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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - “ARRA”

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - “ARRA”. June 23, 2009. Presentation Outline. Background Orange County Funding Transportation Summary Stimulus Team Next Steps Summary. Presentation Outline. Background Orange County Funding Transportation Summary Stimulus Team

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - “ARRA”

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  1. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - “ARRA” June 23, 2009

  2. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  3. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  4. Background ARRA • $787 billion stimulus plan • Signed into law on Feb. 17, 2009 • Purpose: • Create and save jobs • Jumpstart the economy • Build foundation for long-term growth

  5. Background In Billions • Tax Relief $ 288 • State & Local Relief 144 • Infrastructure & Science 111 • Protecting the Vulnerable 81 • Health Care 59 • Education and Training 53 • Energy 43 • Other 8 • Total $ 787

  6. Background Flow of Funds Federal Agencies Local Government State Legislature Community Businesses State Agencies Floridians

  7. Background Flow of Funds Federal Agencies Local Government State Legislature Community Businesses State Agencies Floridians

  8. Background • Florida – In excess of $15 billion over three years • State’s FY 2010 budget includes $5.3 billion from stimulus funds • Tax relief for Florida - $9.85 billion • Competitive grant opportunities

  9. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  10. Transportation

  11. Transportation • $48B nationwide transportation infrastructure investment • Aviation - Transit • Highways - Maritime • Railroads • Additional $10B for high speed and passenger rail (competitive grants)

  12. Transportation • $1.7B for Florida transportation infrastructure • $1.35B highways and bridges • $290M urban transit systems • $50M airport improvements • Funding to be apportioned by population formula • Funding available for mix of state and qualifying local projects

  13. State road project in Orange County SR 50 (SR 429 to Avalon Road) State flexible ARRA funds $35.4M (approx. project cost) Construction letting November 2009 Transportation

  14. State enhancement project in Orange County Silver Star Road (SR 438) (Pine Hills Road to Willow Bend) $366K (approx. project cost) Developing concept plan Design and construction this fall Reviewing LAP agreement Transportation

  15. Transportation • Bridge replacement projects • Taylor Creek Road Bridge • Harrell Road Bridge • Thorpe Road Bridge • Campo Way Bridge • Design updates underway • Reviewing LAP agreements • Total allocation: $4.5M

  16. Transportation • Resurfacing projects • Lake Underhill Road • General Rees Avenue • Dean Road • Kaley Street • Reviewing LAP agreements • Total allocation: $7.9M • County to fund $274K Kaley Street shortfall

  17. Transportation • Traffic Engineering project • LED traffic signal conversion • $1M allocated from EPD’s $7.5M EECBG • 580 intersections under review for conversion

  18. Schedule All projects design/updates underway Agreements to BCC & FDOT in July Resurfacing projects start construction bidding Fall 2009 Bridge projects start construction bidding Spring 2010 Transportation

  19. Other Opportunities TIGER grants (discretionary grants) EDA grants (Economic Development Administration) Transportation

  20. TIGER Grants $1.5B available nationwide until September 30, 2011 September 15, 2009 application deadline Includes NEPA requirements Coordinated through MPO Projects discussed included I-4 & SR 50 Transportation

  21. EDA Grants $150M available nationwide $100M Public Works projects Funding available until September 30, 2010 Public Works projects must meet “special needs” criteria Preference for cash or in-kind contributions Includes NEPA requirements Transportation

  22. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  23. Orange County Funding • Grant awards and allocations for Orange County

  24. Orange County Funding Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) • Financial assistance and services to prevent homelessness and to provide re-housing and stabilization for those that have become homeless • $2.5 million for Orange County • Presented & approved by BCC on May 12th

  25. Orange County Funding Head Start • Funds for the replacement of older portable classrooms, furniture, equipment, educational materials, salaries and operating expenses • $1.1 million for Orange County • BCC approved on May 12, 2009

  26. Orange County Funding Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) • Funding to reduce fossil fuel emissions, reduce and improve energy use, spur economic growth and create/retain jobs • $7.5 million awarded to Orange County • Presented & approved by BCC on May 19th

  27. Orange County Funding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG – R) • The purpose is to improve infrastructure, energy efficiency, and access to health care • $1.7 million funding for Pine Castle sidewalk and drainage improvements, and energy efficiency improvements to community centers • BCC approved June 2, 2009

  28. Orange County Funding Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) This program helps reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing energy efficiency of homes $2.2 million allocated to Orange County Goal of 308 housing units

  29. Orange County Funding Byrne/JAG • Purpose is to prevent, fight and prosecute crime • $4.5 million allocated to Orange County • Funding primarily being used to purchase public safety radios and misc. equipment

  30. Orange County Funding Community Service Block Grant • Assistance for low income households to attain the skills necessary in attaining self sufficiency • Orange County funding – $1.3 million

  31. Orange County Funding In Millions Transportation • Bridge replacement projects $ 4.5 • Resurfacing 7.9 • Total $12.4

  32. HPRP $ 2.5 Head Start 1.1 EECBG 7.5 CDBG- R 1.7 Weatherization 2.2 Byrne/JAG 4.5 CSBG 1.3 Transportation 12.4 Total To Date $ 33.2 Orange County Funding Summary In Millions

  33. Competitive Grants • Byrne/JAG • Neighborhood Stabilization Program II • Transportation • Fire Stations • Brown Fields • Census • COPS grants • Crime Victims Assistance • Drinking and Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund • Others

  34. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  35. Stimulus Team • Legislative Team • Federal and State • Grants Coordinator and Grants Committee • Staff Work Group • Executive Group • Comptroller’s Office

  36. Internal Tracking • Important Web Sites • Recovery.gov • Grants.gov • Flarecovery.com Welcome to FlaRecovery.com

  37. Orange County’s Web Page (Coming Soon)

  38. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  39. Next Steps • Monitor and coordinate through appropriate state agencies • Complete grant applications • Process budget and CIP amendments as necessary • Tracking and compliance • Keep Board updated

  40. Presentation Outline • Background • Orange County Funding • Transportation • Summary • Stimulus Team • Next Steps • Summary

  41. Summary • $787 billion ARRA includes funding for state and local governments • $33.2 million in formula/entitlement grants awarded to Orange County to date • Numerous competitive grant opportunities • Team is aggressively tracking, monitoring and applying for all grant opportunities

  42. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009- “ARRA” June 23, 2009

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