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CIRCUMCISION (SÜNNET). Circumcision I n Turkey. CIRCUMCISION(SÜNNET). Circumcision is performed on about 1/7th of the world's male population. A boy who will be circumcised is called Sünnet Çocuğu ( Child of Circumcision ).
CIRCUMCISION (SÜNNET) CircumcisionInTurkey
CIRCUMCISION(SÜNNET) Circumcision is performed on about1/7th of theworld'smalepopulation.
A boy whowill be circumcised is calledSünnet Çocuğu(Child of Circumcision).
Theadvantagesanddisadvantages of circumcisionhavebeendebatedforcenturies.
Thereare no specificrulesfordetermingthebestageand time fortheceremony but childrenareusuallycircumcisedbeforethey start schoolorwhentheygotoprimaryschool.
Whenthecircumcision is completed, theyoungboy's "status" changes… • Ribbonsremoved • He receivescomplimentsandgifts.
It’sappropriatetogive a Cumhuriyet Altını(GoldCoin) or as a gifttothe boy in accordancetoyourrelationshipwithhimor his parents.
On theday of circumcision, guestscometogetherandchantMevlitandeat a meal whilewaitingforthearrival of thecircumcised boy.
TRADITION ON RITUAL CIRCUMCISION • Outfitandclothesareboughtby his father.
A fewdaysbeforethecircumcisionceremony , he visits his relativesandneighbours in his circumcisionoutfitandkissestheirhandsandeverypersonwhosehand is kissedcustomarilygivesmoneytothe boy.
Duringthecircumcisionceremonythe boy willhave beside him aKirve.
Infront of the hat a ribbonwiththeinscriptionMaşallah(Wonderful, May Godaverttheevileye) is placed.
It is commontohear Oldu da bitti Maşallah (Well, it is alloverand done) orAllahuekber(God is thegreatest)
Inthepast • People usedtohavelonger (a weekormore) andmorefunnyceremoniesforthe boy, that’ s justbecausepeopleusedtohavemorejoyandlive in smallerplaces.
Inthepast • Ceremonieswerelongerbecause it wasmade at home not in hotelsorceremonyhallsand it didn’trequiremuchfinancialthings. • Otherthing is thatboyswereandstillarepreciousforthefamily, as theyrepresentfamily’sfuture.