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Dynamic Case Management for Military and Intelligence Departments Can Improve Their Enterprise Architecture Programs. Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community http://semanticommunity.info/ AOL Government Blogger
Dynamic Case Management for Military and Intelligence Departments Can Improve Their Enterprise Architecture Programs Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community http://semanticommunity.info/ AOL Government Blogger http://gov.aol.com/bloggers/brand-niemann/ February 13, 2012
Overview • DOD has adopted a federated strategy to develop and implement the many and varied architectures across the department. This strategy is to provide a comprehensive architectural description of the entire DOD enterprise, including the relationships between and among all levels of the enterprise (e.g., enterprise-level, mission areas, components, and programs). • Figure 2 shows a simplified conceptual depiction of DOD’s federated enterprise architecture.
Conceptual Representation of DOD’s Federated Architecture Includes the Quint: CIA, DIA, NGA*, NRO, & NSA Two hour oral presentation to The DoD DCMO EIW on 2/6 on federating all of these! Todd Myers, Chief Technology Advisor to the Director of the National Expeditionary Architecture, is working on this.
Spotfire Dashboard forDynamic Case Management Two hour oral presentation to the DoD DCMO EIW on 2/6. http://semanticommunity.info/A_DoD_DCMO_Enterprise_Information_Web
Overview • In 2002, GAO developed version 1.0 of the Enterprise Architecture Management Maturity Framework (EAMMF) to provide federal agencies with a common benchmarking tool for planning and measuring their efforts to improve management of their enterprise architectures, as well as to provide OMB with a means for doing the same government-wide. • Version 2.0 of the framework arranges 59 core elements into a matrix of seven hierarchical stages. Figure 3 presents a depiction of the seven stages of maturity.
GAO EAMMF Core Elements http://semanticommunity.info/@api/deki/files/17275/=DoDGAOEA.xlsx
GAO DoD Enterprise Architecture Maturity Stages • Stage 0: Creating Enterprise Architecture Awareness • Stage 1: Establishing Enterprise Architecture Institutional Commitment and Direction • Stage 2: Creating the Management Foundation for Enterprise Architecture Development and Use • Stage 3: Developing Initial Enterprise Architecture Versions • Stage 4: Completing and Using an Initial Enterprise Architecture Version for Targeted Results • Stage 5: Expanding and Evolving the Enterprise Architecture and Its Use for Institutional Transformation • Stage 6: Continuously Improving the Enterprise Architecture and Its Use to Achieve Corporate Optimization
GAO Report as a Knowledgebase http://semanticommunity.info/A_DoD_DCMO_Enterprise_Information_Web/Military_Departments_Can_Improve_Their_Enterprise_Architecture_Programs
Overview • The DoD Information Enterprise Architecture consolidates underlying DoD net-centric policies to provide guidance for all of DoD, across all portfolios, enabling informed discussions among decision-makers about key issues, and underpinning process improvements throughout the Department. • The full set of DoD Information Enterprise Architecture products are shown in the next slide.
Overview • Project Charter: Similar to an AV-1, the charter clarifies the content, purpose and viewpoint of the architecture. (YES) • Hierarchical Activity Model: Provides a user with an interactive hierarchical activity model which links activities to associated parent/child activities, rules, constraints, mechanisms and best practices. (JUST STATIC GRAPHICS) Additionally, a user can download printable versions of the Hierarchical Activity Model, Project Charter, Architecture Description, Glossary and other supplemental products. (YES) • Principles and Rules: Provides a consolidated list of the DoD Information Enterprise Architecture rules and principles. (YES) • Glossary: Provides a definition of key terms used in the DoD IEA. (YES) • The DoD IEA System Architect Encyclopedia will be available for download from this site soon. (NOT YET) http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture_Products
DoD Information Enterprise Architecture as a Knowledgebase Note: Where is the Interactive Hierarchical Activity Model? It needs to be constructed. Be Informed 4 would seem to be an excellent tool for both linking and federating it! http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model This hierarchical activity model (activity node tree), decomposes each of the five priorities into a set of core activities performed and/or governed by the DoD CIO. The node tree’s five branches represent the core activities associated with each of the five priorities. Click on an activity node that will link you to a view of that activity's parent and children activities, as well as its associated principles, rules, constraints, mechanisms, and best practices.
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 0 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_0
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 1 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_1
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 2 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_2
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 2 (continued) http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_2
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 3 Continued Below http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_3
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 4 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_4
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 5 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_5
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model:Activity Level 5 (Continued) http://semanticommunity.info/Build_DoD_in_the_Cloud/DoD_Information_Enterprise_Architecture#Activity_Level_5
Be Informed Dynamic Case Management MetaModel Performing activities towards a goal that usually have pre and post conditions, etc.
Be Informed 4 Studio Steps • File, New Project, Project Name: DoD Information Enterprise Architecture Pilot • File, Create New Model Diagram: • Enter or select the parent folder: DoD Information Enterprise Architecture Pilot • File name: DoD Information Enterprise Architecture Pilot.model • Next – Configuration: Label: Default, Language: English • Next – Select a Metamodel for this model: CaseManagement.metamodel
DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Modelin Be Informed 4 Studio DoD EIW Military Person NCOIC-NGA
Summary • Intelligence Community Architecture and Pilot • CIA World Fact Book Use Case and Data Set • NGA – NCOIC Architecture and Pilot • Haiti Use Case and Harvard Data Set • World Disaster Use Case and Reinsurance Data Set • DoD Enterprise Information Web Pilot • Information Enterprise Architecture Knowledgebase • Business Enterprise Architecture Knowledgebase • DoD IEA Hierarchical Activity Model Data Set • All of these can be federated! • Including all of the NCOIC Patterns!