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History of the Fire Service

History of the Fire Service. Fire Brigades. Traced back to Roman conquest of Britain Slaves called “Familia Publica” were stationed around walls and gates After a disastrous fire in AD6, slaves were not deemed ineffective, not their homes

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History of the Fire Service

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  1. History of the Fire Service

  2. Fire Brigades • Traced back to Roman conquest of Britain • Slaves called “Familia Publica” were stationed around walls and gates • After a disastrous fire in AD6, slaves were not deemed ineffective, not their homes • Emperor Augustus established ” Corps of Vigiles” who protected Rome for the next 500 years • Vigiles passed from history with the disintegration of Roman Empire • Europe would not have another well equipped or organized FD for 1000 years

  3. Saint Florian • Born in Austria in the 4th century about 250 AD • Was an officer (Captain) in the Roman Army • Through hard work and determination, advanced through ranks to General • Was well like for his ability to solve problems and work with people • Eventually placed over the Fire Brigade in Noricum

  4. Saint Florian cont. • Suffered “death for the faith” during Diocletian times • Confessed to his Christianity in anti-Christian times • Diocletian sent an assistant named Aquilius to kill Christians in Florian’s area and to find out why Florian was not following orders • Florian replied “Tell the Emperor that I am christian and will suffer the same fate as the others”

  5. Saint Florian cont. • Aquilius offered raises and promotions which were declined • Florian was beat, yet stood fast • Florian stated “he had suffered many wounds for the Emperor, why not a few scratches for his own beliefs” • Aquilius thought Florian would lead a rebellion

  6. Diocletian’s Wife • Diocletian thought he would just allow Florian to live out his time • Wife’s pagan beliefs lead to Florians death sentence • Florian ordered to burn

  7. Florians Death • Roman Army attempted to burn and could not get the wood to burn • Florian claiming “If you do I will climb to the heavens on the flames” • Diocletian ordered Florian drown • Large stone (millstone) tied to Florians Neck and pushed into river Enns • Body removed from original grave and taken to outside Linz Austria for burial at Augustinian Abbey of St Florian

  8. Maltese Cross • Symbol of Christian Warriors • Eight-pointed and has a V shape joined at their bases • Designed based on crosses used in the First Crusade launched by Pope Urban II in 1095 with the goal of capturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims

  9. Eight Points Symbolize the chivalric virtues Loyalty Piety Respect “for the church” Frankness Helpfulness To sick and poor Bravery Contempt Of Death Glory and Honour

  10. Maltese Cross cont • 11th century Knights serving in a Jerusalem hospital known as the Order of Knights Hospitaller / later known as the Knights of Saint John • These Knights assisted the Knights of the Crusaders to win back the Holy Land • As the Knight attacked, Saracens threw glass containers with flammable liquids and flaming torches • Knights were burned and suffered agonizing deaths

  11. Maltese Cross cont • Risking horrible death, the Knights struggled to help comrades, beating out the flames, and dragging them to safety • In acknowledgement of the heroic deeds, the cross they wore was decorated and inscribed • 1530, the Island of Malta was given to these Knights. • The symbol on there flag was the eight-point cross and became known as the “Maltese Cross”

  12. The US Fire Service • In 1648, New Amsterdam Gov Peter Stuyvesant appointed 4 men to act as fire wardens • They inspected chimneys and fine violators of the rules • The city later appointed 8 prominent citizens to the “Rattle Watch” • If a fire was seen, the men spun the rattles, then directed the responding citizens to form bucket brigades • This was the first step in organized firefighting in America

  13. The US Fire Service • After the 1676 conflagration of Boston, Bostonians sent for the state of the art fire engine from England • A 3ft long 18 inch wide wooden box arrived with carrying handles and a direct force pump that fed a small hose • The Bucket brigade filled the tank with water

  14. The US Fire Service • In Boston, the need to coordinate efforts lead to 12 men being hired and paid for their work • Thomas Atkins was the first fire service officer in the country

  15. The US Fire Service • Two important tools were the bed key and salvage bags • Salvage was done first gathering valuable possessions and the bed key was used to dismantle the wooden bed frame (the most valuable item)

  16. The US Fire Service • Fire protection provided by insurance companies in 1740 • Fire Marks • Lead to fights over non-insured and not fighting fires • After a trip to Boston, Ben Franklin saw a need for change in fire protection in his home of Philadelphia • In a Pennsylvania Gazette article in 1733, Franklin noted how fire were being fought in Pennsylvania • “Goodwill and amateur firefighters were not enough”

  17. Franklin cont • On Feb 4th 1735 an anonymous letter admonished: • In the first Place, as an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure, I would advise 'em to take care how they suffer living Coals in a full Shovel, to be carried out of one Room into another, or up or down Stairs, unless in a Warmingpan shut; for Scraps of Fire may fall into Chinks and make no Appearance until Midnight; when your Stairs being in Flames, you may be forced, (as I once was) to leap out of your Windows, and hazard your Necks to avoid being oven-roasted.

  18. Franklin cont • Noted that a neighboring city (Boston), had a club or society of active men belonging to each fire engine who attended all fires and monthly meetings • 30 men came together to form the Union Fire Company on Dec 7th, 1736 which became the standard for Volunteer Departments

  19. The US Fire Service • During these times home-owners were required to have leather buckets at their homes • Other men formed their own companies so the city would be better protected • Philadelphians witnessed the birth of the Heart-in Hand, the Britannia, the Fellowship, as well as other fire companies

  20. Fire Apparatus • First apparatus were hand pumps built in England and shipped to New York • America copied and manufactured same units for 100 years • 1800’s development of steam pumpers in England • Pulled by hand until the first horse drawn in the early 1850’s • Another major change in fire apparatus was a result of paid departments

  21. Fire Apparatus • Paid firefighters replaced volunteer and closed fire stations, which resulted in fewer stations and longer responses • Horse-drawn apparatus were retrofitted with running boards so fresh firefighter arrived on scene

  22. Fire Apparatus • With the delay for steam engines to begin work, a chemical unit was developed • These units carried bicarbonate of soda, activated by sulfuric acid, and discharged through a small rubber hose • Most were 2 wheeled units but 4 wheeled units did exist

  23. Fire Apparatus • The first aerial ladder was patented in 1868 • 1879 saw the development of the first water tower for elevated streams • 1880’s was the development of cotton-jacketed hose • 1906 Radnor Fire Company in Wayne, Pa received the first gas powered vehicle and pump

  24. SCBA • Toward the end of World War II, Scott Aviation was manufacturing breathing equipment that allowed air crews to operate at extreme altitudes. One story goes that a number of Scott engineers watched a smoky fire being fought in a nearby building. They were amazed that the firemen had to operate in such a severe smoke condition and they decided to see if they could adapt their equipment to suit firefighting. Working with the Boston and New York City fire departments, Scott introduced the AirPac in late 1945 after a year of field testing.

  25. Fire Hydrants • Firefighting cauldrons were placed in strategic locations in ancient China and kept filled with water • Fire cisterns in colonial America • As late as 1861, Louisville Kentucky employed 124 cisterns but had no fire hydrants

  26. Hydrants • The term “Fire Plug” dates from when water mains were made from hollowed out logs • Fire companies would dig up the cobbles to the main, bore a hole in it, and allow the hole to fill with water, which they drafted from • When done, they would seal the hole with a “Fire Plug” • The first post or pillar hydrant was with Philadelphia Water Works in 1801

  27. Hydrants • Mr. Frederick Graff Sr was thought to hold the first US Patent, but can not be verified: the patent office burned to the ground in 1836, destroying all records

  28. Notable Conflagrations • 1212 – 1st London Fire Killed 3000 • 1 September 1666 – 2nd London Fire burned for 3 days and destroyed 12,000 homes • 1872 Great Boston Fire • 1850 SanFrancisco had 4 fire that burned most of the city • Oct 8th, 1871 Great Chicago Fire – Patrick O’Leary Cow?

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