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An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios. Tiziana.Ferrari@cnaf.infn.it INFN – CNAF Corso di Laurea specialistica in Informatica Anno Acc. 2004/2005 Slide sources: 1 Introduction to GT3, The Globus Project. Outline. PART I : ripasso PART II : OGSA scenarios
An Open Grid Service Architecture:Deployment Scenarios Tiziana.Ferrari@cnaf.infn.it INFN – CNAF Corso di Laurea specialistica in Informatica Anno Acc. 2004/2005 Slide sources: 1 Introduction to GT3, The Globus Project An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Outline • PART I: ripasso • PART II: OGSA scenarios • Service remote invocation, lifetime management, notification • Service creation • Service notification • Job Submission • Simple and virtual hosting environments An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
PART IRipasso An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
The Web Services technology in brief • Web Service as: “a Web Service is a software system identified by a URI whose public interfaces and bindings are defined and described using XML”. And: “its definition can be discovered by other software systems. These systems may interact with the Web Services in a manner prescribed by its definition, using XML-based messages conveyed by Internet protocols”. • Web services provide a way to offer application-to-application communication running on different platforms (interoperability). • WSDL: Web Services Description Language: the language used to describe the interface to a give service (see following slide for more information). • Message: it is used to exchange data structures, whose types are defined in the XML schema datatype system. • Operation: message exchange patterns supported by the Web Service, which define for example, the input, output and fault messages used for providing a given WS function. • PortType: also known as “interfaces” in WSDL 1.2, they are named collections of “operations”. An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
An Open Grid Service Architecture • The OGSA service model: • It models the Grid architecture following a service-oriented approach, i.e. “Everything is represented by a Service: a network enabled entity that provides some capabilities through the exchange of messages.” • Grid service: “a web service that conforms to a set of conventions and supports standard interfaces, where each interface defines a set of operations that are invoked by exchanging a defined sequence of messages. • The availability of a core set of consistent interfaces allows the creation of higher-order services that can be treated in a uniform way across layers of abstraction. • OGSA represents everything as a Grid Service. • Grid service interface: WSDL portType An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Applications OGSA Architected Services Web Services OGSI – Open Grid Services Infrastructure Web Services OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled Network Storage Servers OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled OGSA Enabled File Systems Workflow Directory Security Messaging Database OGSA and the Web services Resource/ Collective layers Fabric and Connectivity layerss An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA and the Web services (cont) • There are four main layers which comprise the OGSA architectural view. • The lowest layer is comprised of the basic IT resources such as processors, storage systems, and network subsystems and the hardware specific support software in operating systems, subsystems and components that control them. For the most part these resources are made “visible” to the OGSA structure by adding function to that software to “virtualize or abstract” the hardware and system resources as “services”. • Just above these is a layer of function like file systems, databases, messaging software, directories, etc. which are typically implemented as general purpose middleware. This middleware generally exploits the lower layer of physical resource and also provides function that can be “abstracted” and “virtualized” as services in OGSA. • As a “Service Oriented Architecture” OGSA is fundamentally an extension of the existing Web Services infrastructure defined by standards like XML, WSDL, SOAP, etc. OGSA takes advantage of middleware application servers that provide programming support and hosting for web services implementations. • OSGA Then “sits” on top of this support for web services. • And Grid Applications in turn exploit the services that OGSA defines to manage and exploit the distributed resources of the grid. An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
(Initial) OGSA PortTypes and operations • GridService: FindServiceData, SetTerminationTime, Destroy • Notification-Source: SubscribeTo-NotificationTopic • Notification-Sink: DeliverNotification • Registry: RegisterService, UnregisterService • Factory: CreateService • HandleMap: FindByHandle An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Hosting environments An hosting environment defines the execution environment associated to a Grid service instance. It defines: • the programming language used to implement the Web service; • development and debugging tools; • how a Grid service instance delivers its semantic functions. • Types of hosting environments • Simple hosting environment: resources are all part of the same administrative domain. Components: Registry, Factories, Handlemap service. • Virtual hosting environment: resources span heterogeneous, geographically distributed simple hosting environments, and are owned by a set of Virtual Organizations. High-level services depend on a set of independent low-level Web services. • Collective services: a virtual hosting environment in which higher-level service instances are implemented by a composition of multiple lower-level service instances which are mutually dependent. An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
PART IIOGSA scenarios Service remote invocation, lifetime management, notification Service creation Service notification Job Submission Simple and virtual hosting environments An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
1 Example of remote service invocation, lifetime management and notification functions Simple Hosting Env. 1 Simple Hosting Env. 2 Simple Hosting Env. 3 1.1 Authenticate, Authorize and new Create Storage Reservation Service 1.2 Authenitcate, Authorize and Create new Data processing Service 1.3 New Web service instance is crated. The Data Processing Service behaves on behalf of the user, to do so, it is provided with delegated proxy credentials. User Application (Client) Storage Reservation Service Factory Database Service 1.1 storage 1.3 storage Storage Reservation Service Registry 1.2 Data processing Service Factory Simple Hosting Env. 4 Database Service ... 1.3 storage Data Processing Service Registry Registry An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Example of remote service invocation, lifetime management and notification functions (cont) Simple Hosting Env. 1 Simple Hosting Env. 2 Simple Hosting Env. 3 2 Continuous stream of Keepalive message 3.1 retrieval of data through query operations from remote Database Services. Proxy credentials are used for this. 3.2 Data is saved locally. 4 The Data Mining Service periodically returns status information thrugh the notification operation. User Application (Client) Storage Reservation Service Factory Database Service 3.2 storage storage 2 3.1 Storage Reservation Service 2 Registry Data Mining Service Factory 4 Simple Hosting Env. 4 3.2 Database Service ... storage 3.1 Data Mining Service Registry Registry An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Example of remote service invocation, lifetime management and notification functions (cont) Simple Hosting Env. 1 Simple Hosting Env. 2 Simple Hosting Env. 3 5 The user application fails and the keepalive stram is interrupted. The Query operations of the Data Mining Service continue and so do the status notifications. 6 After a timeout, both the Storage Reservation and the Data Mining Service terminate (no keepalives), and they free the storage and computing resources used. (this phase is not shown in figure) User Application (Client) Storage Reservation Service Factory Database Service storage 5 storage 3 Storage Reservation Service Registry Data Mining Service Factory 4 Simple Hosting Env. 4 Database Service ... storage 3 Data Mining Service Registry Registry An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
2 OGSA Service creation: example (*) Registry 1. From a known registry, the client discovers a factory by querying the Service data of the registry Client (*) The scenario in this presentation is offered as examples and are not prescriptive An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA Service creation: example (cont) Registry Factory 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory 1. From a known registry, the client discovers a factory by querying the Service data of the registry Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA Service creation: example (cont) Registry Factory 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory 1. From a known registry, the client discovers a factory by querying the Service data of the registry 3. The factory creates a service Client Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA Service creation: example (cont) Registry Factory 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory 1. From a known registry, the client discovers a factory by querying the Service data of the registry 3. The factory creates a service 4. The factory returns a locator Client Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA Service creation: example (cont) Registry Factory 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory 1. From a known registry, the client discovers a factory by querying the Service data of the registry 3. The factory creates a service 4. The factory returns a locator Client Service 5. The client and service interact An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
3 OGSA notification: example NotificationSource 1. NotificationSink calls the subscribe operation on NotificationSource NotificationSink An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA notification: example (cont) NotificationSource 1. NotificationSink calls the subscribe operation on NotificationSource 2.NotificationSource creates a subscription service NotificationSubscription NotificationSink An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA notification: example (cont) NotificationSource 1. NotificationSink calls the subscribe operation on NotificationSource 2.NotificationSource creates a subscription service 3. Notification Source returns a locator to the subscription service NotificationSubscription NotificationSink An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
OGSA notification: example (cont) 4.a deliverNotification stream continues for the lifetime of NotificationSubscription NotificationSource 1. NotificationSink calls the subscribe operation on NotificationSource 2.NotificationSource creates a subscription service 3. Notification Source returns a locator to the subscription service NotificationSubscription NotificationSink 4.b The NotificationSink and Subscription service interact to perform lifetime management An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
The sole mandated cardinality: 1 to 1 subscribe OGSA notification: example (cont) 4.a deliverNotification stream continues for the lifetime of NotificationSubscription NotificationSource 1. NotificationSink calls the subscribe operation on NotificationSource 2.NotificationSource creates a subscription service 3. Notification Source returns a locator to the subscription service NotificationSubscription NotificationSink 4.b The NotificationSink and Subscription service interact to perform lifetime management An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
4 Job Submission (Globus Toolkit 3) Index Service 1. From an index service, the client chooses an MMJFS Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Job Submission (Globus Toolkit 3) - cont Index Service 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory, supplying RSL MMJFS 1. From an index service, the client chooses an MMJFS Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Job Submission (Globus Toolkit 3) - cont Index Service 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory, supplying RSL MMJFS 1. From an index service, the client chooses an MMJFS 3. The factory creates a Managed Job Service Client MJS An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Job Submission (Globus Toolkit 3) - cont Index Service 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory, supplying RSL MMJFS 1. From an index service, the client chooses an MMJFS 3. The factory creates a Managed Job Service 4. The factory returns a locator Client MJS An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
GRAM Job Submission Scenario Index Service 2. The client calls the createService operation on the factory, supplying RSL MMJFS 1. From an index service, the client chooses an MMJFS 3. The factory creates a Managed Job Service 4. The factory returns a locator Client MJS 5. The client subscribes tothe MJS’ status SDE and retrieves output An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
5 Simple and Virtual Hosting Environments:Examples An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Grid Service Infrastructure in a simple hosting environment (from Globus Toolkit 3) Grid Service Container (Service Construction, destruction activation, deactivation, inspection, etc.) User-Defined Services Base Services System-Level Services (Administration, Logging, Management, ...) OGSA PortTypes Security Infrastructure Web Service Engine Hosting Environment An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Grid Service Infrastructure in a simple hosting environment (from Globus Toolkit 3) - cont Layers in the Web Services Model Interface Layer OGSA PortTypes Transport/Binding Layer (e.g.SOAP over HTTP) Transport Layer Implementation Layer Container is here An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Virtual hosting environment: A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection Registry HE Starter Router 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection in Virtual Hosting Registry HE Starter 2. The router intercepts the createService call on the factory Router 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection in Virtual Hosting 3. The router passes the createService request to the Host Env Starter Registry HE Starter 2. The router intercepts the createService call on the factory Router 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator Client An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection in Virtual Hosting 3. The router passes the createService request to the Host Env Starter Registry HE Starter 2. The router intercepts the createService call on the factory Router 4.The HE Starter creates a new Host Env as well as the service 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator Client Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection in Virtual Hosting 3. The router passes the createService request to the Host Env Starter Registry HE Starter 2. The router intercepts the createService call on the factory Router 4.The HE Starter creates a new Host Env as well as the service 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator 5. The router returns a service locator Client Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
A Service Creation Scenario Illustrating Redirection in Virtual Hosting 3. The router passes the createService request to the Host Env Starter Registry HE Starter 2. The router intercepts the createService call on the factory Router 4.The HE Starter creates a new Host Env as well as the service 1. From a known registry, the client retrieves a factory locator 5. The router returns a service locator Client 6. Using the service locator, the router redirects subsequent client-service interactions Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios
Hierarchy of Web services standards Service Composition BPEL4WS1 WS-Notification WS-Service Group Quality of Experience (QoX) WS-Reliable Messaging WS-Transaction WS-Security WS-Resource Lifetime Description WS-Base Faults WS-Resource Properties WSDL XSD WS-Policy WS-Metadata Exchange Messaging SOAP XML WS-Addressing WS-Renewable References Transports JMS3 RMI / IIOP2 SMTP HTTP/HTTPS 1BPEL4WS: Business Process Execussion Language for WS) 2IIOP: Internet Inter-ORB Protocol 3JMS: Java Message Service An Open Grid Service Architecture: Deployment Scenarios