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This document provides examples of existing and potential M2M applications using an urban wireless sensor network. It explores the need for a dedicated network for M2M applications and proposes a standardized utility network for carrier applications.
Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [A standardized Urban WSN for a carrier network] Date Submitted: [“21 January, 2009”] Source: [Jean Schwoerer, John Rouse] Company [France Telecom R&D, Coronis] Address [28 chemin du vieux chênes 38240 FRANCE ] Voice:[+33 4 76 76 44 83], FAX: [+33 4 76 76 44 50], E-Mail:[jean.schwoerer@francetelecom.fr] Re: [.] Abstract: [This document give exemple of existing and foreseen M2M application using a Urban wireless sensor network.] Purpose: [Description of what the author wants P802.15 to do with the information in the document.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Urban M2M applications • Actual "Urban M2M applications" already do exist, a few examples are • Air quality and soil monitoring • Traffic & parking monitoring • Container track and trace • The backend connectivity is assured via the cellular network (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) or landline • Clearly sub-optimal (costly, power hungry) • Waste of precious resources (SIM card, phone number..) • Not able to handle a huge increase of devices • But there isn't any valid alternative for the moment • Despite all these drawbacks, applications do exist and demand is growing • Do we need a dedicated network for those M2M applications?
Services, soft & applications , , End User Urban WSN management - M2M Telecom Carrier Carrier infrastructure network Urban WSN - Sensor , actuator , meter Urban services and M2M applications • Actual market: • Small • Specifically designed for a given application • Why a Urban WSN ? • Leverage the network (WSN concentrator and WSN backbone) • Share some higher level tools (like application framework for ex.)
Some possible services A tool for a better City For better City management Urban infrastructure ( public lighting, watering) Water, gas metering Waste management Noise and pollution Monitoring Car traffic analysis Citizen information Monitor and analyze water and electricity consumptions Compare with citywide statistical data Better information on transport, congestion and pollution
A standardized utility network for carrier applications • Standardization ensures WSN infrastructure longevity • Standardization creates multi-sourcing opportunities to keep cost low • Standardization enables compatibility & interoperability for the adopter community • Best way to get a field proven technology with millions of devices installed worldwide
Coronis Solutions de communication sans fil basse consommation Ex : SensCity Project Services Numtech E - Gee DotVision BH Technologies G - SCOP • Industry • France Telecom • CORONIS • HP • SME • AZIMUT Monitoring • ALCION Env. • BH Technologies • DotVision • E-GEE • NUMTECH • WEBDYN • Academy • C4i (Microelectronic conception center) • National Grenoble Polytechnic Institute • Grenoble Computing Lab (LIG) Azimut Public lightingmanagement, environnementalmonitoring, optimal waste management, weather and pollution forecast Mod é lisation Gestion de Solutions globales Eco - conception Conseil Gestion globale des atmosph é rique, l ’é clairage public de gestion des et nouveaux environnemental d é chets pollution fluides service Plateforme Optimiser les Pr é vision de la Economie é nergie Surveillance bruit Cr é ation de intelligente collectes dispersion des é clairage et pollution nouveaux services d'analyse de polluants donn é es Orange Labs Services platform Webdyn Azimut Alcion DotVision Solutions pour la Wireless sensor network Data aggregation Conseil et Balise Editeur de logiciel Sensor communication M2M Air analys sensor d é veloppement environnementale Wireless collection network embarqu é et de Param è tres N œ uds et de technologies portail Web environnement passerelles Internet en qualit é de l ’ air Collecte et intelligentes Capteurs de gaz traitement des MIND LIG - DRAKKAR polluants donn é es G - SCOP Conception de Protocoles r é seaux et Eco - conception circuits int é gr é s multim é dia Optimisation des Construction des Couches Mesures à base capteurs r é seaux, installation protocolaires de capteurs des modules r é seau capillaire Capteurs communicants R é seaux de capteurs Traitement de l ’ information Mutualized and interoperable sensor network
Services for the City Raw data for air quality monitoring Public lightning Water and energy distribution network – remote metering Public car parking And other new services.. Waste collection & management
Wireless sensor network technology & backgroundWavenis Wireless Technology
Physical Layer : Wavenis • A wireless connectivity platform optimized for applications that: • Manage only low amounts of data with low radio traffic • Require ultra-low-power management to reach multi-year operation in battery-powered devices • Require a high link budget to attain acceptable/long operating range in real world environments • It supports a wide variety of application protocols • It provides both fixed and mobile monitoring capabilities
Trade-off Low Cost Ultra-Low-Power Wavenis technology Reliability Long Range
Fundamentals of Wavenis AdministrationTool Customer’s Data Center GPRSGSMCellular InternetEthernetWi-Fi Concentrator Repeater End-Point In-home Display • Network features • Star, Tree & Mesh topologies • Self-organizing • Self-healing
Fundamentals of Wavenis – Cont’d • RF features • Sub-GHz ISM licence free bands 868MHz, 915MHz, 433MHz • GFSK modulation • FHSS spread spectrum @ 50kHz bandwidth channels • Programmable output power (power savings) • QoS management (RSSI, energy counter, class of device, …) • Automatic Frequency Control (top performance over full lifespan) • Automatic Sensitivity Control (avoid false wake-up in noisy area)
Fundamentals of Wavenis – Cont’d • Long range (high link budget) • Low data rate // 4,8kbps min < 19,2kbps typical < 100kbps max • Highly sensitive receiver // -113dBm @ 19,2kbps • Programmable output power // +14dBm (25mW), +27dBm (500mW) • Radio range extender // native repeater function in all devices • Link budget // 127dB with 25mW >1km LOS & -3dBi coil antennas
Fundamentals of Wavenis – Cont’d • Reliable Transmissions • FHSS: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum • Fast hopping: every 2 bytes • Min x16 hops (out of x50 channels) • FEC: Forward Error Correction : BCH(31,21) coding with 1/3 redundancy • Data interleaving => Maximize transmission success on the first attempt • Flexibility • The Wavenis Specification today defines the wireless connectivity platform only • Any application can run over the Wavenis connectivity stack
Real world deployment • Over 3 million Wavenis-enabled devices are deployed around the world • Some Large scale deployments • 60,000 points in France (SAUR) • 50,000 points in France (VEOLIA) • 50,000 points in China (HowDeep, gas) • 60,000 points in Balkans (CMC, water & gas) • 50,000 points in the USA water market • 5,000 points in Spain (Gas Natural, gas) • 10,000 points in EU for lab temperature tracking