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The status of Production of Pulses during Kharif-11 in Andhra Pradesh

The status of Production of Pulses during Kharif-11 in Andhra Pradesh . NFSM - Targets & Achievements from 2006-07 to 2009-10. In a nutshell the production targets allotted by Government of India under NFSM -Pulses and achievement are as follows:.

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The status of Production of Pulses during Kharif-11 in Andhra Pradesh

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  1. The status of Production of Pulses during Kharif-11 in Andhra Pradesh

  2. NFSM - Targets & Achievements from 2006-07 to 2009-10 In a nutshell the production targets allotted by Government of India under NFSM -Pulses and achievement are as follows:

  3. Crop wise area sown position of Kharif pulses during Kharif-11 as compared to last year. Kharif- 2011 Area 1. Crop wise area sown position of Kharif pulses during Kharif-11 as compared to last year. Kharif-11 area:

  4. Crop-wise Production targets and expected production of Kharif pulses during Kharif-11 as compared to last year 1. Crop wise area sown position of Kharif pulses during Kharif-11 as compared to last year. Kharif-11 area:

  5. Crop wise area and production targets of Rabi pulses during Rabi-2011-12 as compared to last year

  6. Details of Contingent planning during Rabi-2011-12 to meet the deficient a) Through area expansion of Rabi Pulses Area Target & Achievement during 2010-11

  7. Area sown as on 30.08.11 compared to Normal – Kharif-11 Andhra Pradesh received a deficit rainfall of -39% during June-11 and pulses are mainly ranifed i.e to the extent of 98.5% and june-11 is the period for pulses sowing. Hence the short fall.

  8. To make the short fall of Kharif 11, it is planned to bring in an additional area of 4.10 lakh ha during the ensuing Rabi season. The crop wise plan is as follows.

  9. b) Additional area under IPM in in pigeonpea 2010-11 target under IPM – 42500 ha and Achievement is 25794 ha which includes A3P units as well as Polambadi and IPM component under NFSM – Pulses. The area planned for the year 2011-12 is 50100 ha under IPM which includes A3P units of Kharif-2010, Kharif-2011 as well as IPM coverage under NFSM – Pulses and polambadi.

  10. c) Additional area under Certified seeds distribution An additional area of 4.10 lakh ha will be covered under distribution of certified seed of pulses, a quantity of 2.41 lakh qtls is planned to be distributed additionally during Rabi-2011-12 mainly under Bengal gram.

  11. 5. Progress of Pulses production Schemes 5.1. Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses up to August-11 (Tentative) Contd..

  12. 5. Progress of Pulses production Schemes 5.1. Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM – Pulses up to August-11 (Tentative)

  13. 5.2. Physical and Financial progress of A3P during Kharif-2011 Full Payments to APSSDC & APSAIDC etc are not yet made under this programme

  14. 5.3. Physical and Financial progress of 60,000 village programme during Kharif-2011 Full Payments to APSSDC & APSAIDC etc are not yet made under this programme

  15. 5.4. Physical and Financial progress of e-pest surveillance under A3P during Kharif-2011 It is proposed to implement e-pest surveillance in last year 27 blocks, Kharif A3P areas and current year 45 blocks areas for which 28 officers have been trained for two days at MANAGE in coordination with NCIPM / ANGRAU, followed by another one day training of about 70 officers at SAMETI in coordination with NCIPM / ANGRAU. Accordingly the e-pest surveillance is in progress. An amount of Rs. 72,48,000/- has already been released to the P.Ds ATMA to meet the honorarium and other charges of Master Trainers, ADAs, MAOs and Farmer’s scout.

  16. 5.5. Scheme-wise reasons of less achievements in pulses programme, if any. Seasonal Conditions: The reasons for low achievements are as follows. Deficit rainfall to the extent of 39% in June 11 which is the proper period of sowing. Low MSP to pulse crops. Therefore the area is reduced by 28%

  17. All the 45 units allotted for kharif-11 have been organized under A3P. 46 units are being organized during Rabi-2011-12 as given below. The implementation of NFSM Pulses is in progress.

  18. 5.6. Requirement of Additional funds for additional programme of pulses. • To bring an additional area of 4.10 lakh ha, an amount of Rs. 954.36 lakhs is required for distribution of certified seed under NFSM on 50% subsidy. • An amount of Rs. 250.00 lakhs is required to cover an additional area of 50000 ha under distribution of P.P. Chemicals for 2011-12. • Thus the total additional funds requirement is Rs. 1204.36 lakhs For Rabi-2011-12.

  19. Thank you

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