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Model Development Challenges and Solutions: Waves in Oceanography

Explore challenges faced in ocean and climate models, effects of surface waves on vertical mixing, wave interactions in Typhoon models, and their implications for the overall climate system. Discover experimental data, observations, and suggested improvements.

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Model Development Challenges and Solutions: Waves in Oceanography

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  1. TPOS202: Western Pacific Workshop The model development activities at FIO Fangli Qiao, Zhenya Song, Qi Shu, Biao Zhao, Guansuo Wang First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China 4-6 Sep, 2017 Qingdao, P R China qiaofl@fio.org.cn

  2. Outlines 1. Challenges faced 2. Surface wave-induced vertical mixing 3. Surface wave in OGCM 4. Surface wave in Typhoon model 5. Surface wave in climate system 6. Discussion and suggestions

  3. 1. Challenges faced

  4. Long-standing challenges for OGCM models: Simulated SST is overheating in summertime, and mixed layer depth is too shallow (Martin 1985; Kantha 1994; Ezer 2000; Mellor 2003; Qiao etal, 2016). Long-standing challenges for Typhoon models: Typhoon/ Hurricane intensity. Long-standing challenges for climate models: Tropical bias such as too cold tongue in tropical Pacific etc.

  5. MLD in OGCM • Observation • Model from POM

  6. 20 years Typhoon and Hurricane forecast Rappaport et al, 2012, BAMS

  7. MLD in CMIP5 models Huang et al, 2014, JGR

  8. Tropical biases: a common problem for all climate models Song et al, 2012, JGR

  9. 2. Surface wave-induced mixing Bv

  10. How surface waves affect OGCM? • Breaking wave induced stress and energy flux • (Craig and Banner, 1994; He and Chen, 2011) • Too shallow, in the order or wave amplitude • Langmuir circulation (Kantha and Clayson, 2004) • Still too weak and too shallow • Wave-turbulence interaction enhanced mixing (Qiao et al, 2004, 2010,2016; Pleskachevsky et al., 2011) • In the order of wave length (100 m or more)

  11. E(K) is the wave number spectrum which can be calculated from a wave numerical model. It will change with (x, y, t), so Bv is the function of (x, y, z, t). If we regard surface wave as a monochramatic wave, Stokes Drift Bv is wave motion related vertical mixing instead of wave breaking. Qiao et al, GRL, 2004; OD, 2010; RS, 2016

  12. Top of wave tank Temperature sensor Refrigeration tube Bottom of wave tank Laboratory experiments reveals that the non-breaking surface wave can generate strong turbulence: To generate temperature gradient through bottom cooling of refrigeration tubes. Dai and Qiao et al, JPO, 2010

  13. Experiment results without and with waves

  14. Field data reveals the strong interaction between surface wave and turbulence Qiao et al., Phil Trans. Royal Society 2016

  15. 14m Air-sea fluxes 8m Typhoon Rammasun: July 2014 100m ADV ADCP

  16. Observation evidences Vertical profiles of the measured dissipation rates εm (dots), and those predicted by wave εwave (black lines) and the law of the wall εwall (pink lines) at Station S1~S12 (in m2 s−3). Observation is conducted in SCS during October 29 to November 10, 2010. Huang and Qiao et al, 2012, JGR

  17. Blue line Osborn, 1980 Green line Terray et al. (1996) Red line Huang and Qiao (2010) Sutherland et al., 2013, OS

  18. 3. Surface wave in OGCM

  19. Wave effects on SST: simulated SST bias without wave (up) and with wave (down) in Feb. Ocean model development Qiao et al, 2008, AOS

  20. Bv in NEMO: cooperated with Prof Adrian New of NOC, UK 2° 1° 1/4° No Bv Bv effect With Bv Simulated temperature difference at 50m in February

  21. Temperature differences: cooperated with Prof G Lohmann of AWI, Gernany Temperature Difference of 30N Temperature Difference of 30S (a) without Bv - WOA09 (b) with Bv - without Bv (c) with Bv - WOA09 black line - zero line (a) without Bv - WOA09 (b) with Bv - without Bv (c) with Bv - WOA09 black line - zero line

  22. Exp-1: Control (no wave) Exp-2: breaking wave induced stress and energy flux (Craig and Banner, 1994; He and Chen, 2011) Exp-3: Coriolis-Stokes force (Polton et al., 2005) EXP-4: Langmuir circulation (Kantha and Clayson, 2004) Exp-5: Wave-induced shear (Pleskachevsky et al., 2011) Exp-6: Exp1+2+3+4+5 Bv-1: Qiao et al 2004 Bv-2: Hu and Wang 2010 Wu, L., A. Rutgersson, and E. Sahlee (2015), Upper-ocean mixing due to surface gravity waves, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC011329

  23. POM+Bv Observation in summer Lin et al, 2006 JGR POM 3-D coastal models

  24. Yang et al.(2017): Incorporate the diagnostic scheme with three temperature profiles to the OGCM for the first time. • EXP_SG05:Constant (Schiller and Godfrey, 2005) • EXP_F96: Linear (Fairall et al., 1996) • EXP_G09: Exponential (Gentemann et al., 2009)

  25. • Diurnal warming simulated in EXP_G09 with exponential temperature profile in sublayerismore consistent with observations than those in EXP_SG05 and EXP_F96.

  26. 4. Surface wave in Typhoon model

  27. Typhoon/hurricane intensity

  28. Without spray With spray Latent HF With spray Without spray Sensible HF

  29. FIO-AOW ECWMF coupled model Technical Memoranda No.794 Wind-pressure relationship

  30. 5. Surface wave in climate system In tropical area,Bv has no much improvements for the ocean circulation model compared with mid- and high latitudes. For full coupled climate model, it is a different story because of the feedback and nonlinearity.

  31. 50a averaged SST (251-300a) of CCSM3. Up: NoBv-Levitus, Down: Bv-NoBv Song et al, 2012, JGR

  32. Summertime oceanic mixed layers are biased shallow in both the GFDL and NCAR climate models (Bates et al. 2012; Dunne et al. 2012, 2013). This scheme (Qiao et al., 2004) has most impact in our simulations on deepening the summertime mixed layers, yet it has minimal impact on wintertime mixed layers. Yalin Fan, and Stephen M. Griffies, 2014, JC (Fig 3)

  33. Land carbon CASA’ Ocean carbon OCMIP-2 Atmosphere CO2 transport Framework of FIO-ESM version1.0 FIO-ESM for CMIP5 Wave-induced mixing, Qiao et al., 2004

  34. SST absolute mean errors for 45 CMIP5 models

  35. Sea ice annual cycle in Arctic

  36. Centurial Future Projections RCP85 RCP60 RCP45 RCP26 Historical run 3.9℃

  37. Time series of Arctic sea ice extent from RCP run. Unit: m2

  38. FIO-ESM2

  39. 6. Discussion and suggestions

  40. (1) Compare the results with 107 buoys during 2014-2015 TAO:Tep Profile 23;20℃Depth67;Current 16 RAMA: Tep Profile 23;20℃Depth6;Current 22 PIRATA: Tep Profile 17;20℃Depth4;Current 1

  41. Temperature profiles of 23 TAO buoys

  42. 20℃Iosbath of 67 TAO buoys

  43. Current at 16 TAO buoy stations (29 layers)

  44. (2) Data assimilation for climate model

  45. RMSerrors with and without DA in climate model 60% 35% 50% 37% 25% 19% 21% 26%

  46. Suggestions on pilot projects of TPOS2020 • Modeling and data assimilation from weather to seasonal prediction; • Pilot observation activities in the tropical oceans from FIO; • The ocean satellite implementation plan till 2025 both in China and other countries.

  47. Thanks for your attention

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