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Final exam details

Final exam details. December 22, 2009. 12pm-3pm. Venue: SEC 118. Tips: Spend time reading the questions before answering them. Prioritize the questions and answer questions in an order that will ensure that you maximize your score. I/O.

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Final exam details

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  1. Final exam details • December 22, 2009. 12pm-3pm. Venue: SEC 118. • Tips: • Spend time reading the questions before answering them. • Prioritize the questions and answer questions in an order that will ensure that you maximize your score CS 416: Operating Systems

  2. I/O • Blocking, non-blocking, and asynchronous I/O. Differences? Pros and cons? • Buffered and unbuffered I/O. Differences? Pros and cons? • Programmed I/O and DMA. Differences? Pros and cons? • Steps in performing a DMA operation? • Steps in performing an I/O operation? CS 416: Operating Systems

  3. Disks and Disk Management • Structure. Sectors, tracks, cylinders? • Performance. Seek latency, rotational latency, transfer rate? • Disk scheduling. FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK, C-LOOK? Pros and cons? • RAID. Different RAID levels? Pros and cons? CS 416: Operating Systems

  4. File Systems • File allocation. Contiguous, linked, indexed? Pros and cons? • Free space management. Bit map, chained, indexed? Pros and cons? • Buffer cache. How does it work? Consistency? Replacements? • File sharing semantics. Unix, session, immutable files? • Protection. Protection domains? Access control lists, capabilities? Pros and cons? CS 416: Operating Systems

  5. Security • Buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Stack smashing attacks. Tricks to make stack smashing attacks work in practice (see Aleph One paper and slides). • Techniques to prevent buffer overflow attacks. CS 416: Operating Systems

  6. Distributed Systems • Fault models. Failstop, crash, Byzantine? • Consensus and coordinated attack results. Why are they impossible? • Communication protocols. Layering? Function of application, transport, network, and link/physical layers? Examples? • Internet protocols. IP, UDP, TCP? TCP flow control? TCP congestion control? • RPC. Goal? Stubs? Deviations from regular PC? Semantics? • Transactions. ACID? Two-phase locking and commit? • Distributed algorithms. Happened before? Mutual exclusion algorithms? Properties? • Material on distributed file systems will NOT be on the final. CS 416: Operating Systems

  7. Architecture • Caching. Why? Examples? When does it work well? • Invoking the OS. Mechanisms? Differences? • I/O event notification. Mechanisms? Differences? • Send/receive data to I/O devices. Mechanisms? Differences? CS 416: Operating Systems

  8. Processes and Threads • Stack. Activation records. What is stored there? • Heap. What is stored there? • Address space. What is it? • Process context. Thread context. What do they comprise? • PCB. TCB. Where are they stored? What do they store? • Context switching. How does it happen? Any problems? • Thread states. • User-level and kernel-level threads. Pros and cons? CS 416: Operating Systems

  9. Synchronization • Critical section. Locks. Semaphores. Monitors. • Atomic operations. Examples? • Spinning vs. blocking. Tradeoff? • Deadlock. Necessary conditions? Techniques for tackling deadlocks? • Banker’s algorithm. CS 416: Operating Systems

  10. CPU Scheduling • Metrics: thruput, utilization, turnaround, response time, deadlines • Preemption. • Policies: FCFS, SJF, RR, Priorities, Feedback. Pros and cons. CS 416: Operating Systems

  11. Memory Management • Paging. Segmentation. How do they work? Pros and cons? • Translation Lookaside Buffer. How does it work? How are misses handled? • Translation from logical (virtual) to physical address. How? • Page tables. Where are they stored? What can we do to reduce their size? • Page replacement policies: FIFO, LRU, Optimal, 2nd chance, Nth chance. • Working set. Thrashing. Swapping. CS 416: Operating Systems

  12. File systems • File system implementation. Layout and management of disk pages. • Inodes and directory entries. UNIX-like inodes. • Managing free space. Bitmaps and free lists. • File system consistency semantics. • Log-structured file system implementation. Tradeoffs and design criteria. Segment cleaning mechanisms and policies. Tradeoffs. CS 416: Operating Systems

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