs and other Grid communities; • WP6 – links with other projects / initiatives / private sector; • WP3 will study specific projects, e.g. EGEE, OMII, DEISA, NDGF, … • First WP3 Deliverable (First Implementational schema of functions) - draft ready by Month 7 (March 2008); • Month 7: Second EGI Workshop; face-to-face discussion of draft schema with NGI representatives; to occur in mid March 2008 (exact date and place to be announced by October 24); • First WP3 Deliverable published on Month 9 (May 2008).

  4. WP3 in the context of EGI_DS WP2 EGI Requirements Consolidation WP3 EGI Functions Definition WP6 EGI Promotion and links with other Initiatives WP4 Study of EGI legal and organisational options WP5 Establishment of EGI

  5. WP3 Work Plan Step 1 - Collect information on (a) use cases and NGI requirements processed by WP2;(b) best practices now implemented by the different actors in Grid computing; Step 2 - Identify the core of (a) functions to be performed by a common body (or bodies); (b) rules/guidelines for the NGIs; Step 3 - Draft a model of how to implement these functions; Step 4 - Connect with WP4 to evaluate legal form of body/ies above, and reiterate w/step 3 as necess.

  6. Defining a first schema • Operation of a reliable Grid infrastructure • Coordination of middleware development and standardization • Development and operation of build and test systems • Components selection, validation, integration and deployment • Mechanisms for resource provisioning to Virtual Organisations • Application support • Training efforts • Outreach and dissemination, industry take-up • Contribution to the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and other standardisation bodies • Policy, Strategy, e-IRG • Representation of European Grid efforts, international cooperation, and ESFRI

  7. Areas of activity Task 3.1 Middleware Standardisation / interoperability General Dev Application support tools

  8. Areas of activity Task 3.2 Operations Service quality definition Components selection, validation, integration and deployment Build and test systems VO provisioning

  9. Areas of activity Task 3.3. Networking Outreach & dissemination Representation functions Training Industry take-up

  10. Evaluation of functions For each function, we need to evaluate: • Central operation/execution • Coordination by EGI (excl. operation) • Decentralised • Coordination by a project • Collateral organisation(s) • Evolution of role • Cost model (with WP4)

  11. Examples (hypothetical) • Interoperability / StandardisationCentr:      Coord: Evolution: • Representation of European Grid EffortsCentr:     Coord: n/aEvolution: • Stable VO Provisioning Possible New FunctionCentr:      Coord: Evolution:

  12. Refining the schema • Interactions on all these issues are expected to • be continuous, via the Knowledge Base and other forms of communication (e.g. email and if needed telephone); WP3 will periodically assess the status of the KB for opinions/requirements; • have recurring activities aimed at taking stock / brainstorming  consolidation /synthesis, both internally as regular WP3 meetings and with the NGI reps during face-to-face meetings, such as the EGI_DS Workshops; • a brainstorming meeting is scheduled following feedback from this workshop;

  13. Refining the schema - cont • The second functional schema will build on all previous materials and interactions, and a draft Deliverable will be presented in time for the Third EGI Workshop at Month 14 (October 2008); • After feedback from this event, the Deliverable describing the Final schema of functions will be published on Month 15 November 2008.

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