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CIRCUMCISION (SÜNNET). Circumcision I n Turkey. CIRCUMCISION(SÜNNET).  Circumcision is performed on about 1/7th of the world's male population. A boy who will be circumcised is called Sünnet Çocuğu ( Child of Circumcision ).

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  1. CIRCUMCISION (SÜNNET) CircumcisionInTurkey

  2. CIRCUMCISION(SÜNNET) Circumcision is performed on about1/7th of theworld'smalepopulation.

  3. A boy whowill be circumcised is calledSünnet Çocuğu(Child of Circumcision).

  4. Circumcision is performed in Turkeyforreligiousreasons.

  5. Theadvantagesanddisadvantages of circumcisionhavebeendebatedforcenturies.

  6. Thereare no specificrulesfordetermingthebestageand time fortheceremony but childrenareusuallycircumcisedbeforethey start schoolorwhentheygotoprimaryschool.

  7. On theday of theevent, theboysdress in whiteandredribbons

  8. Andtheydecoratedonkeysorcarsfortheceremony.

  9. Whenthecircumcision is completed, theyoungboy's "status" changes… • Ribbonsremoved • He receivescomplimentsandgifts.

  10. Theyholdescortlikekings on lavishlydecoratedbeds

  11. It’sappropriatetogive a Cumhuriyet Altını(GoldCoin) or as a gifttothe boy in accordancetoyourrelationshipwithhimor his parents.

  12. On theday of circumcision, guestscometogetherandchantMevlitandeat a meal whilewaitingforthearrival of thecircumcised boy.

  13. Theyoffercandiestoguests

  14. TRADITION ON RITUAL CIRCUMCISION • Outfitandclothesareboughtby his father.

  15. A fewdaysbeforethecircumcisionceremony , he visits his relativesandneighbours in his circumcisionoutfitandkissestheirhandsandeverypersonwhosehand is kissedcustomarilygivesmoneytothe boy.

  16. Duringthecircumcisionceremonythe boy willhave beside him aKirve.

  17. . Thecircumcision hat is bluetoprotecthimfromevileyes.

  18. Infront of the hat a ribbonwiththeinscriptionMaşallah(Wonderful, May Godaverttheevileye) is placed.

  19. It is commontohear Oldu da bitti Maşallah (Well, it is alloverand done) orAllahuekber(God is thegreatest)

  20. Inthepast • People usedtohavelonger (a weekormore) andmorefunnyceremoniesforthe boy, that’ s justbecausepeopleusedtohavemorejoyandlive in smallerplaces.

  21. Inthepast

  22. Inthepast • Ceremonieswerelongerbecause it wasmade at home not in hotelsorceremonyhallsand it didn’trequiremuchfinancialthings. • Otherthing is thatboyswereandstillarepreciousforthefamily, as theyrepresentfamily’sfuture.


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