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“ 啊啊 ” ( Ah Ah ). 劉墉最溫馨感人的紀實小說 《 啊啊 》 (歷時三年,即將完成). Yung Liu’s warmest and most touching novel based on a true story, Ah Ah , takes place over 3 years and is currently nearing completion. . 記錄他與兩隻大雁的微妙情感,從 “ 雁 ” 的身上,看世間的生死愛恨,恩怨情仇。劇情高潮迭起,感人肺腑。搶先刊出片段,以饗讀者。.
“啊啊”( Ah Ah ) 劉墉最溫馨感人的紀實小說《啊啊》(歷時三年,即將完成) Yung Liu’s warmest and most touching novel based on a true story, Ah Ah, takes place over 3 years and is currently nearing completion. 記錄他與兩隻大雁的微妙情感,從“雁”的身上,看世間的生死愛恨,恩怨情仇。劇情高潮迭起,感人肺腑。搶先刊出片段,以饗讀者。 It documents the fascinating incidents between he and a pair of Canada geese —drawing from the geese’s story to look at the world’s life and death, love and hate, appreciation and blame, friendship and enmity. The drama’s highs and lows will deeply touch the hearts of readers. Here is a preview for your enjoyment. 請按滑鼠左鍵換下一頁
我住在萊克瑟絲湖畔。 I live on the banks of Lake Success.
每年暮冬,湖上還是冰封雪凍,已經有很多等不及的大雁從南方飛來。 Every late winter, when the lake is still sealed with snow and ice, many eager geese already arrive from the south.
牠們在結了冰的湖面小心翼翼地走, They walk warily on the frozen lake surface…
在冰融的水面優然地游。 and swim happily in the melted areas.
在我院子吃藏在冰雪下的小草。 In my backyard, they eat the grass that’s hidden under the snow and ice.
啊啊和呀呀是最親近我的一對,常常跟我要麵包。 Ah Ah and Ya Ya are the couple most friendly to me. They often ask me for bread.
牠們愈來愈神,會為我看家。 They get increasingly proud, to the point of guarding my home.
會上門要東西吃。 To the point of asking for food right at our door.
會站上桌子跟我玩。 To the point of standing on a table to play with me.
甚至當我躺在草地上的時候,會走到我身上,在我身上打盹聊天吃東西。 When I lie down on the grass, they will even walk on my body—napping, chatting, eating.
牠們簡直成了狗,會跳著飛著從我手裡搶麵包。 They act as if they are dogs. They jump and fly to grab bread from my hand.
會跟小帆玩捉迷藏。 They play hide and seek with Yvonne.
四月初,呀呀生了四個蛋,每天寸步不移地伏窩。 At the beginning of April, Ya Ya laid four eggs and would not leave her nest.
啊啊在呀呀旁邊守衛。 Ah Ah stands guard next to Ya Ya.
趕走每個侵入的敵人。 He chases away every trespassing enemy.
牠與老鷹,浣熊,和一個叫頭頭的大公雁格鬥。 He battles with hawks, raccoons, and a large male goose named To To.
我怕牠們肚子餓,每天都跟太太去湖邊森林餵牠們。 I don’t want them to get hungry, so I visit them in the woods every day with my wife to feed them.
但是四周的動物都知道了,總在旁邊偷窺覬覦。 But all the other animals around know, and they stand by hoping to steal some food.
五月初,兩隻小雁先破殼了。 At the beginning of May, two baby geese first broke through their shells.
牠們有著黃黃的絨毛,張著大大黑黑的眼睛,對我不斷地說話,不時跑出媽媽的懷抱,吃我扔在窩前的麵包。 They have yellow velvety coats and, with their big black eyes wide open, talk to me nonstop. They even frequently escape their mother’s embrace to eat the bread I toss by the nest.
呀呀和啊啊特別留下許多食物,自己不吃,給牠的寶寶。 Ya Ya and Ah Ah intentionally leave much of the food, not eating it themselves so that their babies can have it.
但是那些食物也……… Yet that food…
這本紀錄啊啊呀呀和牠們娃娃的書,有喜有悲,有失落,有獲得,有對大自然的頌讚和對生命無常的感悟………一直到隔年,我想起牠們,還常常落淚………所幸,當我已經絕望的時候……… This book that documents Ah Ah, Ya Ya, and their babies contains happiness and sorrow, loss and victory, praise of nature and realizations about life. Even a year later, I still frequently weep when I think of them. Luckily, when I feel hopeless…
敬請期待這本劉墉歷經三年,與一對野生大雁親密互動,寫成的十餘萬字感人之作…… 劉墉/文 劉墉、薇薇/攝影 劉軒/作曲 劉軒、小帆/伴奏 YVONNE/英譯