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Texas Groundwater Resources Are Critical to Meeting Our Future Water Needs

Texas Groundwater Resources Are Critical to Meeting Our Future Water Needs. Overview. Introduction Why are we experiencing increasing demand for water in Texas? Projected Water Use Meeting the Water Demand Projected Water Sources Conclusion. Introduction.

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Texas Groundwater Resources Are Critical to Meeting Our Future Water Needs

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  1. Texas Groundwater Resources Are Critical to Meeting Our Future Water Needs

  2. Overview • Introduction • Why are we experiencing increasing demand for water in Texas? • Projected Water Use • Meeting the Water Demand • Projected Water Sources • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Texas is experiencing an increasing demand for water across the state.

  4. Why are we experiencing increasing demand for water in Texas? • As the population increases our demand for water increases. • Each additional person will need water to meet their personal needs. • Water usage depends on their location within the state.

  5. Projected Water Use by Sector 2000

  6. Projected Water Use by Sector 2050

  7. Meeting Our Water Demand • What portion of our water demand is met through groundwater? Today and in the future.

  8. Meeting Our Water Demand • The projected water use in Texas for 2000 was 17 million-acre-feet. 2.04 million-acre-feet (12 %) came from groundwater. • In 2050 the projected water demand will be 20 million-acre-feet. 4.6 million-acre-feet (23 %) coming from ground water. An increase of 11% coming from groundwater.

  9. Projected Water Sources 2050

  10. How many of you rely on groundwater as your source of water?

  11. Conclusion • Ground water plays a important role in meeting future water needs in Texas. • Groundwater will be in greater demand in the future.

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