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CEN 254 Algorithms and Data Structures

INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. CEN 254 Algorithms and Data Structures. Dr . G ünay Karlı gkarli@ibu.edu.ba. 201 1 -201 2 Spring. Class Schedule: Lectures: Monday 9 :00-11: 45 Labs: Thursday 9:00-10:45 Office Hour: Schedule is on my door.

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CEN 254 Algorithms and Data Structures

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  1. INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES CEN 254 Algorithms and Data Structures Dr. Günay Karlıgkarli@ibu.edu.ba 2011-2012 Spring

  2. Class Schedule: Lectures: Monday 9:00-11:45 Labs: Thursday 9:00-10:45 • Office Hour: Schedule is on my door

  3. Course Objectives • Design and analysis of data structures (lists, stacks, queues, trees, priority queues, hashing, graphs, and search trees in JAVA.) • Complexity Analysis of algorithms and Big O • Abstract data types (ADT) • Recursion • Problem solving techniques using data structures and algorithms

  4. Textbooks and Resources • M. A. Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, Third Edition, Pearson, 2006. • Peter Drake, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Prentice Hall, 2005. • P.J. Deitel & H.M. Deitel, JAVA How to Program, Seventh Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2007. • Robert Lafore, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, SAMS Publishing, 1998.

  5. BriefContents • Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures and Java programming language • Arrays • Search algorithms • Stacks and Queues • Linked Lists • Algorithm Analysis and Big O • Recursion • Trees and Heaps • Graphs

  6. Grading • Lab 20% • Midterm Exam 30% • Final Exam 30% • Home Study&Project 20%

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