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Trade in Energy in the Region of the Caucasus and Central Asia : recent regional and global issues. Azar Aliyev LL.M. Overview. Trade in energy and r esources : reversed interests International regulation of the trade in energy : WTO, ECT, EurAsEC
Trade in Energy in the Region oftheCaucasusand Central Asia: recent regional and global issues Azar Aliyev LL.M.
Overview Trade in energyandresources: reversedinterests International regulationofthetradein energy: WTO, ECT, EurAsEC RecentdevelopmentsandWTO DSB jurisprudence Possibleconsequencesformembersof ECT, whichare not/not yetmembersof WTO
Trade in EnergyandResources: reversedinterests Classic: Exporter-States requesteasieraccesstothemarket, importrestrictionsare relevant Energyandresources: importersaremoreinterested in supply, exportrestrictionsaredecisive
WTO Sovereignty over the ressources– conservationofexhaustableresourcesArt. XX g) GATT Already extracted resources - covered by GATT Double pricing – is not a quantitative restriction Art. XI GATT and not a subsidy under SCM, because not specific
ECT General referencetothe WTO rules, evenfornon-memberstates Art. 29 ECT Directapplicationof WTO rulestoAzerbaijanandKazakhstan Nospecificrelevance
CIS andEurasian Dimension Special treatieson tradein energyin theframeworkof CIS Treaty on oilandoilproducts - oneofthecornerstonesoftheCustoms Union andoftheEurasianEconomic Community
Recentdevelopments Renewableenergyas a newenergysource Decisionsof DSB (EU v. Canada) Joint Conference of WTO and ECT in Brussels on 29 April
PossibleconsequencesforAzerbaijanandKazakhstan NeitherAzerbiajannorKazakhstanaremembersofthe WTO, hencenopossibilitytobeinvolved in thediscussions But WTO rulesareapplicable on AzerbaijanandKazakhstan