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REGIONAL AND INTRAREGIONAL CLUSTERS. NOVUM RESEARCH PARK. 1972 Huddinge University Hospital 1985-91 Novum Research Foundations Center for Biotechnology Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Center for Structural Biochemistry
NOVUM RESEARCH PARK 1972 Huddinge University Hospital 1985-91 Novum Research Foundations Center for Biotechnology Center for Nutrition & Toxicology Center for Structural Biochemistry Center for Oral Biology Founders: Stockholm County Council & Karolinska Institute Purpose: To create a biomedical center of excellence 1985 - R&D companies in and near Novum. Expanison of research Improvements of infrastructure (communications, hotel, shops) 1989 Novum Research Center 1997 - 02 University of Södertörn 2000 - Planning for Novum BioCity
NOVUM RESEARCH PARK A.D. 2002A qualified environment for front-line research and for the establishment and growth of research-based companies Novum Research Foundations (4 foundations ~ 350 employees)biomedical basic research Departments & Centers of Research(~ 350 employees) Karolinska Institute, Huddinge University Hospital, Södertörn University biomedical & medical technology research Research Companies(20 companies, ~ 450 employees) Novum Business Development Group business counselling, strategic planning information & visitor’s service
NOVUMPRECLINICAL RESEARCH • Nuclear receptors • Signal transduction • Molecular genetics • Molecular nutrition • Molecular immunology • Structural biochemistry
NOVUMCLINICAL RESEARCH • Cancer Osteoporosis • Metabolic disorders Alzheimer’s disease • Cellular therapy Virus infection (Hepatitis) • Gene therapy
BUSINESS COUNSELLING IN NOVUM Patenting Licensing Business law Market analysis Business Planning Financing
NOVUM’SRESEARCH COMPANIES Multinationals AstraZeneca Pain Control Research Baxter Medical Renal Function Research Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Alzheimer’s disease
R&D specialists Karo Bio Receptor biology Medivir HIV & Herpes antivirals Tripep HIV antivirals LightUp Technologies DNA probe technology / diagnostics Avaris Gene vector technolog Oxypharma Rheumatoid Arthritis Novum’s Research Companies
NOVUM’S RESEARCH COMPANIES Service & Technology providers • CyberGene Sequencing, genetic diagnostics • Nova Snitt Analysis Histology • SciBase Impedance analysis of skin & mucosa • Innomed-Konsult Design of GMP facilities
Nuclear Receptors Hormones or Metabolic Intermediates Changed Cell Function Protein Nuclear Receptor Target gene • Large family of receptors • Important drugs on the market • Validated drug targets • Bind hormones with high affinity • New technology and receptors offer improved treatments and new indications
LXRNew Promising Target for Atherosclerosis • Upregulates cholesterol pump (ABCA1) • Upregulates APO-E in macrophages • Upregulates 7-hydroxylase (cholesterol break down)
Atherosclerosis Treatedbloodvessel LXR Concept to Treat Atherosclerosis Drug compound stimulates LXRactivity LXR stimulates synthesis of ABC1protein + ABC1-protein LXR Cell ABC1 removes harmful cholesterol Tangier disease;non-functional ABC-1 leads to atherosclerosis
Karo Bio – Leader in Nuclear Receptor and Proteomics-Based Drug Discovery
BMS Merck AHP Abbott Boehringer Ingelheim Bayer AG GPC Biotech NovImmune S.A. Serono International Aventis Karo Bio AB Stockholm Karo Bio USA, Inc. Durham, NC KaroBio,Inc. San Francisco
Develop pharmaceuticals for major markets Be a leading company within the field of nuclear receptors and proteomics-based drug discovery Conduct clinical development and marketing through partners and licensees Finance operations through partnerships Business Concept
Up-front payment Target identification Revenue Model of Karo Bio Royalty on sales Research funding R&D milestones Drug discovery Pre-clinical development Clinical development Market
Strategic Position KARO BIO Scientific network Partners Karolinska Insitutet UCSF Duke University University of Bochum Sahlgrenska Hospital University of York … Abbott Laboratories Bristol-Myers Squibb Merck & Co, Inc. Aventis …
Nuclear Receptor Project Portfolio Target and indication validation …...C l i n i c a l D e v e l o p m e n t…... Drug discovery Preclinical Development Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA THR Obesity BMS ER Merck LXRAHP 2 1 1 2 GR Diabetes Abbott THR Cardiac arrhythmia /KB THR 015/Cardiac arrhythmia/KB THR KB2611/ Skin atrophy /KB AR Prostate cancer /KB MR Heart failure /KB THR Glaucoma/KB GR Inflammation /KB Anti-microbials/KB
Karo Bio has a diverse nuclearreceptor research portfolio Clinical development NDA/ Market Diseasearea Drug discovery Preclinicaldevelopment Phase I Phase II Phase III Athero-sclerosis 100 MUSD + Royalties Oestrogen receptor 80 MUSD + Royalties Type II diabetes 56 MUSD + Royalties 40 MUSD + Royalties Obesity Karo Bio has four profitable nuclear receptor collaborations in potential block-buster areas
Några reflektioner kring ett nytt paradigm för medicinsk och bioteknisk forskning • Avståndet mellan laboratoriebänken och patientens säng har minskat betydligt och minskar allt snabbare i takt med den nya molekylärbiologiska forskningens landvinningar • Enda sättet att föra över forskningsresultat från lab.bänken till patienten går via patentering och kommersialisering • Den nutida laboratorieforskaren har ett etiskt imperativ att börja arbeta i denna riktning (modern tillämpning av den Hippokratiska eden!)
Några reflektioner…… (forts.) • Det nya paradigmet för medicinsk/naturvetenskaplig forskning består i en trestegsraket, akademi, SMEs samt stora företag, där de två första stegen bör samlokaliseras under ett tak • I detta cluster kommer nya forskningsstrategier och forskningstekniker att växa fram samtidigt som nya utbildningslinjer med kombinationer av bioteknik, medicin, ekonomi, juridik, etik mm kommer att utvecklas • Allt detta betyder effektivare forskning, större konkurrenskraft i ett internationellt perspektiv samt bättre ekonomi för Sverige