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Structure & Function of Councils Maximize your opportunity to advance nursing’s agenda

Structure & Function of Councils Maximize your opportunity to advance nursing’s agenda. Ongoing Professional Advancement. Advancing the profession and protecting the public Collective bargaining Monitor regulatory systems

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Structure & Function of Councils Maximize your opportunity to advance nursing’s agenda

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  1. Structure & Function of Councils Maximize your opportunity to advance nursing’s agenda

  2. Ongoing Professional Advancement • Advancing the profession and protecting the public • Collective bargaining • Monitor regulatory systems • Political and Legislative Action • Oldest, largest and most innovative professional organization for Registered Nurses

  3. Association Brief History: 1901 • Fifty-six nurses gathered to discuss nursing responsibility to upgrade healthcare • Standards and competent care often not available • New York State NursesAssociation - First nursing organization in United States • Initial goal to establish a Nurse Practice Act

  4. 1903-1947 • 1903- Drafted and defended legislation to protect the public and advance the profession • 1938- Worked to pass Todd-Feld Bill –licensure legislation for “nurses for hire” in NYS- higher entry standards, and restriction of the title “registered professional nurse” and “ licensed practical nurse” • 1957-NYSNA House of Delegates approved the formation of Economic & General Welfare

  5. 1972-2008 • 1972- Nursing’s autonomous nature declared in the Nurse Practice Act • 1998- NYSNA is successful in safeguarding the NPA • 2007- NYSNA is successful in assuring title protection for “NURSE” • 2008- NYSNA is successful in ascertaining the end of Mandatory Overtime in NYS

  6. Association Structure

  7. Voting Body • Highest authority of NYSNA • Comprised of members attending annual convention • Membership sets new horizons for both the association and nursing

  8. Board of Directors • 13 members elected by members of NYSNA and positions announced at convention • Responsible for corporate & fiduciary affairs • Authorized by applicable law for development and perpetuation of NYSNA • Appoints the Executive Director- who is responsible for the administration duties of NYSNA

  9. Nominating Committee Comprised of 5 members • Elected by association membership annually • Reviews nominations • Creating a slate of candidates to make available for membership election each July

  10. Delegate Assembly • Elected group of NYSNA union members • Resource for all members • Advise the Association's Economic and General Welfare program • Build unity and member involvement within and between organized facilities • Elected members serve four-year terms

  11. Political Action Committee Comprised of 11 members • 6 members appointed by the Board of Directors • 5 appointed by the NYSNA-PAC Board of Trustees • Raises funds • Educates members in political process • Encourages members to exercise their civic duty to vote • Funded by annual deduction from dues and contributions

  12. Standing Committees: Bylaws & Finance • Bylaws Committee- comprised of 5 Board appointed members • Finance Committee- comprised of 5 Board appointed members, which includes the treasurer and two other members of the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall serve as the chairperson

  13. Bylaws Committee • Advisory capacity • Reviews & evaluate existing bylaws • Considers proposals • Prepares proposed amendments for review and approval by the Board of Directors • Advises constituent district nurses associations • Reviews the bylaws of a nurses association wishing to become a constituent association of this association and report its finding to the Board

  14. Bylaws • Councils exist in the Bylaws of NYSNA under Article VII. These bylaws provide for the names, purpose, composition, terms of appointment, accountability and functions of each council. • Currently there are six Councils

  15. Councils • Council on Continuing Education • Council on Ethics & Human Rights • Council on Legislation • Council on Nursing Education • Council on Nursing Research • Council on Nursing Practice

  16. Council on Nursing PracticeBrief History • Shared meetings of CNP and CPU/FPU AKA Large Organizational Meetings • Members identified that they enjoyed the exchanges that occurred in the shared meetings • CPUs/FPUs created a Cohort Plan to identify areas of mutual concern and provide non-duplicative direction to these activities

  17. Prior to Demonstration Project • Cohort Plan was found to be very successful in demonstrating that many member concerns regarding nursing practice are similar. • CPU/FPU workgroups were established to work on items of mutual concern. • Members expressed that they were increasingly comfortable with the large group process to advance the association’s practice agenda.

  18. Demonstration Project • January 2003 presentation was delivered to Large Org. Meeting before moving forward with the Demonstration Project recommendation. • Demonstration project was presented and approved by NYSNA BOD March 2003. • Project commenced at 2003 Convention

  19. Expanded Council • Creation of expanded Council on Nursing Practice (eCNP) • Member Participation on the eCNP • 5 BOD appointed members of CNP • 1 BOD liaison • 1 representative from CPUs, FPUs, HIV/AIDs Advisors and Rural Health Committee • Meet 4 times a year • Continue to fulfill CNP and CPU/FPU responsibilities as identified in the bylaws through participation on the eCNP

  20. Moving ahead • Completion of demonstration project • eCNP at March and June meetings deliberated over new structure • Presented recommendations to BOD June meeting (remove CPUs/FPUs from bylaws and change to SIGs) • BOD approved recommendations but wanted further dialogue at Convention

  21. Changes/Discussion • Tremendous amount of discussion on this topic at forums and business meetings • Bylaws change was not adopted. • Motion to extend the demonstration project for 1 more year was approved.

  22. Evaluation/Implementation • eCNP 2007-2008: • Evaluate pros/cons of current eCNP structure. • Determine need for change of CPU/FPU structure. • Create a model that best meets NYSNA membership. • Determine best method to educate membership regarding changes. • Create a business meeting model that best facilitates member participation.

  23. Practice Focus Groups • Adult Health • Family/Maternal Child Health • Behavioral Health • Public Health • Gerontological Health

  24. Support for CNP • Budget & Oversight • Renee Gecsedi- Director of the Education, Practice and Research (EPR) • Associate Directors- Eileen Avery, Roni Cummings, Ann Purchase, Sally Dreslin, and Andrea Nero • Coordinate meetings • Assist with action plan goal achievement

  25. Purpose & Composition • Responsible for advancing NYSNA • Established by the voting body • The Board of Directors appoints at least five members and designates the chairperson

  26. Appointment & Accountability • Two years or until their successors are appointed. • Advisory and consultative capacity to the Board of Directors • Delegated actions to perform (resolutions from Convention) • Current issues

  27. Function & Commitment • Analyze trends and developments • Address barriers to quality care & health system issues • Establish an action plan • Review position statements & standards • Dissemination of information • Assume other functions

  28. Goals of CNP • Promote the value, role and effectiveness of the profession of registered nurses • Promote a safe workplace environment for RNs and patients and • Promote "best" practices.

  29. 2007-2009 • The Council moves to adopt Practice Groups to advocate, monitor, advise, strengthen, and collaborate in 2007 • 2008- Practice Focus Groups meet and elect members of executive team and have the first CNP Forum at Annual meeting • 2009-

  30. RNs

  31. Questions ???

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