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Construction Supervision Course: Elevate Productivity & Career Development

Prepare to become a construction supervisor and learn leadership, communication, planning, and problem-solving skills. Elevate productivity and career prospects in the industry.

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Construction Supervision Course: Elevate Productivity & Career Development

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  1. Introduction Purpose of the Course • Continue your ongoing career development • Elevate the level of productivity improvement awareness among construction supervisors Why study supervision? • Prepare to become a supervisor • Learn to walk the new line between craft worker and supervisor • Learn about more opportunities in your industry

  2. Introduction to STP • Supervisory Training Program Courses • Unit 1: Leadership and Motivation • Unit 2: Communication • Unit 3: Planning and Scheduling • Unit 4: Contract Documents • Unit 5: Improving Productivity and Managing Project Costs • Unit 6: Risk Management and Problem Solving

  3. How This Course is Organized Session Breakdown • Dollars and Sense of People and Construction • The Role of the Construction Supervisor • Helping People Perform Better • Motivation • Leading Others • You Get What You Expect • Positive Feedback • Training and Orienting Crew Members • Teams and Team Building • Leadership Skills in Action

  4. Purpose of the Course • Add to your ongoing career development • Increase your awareness of different leadership styles • Increase your awareness of the motivational factors you can control and the motivational factors workers can control

  5. Dollars and Sense of People and Construction • Learning Goals for Session 1 • Value of effective supervision of workers • Learning Objectives • Explain the importance of people to the success of the organization. • Identify factors associated with poor supervision practices. • List causes of high personnel turnover. • Identify costs associated with training new workers. • List causes of communication breakdowns and their costs to a project. • Describe how low trust, poor teamwork, and lack of cooperation cost money.

  6. Costs Associated With Turnover • High rate of accidents • Slow rate of learning new tasks, jobs, and skills • Low trust and communication breakdown • Poor teamwork and cooperation

  7. Causes of Turnover Reasons for turnover might include • Poor initial job match with the individual • False role expectations • Not fitting in with the crew or work culture • The job conflicts with outside interests • Information overload • Poor training, slow skill development • Not enough information or untimely feedback

  8. Low Trust and Communication Breakdown This tends to prevent or inhibit accurate and timely exchange of information.

  9. Using on the Job What You Learned Today • Jobsite Assignment • How might you do some things differently to help improve profits? • Select one specific concept from this session that you believe you can improve this week.

  10. Role of the Construction Supervisor Learning Goals • Role of the construction supervisor as a leader, communicator and motivator Learning Objectives • Explain the factors of supervisory leadership that motivate workers. • Describe communication mechanisms that motivate workers. • Describe how to assign work and delegate duties in order to improve crew performance. • Define processes for leading others to perform quality work. • Explain how company cultural values that improve on-site performance.

  11. Supervisory Leadership Model • Effective leadership • Motivation • Effective communication • Planning • Organizing • Decision making • Knowledge of construction • Problem solving

  12. Work Assigner and Delegator • Does some of the things a supervisor normally does. • Involves others in new and more challenging projects that are not part of regular work assignments.

  13. Factors Contributing to Substandard Work People work below standard for several reasons: • Not enough information • Poor training • Need for retraining • False expectations about the job • Work environment is inhibiting performance • Pressure from outside the job • Poor attitude • Poor work habits

  14. Company Culture Examples of company cultures include: • People as the source of our strength • Products as the end result of our efforts (“We are about cars.”) • Profits as a necessary mean and measure of our success • Basic honesty and integrity • All people are important • People working together achieve more

  15. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Write down the work role you are having the most trouble with.

  16. Helping People Perform Better Learning Goals • Role of the construction supervisor as a motivator Learning Objectives • Define the four basic assumptions that form the basis for a worker’s performance. • List and use various supervisory leadership tools that will improve worker performance. • Describe how to set specific and measurable goals for your work crew. • Identify the positive and negative aspects of using competition as a motivational tool.

  17. Workers’ Performance Assumptions about people • People are motivated. • Most people want to be the best they can be. • Most people like to receive positive feedback. • People want to be respected and feel empowered.

  18. The Performance Equation Performance = Motivation x Ability x Expectations A supervisor can: • Communicate respect for the individual • Set goals • Provide feedback • Encourage competition • Deliver timely training and information • Establish self-responsibility and control • Set positive expectations

  19. Encouraging Competition • Between crew members and crews • With outside competitors • To improve self-development

  20. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Set one job goal you will accomplish in the upcoming week. • Evaluate how well you accomplished your goal.

  21. Motivation Learning Goals • Motivational strategies that will improve the performance of your crews Learning Objectives • Identify three general motivation strategies. • List specific items that motivate most workers. • Identify various personality types. • Describe various strategies that capitalize on personality traits.

  22. General Motivational Strategies Force • Use coercive power. • Not the best way to motivate people. Enticement • Have some reward power. Internal Motivation • Comes from within a person. • The same concepts will not internally motivate everyone. • An effective supervisor can determine what internally motivates each crew member.

  23. Recognizing Personality Types The Take-Charge type • Readily accepts challenges, is creative, accepts authority, solves problems, etc. The Cooperative type • Cooperates with everyone and focuses on getting the job done The Happy-Go-Lucky type • Enthusiastic, friendly, perpetually optimistic The Steady-Eddie type • Shows up every day, does the job, performs at a high level

  24. Internal Motivational Techniques • Capitalize on strengths • Address weaknesses • Don’t overextend strengths • Job enlargement and enrichment

  25. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Identify one person with whom you have had some motivational problems on the job. Analyze that person using the information from this session.

  26. Leading Others Learning Goals • Different leadership styles can be applied to various situations. Learning Objectives • Describe consistent supervisory skills. • Identify core values. • Explain the need for long- and short-term goals. • Describe best practices for corrective discipline. • Explain requirements for implementing company policies. • Identify effective leadership styles for different situations.

  27. Providing Consistency • Core values • Bonding agents that hold the culture together • Long-term goals • Help to provide consistency • Corrective discipline • Consistent, fair, and progressive discipline • Company policies • Guidelines that allow the company to operate

  28. Leadership Styles Tell • Supervisor makes the decision and then tells the crew members what they should do. • Useful for situations in which the follower has high motivation and willingness but is weak in ability. Sell • Supervisor decides on a course of action and then communicates the benefits of the approach to the followers. • Works well if you have a motivated employee with ability who needs some confidence or convincing.

  29. Leadership Styles (continued) Consult • Supervisor gets input from his or her crew members before he or she (the supervisor) makes a decision about what option or action to implement. • Used when a crewmember has moderate ability to do the job and is moderately or highly motivated. Join • Supervisor makes the decision with the crew. • Used when the individual or group has high ability and knowledge about the job at hand.

  30. Leadership Styles (continued) Delegate • Crew member is given broad discretion and freedom to go ahead and get the job done. • Works well when you have highly motivated crew members who have a great deal of experience and ability to get a job or project completed.

  31. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Employ a different leadership style for each day of the upcoming week.

  32. You Get What You Expect • Learning Goals • Develop awareness about how your actions create reactions in others and develop positive expectations. • Learning Objectives • Identify desired supervisory characteristics and behaviors. • Identify how workers respond to supervisors’ behaviors. • Describe how to show respect for your crew and have positive assumptions about them. • Identify how to develop activities that will help workers set positive expectations.

  33. How Workers Respond to Your Behavior • Did your worst leader’s behavior affect your behavior at work? • Did your best leader’s behavior affect your behavior at work?

  34. Setting Expectations The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 1. Supervisor does not respect people and has negative assumptions about people • This leads to... 2. Leading and supervising people in a negative style • Which leads to... 3. People responding to the supervisor’s leadership in a negative way • Which leads to... 4. Lower performance, which reinforces the supervisor’s negative assumptions about people

  35. Theories X and Y Theory X • Inherent dislike for work • Must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened • Typical person prefers to be directed, avoids responsibility, has little ambition, and wants security above all

  36. Theories X and Y(continued) Theory Y • Physical and mental effort in work is natural • Will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives • Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with achievement • Typical person learns -- under proper conditions -- not to accept but to seek responsibility • High degree of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity in the solution of organizational problems • Intellectual potential of the average person far exceeds use

  37. Putting the Theories to Work To create a positive work climate for your crew: • Set clear goals and expectations that are realistic, but reasonably high. • Provide the training and information people will need to reach these expectations. • Give positive feedback to reinforce the progress people are making. • Give constructive criticism to help people improve. • Provide a positive non-verbal climate that reinforces your belief in your crew’s capabilities and their ability to reach the expectations you have set.

  38. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Identify something you are doing that might be interfering with your working relationships.

  39. Positive Feedback Learning Goals • Apply various positive feedback principles to various jobsite situations. Learning Objectives • Explain the importance of feedback and its effect on workers. • Define the principles of communicating positive feedback. • Describe positive feedback that will encourage workers to improve performance. • Apply positive feedback principles to actual jobsite situations.

  40. Positive Feedback Our own experiences • We are conditioned to look for problems and correct them. • We should also be able to spot people who are doing good work. • Positive feedback reinforces good work practices.

  41. Benefits of Giving Positive Feedback • Crew members begin to understand the specific things that make up good performance. • People will tend to repeat the things they are rewarded for. • Good feedback helps create a positive culture and open up positive communication.

  42. Applying Positive Feedback Principles These seven principles should be followed when giving positive feedback • Give positive feedback for improvement and good work. • Be sure to give it often. • Communicate positive feedback quickly. • Some positive feedback should be specific. • Don’t overstate or understate positive reinforcement communication. • Keep your positive feedback natural. • Try to personalize some of your positive feedback.

  43. Using on the Job What You Learned Today Jobsite Assignment • Write down one instance of positive feedback on your job and one instance of negative feedback.

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