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Council Presentation May 9, 2011. Presentation Agenda. Purpose of the Strategic Master Plan Project Status Pertinent Trends Community Demographics Consultations Conducted Strategic Framework Key Recommendations Next Steps Questions & Comments. Purpose of the Strategic Master Plan.
Council Presentation May 9, 2011
Presentation Agenda • Purpose of the Strategic Master Plan • Project Status • Pertinent Trends • Community Demographics • Consultations Conducted • Strategic Framework • Key Recommendations • Next Steps • Questions & Comments
Purpose of the Strategic Master Plan “To clearly provide a comprehensive framework of the planning and developmental needs and priorities for recreation programs, facilities, culture, parks, sports fields, trails and open space for the next 5, 10 and 20 years.” Town of Tillsonburg Strategic Master Plan Terms of Reference
Project Status • Research & Consultation activities (Phase 1) conducted between September and November 2010 • Needs assessments and Draft Master Plan (Phase 2) developed between December 2010 and January 2011 • Council and public consultations, and project finalization (Phase 3) will be conducted in May and June 2011 • Today’s presentation is focused on the Plan’s recommendations
What is a Strategic Master Plan? • A document that defines what the Town’s mandate and role is with respect to parks, recreation and culture • Consistent with key documents such as the Official Plan and the Corporate Strategic Plan, internal operating and management parameters, etc. • Sets a strategic framework for the Town to evaluate needs and priorities, based upon a vision and guiding principles targeted to the effective delivery of services
Pertinent Trends • Busy lifestyles • Increasing demand for spontaneous, drop-in activities • Centralizing major facilities (such as sports fields or community centres) • Creative communities (with strong arts, culture and heritage sector) • Youth and families remain core service markets • Aging populations • A collaborative / partnership approach to provide high quality services • Balancing cost-recovery with affordability
Community Demographics • The current population is estimated at 16,000 forecasted to grow by 5,600 residents over the next 20 years • Tillsonburg’s population is aging (median age of 44 versus Province at 39) • Increasing levels of socio-economic diversity
Consultations Conducted • Random Sample Telephone Survey of Households (statistically significant and considered representative of the Town’s population) • Community Search Conference • Stakeholder & User Group Questionnaire • Key Informant Interviews • Public Information Session expected to be scheduled in the coming weeks • Presentation of the Final Strategic Master Plan to Council shortly thereafter
Those Targeted through Consultations • At its onset, the Master Plan was advertised through posters, the Town’s website, phone calls to groups, and so on to ensure that people were aware they could and should participate • The 384 households surveyed generally spoke on behalf of 1,005 individuals in their households • The 35 stakeholders providing input through the group surveys represented a collective membership of 4,723 individuals • With 60 participants at the Search Conference and over a dozen completed interviews, hundreds of additional viewpoints were reflected • The upcoming Public Open House will provide further opportunity for comment • Additional consultations would likely occur as key recommendations are considered for implementation by the Town
The Strategic Framework • A Strategic Framework has been developed with a Vision and Guiding Principles for Parks, Recreation & Culture • based on research and consultation initiatives • aligns with principles set out in the Town’s Corporate Strategy and its Mission Statement • the Strategic Master Plan’s recommendations are the means in which to achieve the Strategic Framework’s vision and principles
Guiding Principles The analyses, recommendations and implementation strategy within the Strategic Master Plan have been organized by these Guiding Principles Striving for Service Excellence An Integrated & Collaborative Approach Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure Embracing the Arts, Culture & Heritage Focus on Wellness Through Programming A Functional and Sustainable Parks System
Striving for Service Excellence • Continue to be a direct provider of space and a core municipal services, while ensuring high quality customer service • To capitalize on community expertise and reduce municipal responsibilities, continue to facilitate community-based delivery of programs • The Town could provide needed programs that cannot reasonably be provided by the community to address any gaps • Create an Ice Allocation Policy to ensure equitability in scheduling ice times, rental rates, user responsibilities, etc. • if necessary, also develop Sports Field or Gymnasium Allocation Policies • Undertake a Marketing Strategy to promote local and regional awareness of Tillsonburg’s leisure assets • As part of this process, concurrently develop a Sport & Cultural Tourism Policy that positions appropriate facilities to serve a broader market
An Integrated & Collaborative Approach • Continue to ensure that the Town’s facilities, services and programs are supported by appropriate staff resources • Implementing the Plan’s recommendations will affect staff time and workloads • May necessitate additional staff to carry out monitoring activities, conduct studies or create policies, etc. (should be rationalized through business planning) • Increase coordination between the Town and volunteer groups through networking, more frequent dialogue, etc. • Undertake a Volunteer Management Strategy enhance ways in which to support local volunteers • Guidance on topics such as recruitment, training, retention, etc. • Continue to work with partners to ensure a broad range of services are available • Utilize standardized criteria to evaluate the merits of a potential agreement
An Integrated & Collaborative Approach • Evaluate ways to strengthen agreements with the local School Boards to access their facilities • Revisit the Joint-Use Agreement for the Glendale High School in 2011 to update the list of permitted uses • Encourage a Community Development Model as a means to empower and enable the community to develop their internal capacity
Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure • Utilize a variety of funding tools for the provision and operation of parks, recreation and cultural infrastructure • Development Charges, upper government grants, community fundraising, contributions from adjacent municipalities, etc. • Explore options to maximize operational efficiencies, such as energy efficiency and water conservation initiatives during capital renewal projects • The provision of the type and location of a park or facility depends on many factors: • Character of the built environment, densities, population characteristics and preferences, community needs, etc. which are all considered through master planning
Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure • Define a vision for the Tillsonburg Special Events Centre • If the Town wishes to continue to operate the facility, appropriate investments (notably capital improvements, hiring specialized management staff, etc.) will need to be made that support the desired use • Alternatively, the Town could consider leasing the space to a third party provided that any agreement conforms to standardized partnership criteria maximizing community benefit • Alternatively, the Town may consider divestiture of the facility
Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure • Undertake a business planning and/or concept design exercise for the Tillsonburg Community Centre that investigates: • modernization of the facility, particularly with regard to accessibility, circulation, and operational efficiencies • inclusion of family change rooms and potentially a separate small-scale therapeutic tank in the aquatics centre • enhancement of the halls and meeting rooms to accommodate a broader range of uses (e.g. arts and cultural activities) • reconfiguration and/or expansion of the fitness centre • repurposing the squash courts to either a wellness studio or youth centre
Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure • Install field lighting at the Tillsonburg Minor Soccer Park to increase the amount of playable hours and allow adult play into the evening • Note that this recommendation is being revisited as the vast majority of Minor Soccer registrants are children who would not benefit from lit fields, thus assembly of new lands for 2 additional fields is being considered • Provide one additional tennis court, one new basketball court and one fully accessible playground at Optimist/Memorial Park
Innovative & Appropriate Infrastructure • Relocate at least one diamond from Memorial Park and all of the Annandale Ball Diamonds to create a ball diamond complex in an alternative location (to be determined) • Would ensure that high quality and appropriately sized diamonds are available over the long term, and increase tournament potential • Ball groups should be encouraged to operate the proposed complex, similar to how Minor Soccer actively maintains the Soccer Park • Annandale diamonds could be repurposed to non-programmed open space, a community garden, etc. or be divested with its funds allocated elsewhere • Memorial Park space could be repurposed to parking or facilities warranted by the proposed concept design for the area
Embracing Arts, Culture & Heritage • Work with the County of Oxford to strengthen appropriate sections / policies of the Official Plan to recognize the importance of arts, culture and heritage • Draft a Public Art Policy that encourages public art within the Town • Enhance efforts that promote awareness of local arts, culture and heritage opportunities • Undertake a Library Master Plan to assess ways in which to improve utilization, operation and amenity of the Public Library
Embracing Arts, Culture & Heritage • In consultation with local heritage volunteers and the Museum Advisory Committee, investigate ways to bolster attendance at the Annandale National Historic Site • Facility improvements, enhanced marketing efforts, etc. • Consider expanding the role / autonomy of the Museum Advisory Committee to function more like a Board of Directors (though final approvals on major decisions would be retained by Town Council) • Continue to encourage community-based delivery of arts and cultural services by providing necessary supports • Ensure parks and outdoor civic spaces are designed with arts, culture and heritage in mind
Focus on Health & Wellness • Initiate a Pricing Strategy to review the current fee structure in relation to the Town’s ability to sustain high quality facilities • A notable focus should be placed on balancing cost-recovery with affordability and usage by non-residents • Examine the provision of existing and emerging recreation and cultural programs that may be popular among under-represented populations • Continue to ensure that a range of low-to-no cost opportunities are available, as well as accessible and inclusive program choices • Ensure that all parks, facilities and services align with provincial and municipal accessibility standards • Input from the Tillonsburg Accessibility Advisory Committee should be sought, as required
Focus on Health & Wellness • Strive towards becoming a “Youth-Friendly Community” through: • Provision of spaces (e.g. a municipal youth centre) and programs • Collaborate with other agencies wherever feasible to deliver youth programs and services • Consulting regularly with youth and engaging them in the decision-making process • Continue to consult with local older adults and seniors to understand evolving needs and preferences • Includes continuing to work with the Tillsonburg Seniors Centre in the delivery of innovative programs and services
A Functional & Sustainable Parks System • Ensure that major residential areas have access to some form of parkland within a 500 to 800 metre radius (5-10 minute walk) • Provide parkland at a rate of 3.0 hectares per 1,000 new residents • With 5,600 new residents expected by the year 2031, an additional 16.5 hectares would be needed at that time • Continue to develop the local trails system • Strive to improve connectivity, amenity and comfort levels • Integrate active transportation principles that encourage recreational and utilitarian uses through multi-season and multi-modal uses • Continue to implement the strategies set out in the Town’s Trails Master Plan
A Functional & Sustainable Parks System • Avoid the provision of Sub-Neighbourhood Parks (i.e. those under 1.2 hectares in size) • Ensure parks and trails are safe, comfortable, and well signed • Place an increasing focus on integrating non-programmed spaces within parkland, in order to allow spontaneous uses and provide flexibility in responding to evolving demographics • Undertake pilot projects with community groups for the provision of a community garden and an off-leash dog park
A Functional & Sustainable Parks System • Continue to expand upon the natural heritage system, while also incorporating indigenous vegetation into active forms of parkland and trail routes • Work closely with the local conservation authority to remain apprised of planned recreation and trail amenities, collaborate on stewardship programs, etc. • Undertake a Waterfront Revitalization Study for Lake Lisgar to promote improved recreation and economic development potential
A Functional & Sustainable Parks System • In consultation with the Agricultural Society, local ball groups and other stakeholders, develop a vision for the Memorial Park Fairgrounds • Undertake a Revitalization Plan for the Tillsonburg Cemetery to showcase the heritage of this property, determine appropriate uses, and any required improvements • Should also assess ways in which to integrate sustainable cemetery operations and management practices to promote environmental and fiscal efficiencies
Implementing the Strategic Master Plan • An Implementation Strategy has been developed that articulates the proposed timing of recommendations and their resource implications (e.g. financial, human resources, etc.) • Recommendations would generally be brought forward for the consideration of Council through the annual budgeting process • Regularly review progress made on the Strategic Master Plan’s recommendations, • Revisit analyses if provided with new inputs (e.g. population forecasts, registration data, etc.) • The Strategic Master Plan should be updated after 5 years in order to ensure that analyses remain relevant to the future market context
Summary of Key Findings • Tillsonburg’s progressive approach to facility and service provision have resulted in a high quality parks, recreation and cultural system that is not often found in smaller communities • As a result of this approach, the community is well served and needs have been generally met • The Town’s focus can be placed on selective improvement of existing facilities rather than the provision of new, capitally intensive facilities • While there is a good balance of opportunities available to the public, areas for added focus pertain largely to addressing the needs of youth and working collaboratively with the community to provide a range of services
Areas Currently Under Revision • The Project Steering Committee has provided input for us to consider in revising the Strategic Master Plan, including: • Providing Staff with specific examples of Ice Allocation Policies, Parkland Design Standard Manuals, Pricing Strategies, etc. • Integrating additional examples of best practices found in other communities • Clearly articulating the most pressing issues or initiatives for the Town to pursue in the short-term • developing visions/undertaking specific studies for Memorial Park, the Special Events Centre and modernization of the Community Centre • relocating existing diamonds to a new complex • building upon the trails system
Next Steps December 2010 to January 2011 May to June 2011 September to November 2010
Key Parks, Recreation & Cultural Assets • Almost 80 hectares of parkland and 5 formal trail routes • Tillsonburg Community Centre • Twin pad arena, aquatics centre, fitness centre, meeting rooms • Tillsonburg Special Events Centre • Annandale National Historic Site • Glendale Gymnasium (shared with the School Board) • Lake Lisgar Water Park • 14 soccer fields and 12 ball diamonds • 3 tennis courts, 1 basketball court, and 1 ball hockey court • 1 skateboard park, 14 playground locations • A variety of community-based programs and facilities provided by service clubs, minor sports, arts and cultural groups, etc.
How We Have Addressed the Terms of Reference • Undertake a Values Assessment • Objective completed through Phase 1 research and consultations • Undertake an extensive inventory of programs and facilities such as the Community Centre, Water Park, Special Events Centre, and Annandale National Historic Site • Objective completed through Phase 1 by documenting existing parks, facilities and programs owned by the Town and key community organizations • Analyze the existing level of service and determine level of service required to meet needs of current and future growth and address where, when and how services and facilities should be provided • Objective has assessed through Phase 2 tasking, notably in Guiding Principles 3 to 5
How We Have Addressed the Terms of Reference • Review existing practices pertaining to operational and management needs of facilities and programs • Objective has been completed through Phase 2 tasking, notably in Guiding Principles 1,2 and 5 • Review and suggest new policies for parkland, and recommend how the Town acquires and funds parkland, sports fields and trails • Objective has been completed through Phase 2 tasking, notably in Guiding Principles 3 and 6
Official Plan Corporate Strategic Plan Parks, Recreation & Culture Strategic Master Plan Development Charges Study Facility Strategies Operating Strategies Feasibility Studies & Business Plans Organizational Reviews Program Reviews Park and Facility Concept Designs Policy Development Waterfront & Trails Master Plans Communication & Marketing Plans