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Dialog Boxes and Property Sheets

References. Programming Windows with MFC, Jeff Prosise, 2nd Edition, Microsoft Press, 1999 Derived from presentations by Kevin Devaney and Ciahua Wang, 2001. Dialog Boxes. ModalOwner window disabled until dialog closed ModelessOwner window can be reactivated while dialog is still open Property SheetsDialog boxes with tabbed pages.

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Dialog Boxes and Property Sheets

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    1. Dialog Boxes and Property Sheets Jim Fawcett CSE791 – Advanced Windows Programming Summer 2002

    2. References Programming Windows with MFC, Jeff Prosise, 2nd Edition, Microsoft Press, 1999 Derived from presentations by Kevin Devaney and Ciahua Wang, 2001

    3. Dialog Boxes Modal Owner window disabled until dialog closed Modeless Owner window can be reactivated while dialog is still open Property Sheets Dialog boxes with tabbed pages

    4. Class Hierarchy

    5. Example Dialog Box Font dialog Controls Combo boxes List boxes Check boxes Push buttons

    6. Create a Simple Dialog App Use MFC AppWizard Visual C++ Menu File / New / MFC AppWizard “Step 0” - Define project name and location Step 1 – Choose “Dialog-based” Other Steps – Accept defaults

    7. Using MFC AppWizard

    8. Add Dialog Controls Use toolbar to select controls for your dialog Click on the control you want Click on the dialog where you want to put the control Drag mouse on edges of the control to resize it Right-click on control, select properties and provide new ID

    9. Dialog Resource File (.rc) IDD_CREDIT_DIALOG DIALOGEX 0, 0, 265, 154 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU EXSTYLE WS_EX_APPWINDOW CAPTION "Credit Card Calculator" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "Calculate",IDOK,198,102,41,14 PUSHBUTTON "Exit",IDCANCEL,198,126,41,14 CONTROL "Spin1",IDC_SPIN_DEBT,"msctls_updown32",UDS_ARROWKEYS,21,22,11,14 END

    10. Adding Shortcut Keys

    11. Setting Tab Order

    12. Responding to User Input Double-click on the control “Add Member Function” dialog will pop up Select “OK” and it will create a function for that control OnOK for OK button OnChangeEditXxxx for edit control Add code to the function to perform needed processing

    13. Temperature Converter

    14. OnOK Processing

    15. How to talk to controls - 1 Use CWnd functions GetDlgItemText, SetDlgItemText CheckRadioButton, GetCheckedRadioButton CheckDlgButton, IsDlgButtonChecked This was illustrated in Temperature Converter example

    16. How to talk to controls - 2 Use info supplied in the message handler

    17. How to talk to controls - 3 Use common control classes CEdit, CListBox, CComboBox, CSliderCtrl, etc Use CWnd Attach function to associate control class with your control

    18. Common Control Class Example

    19. How to talk to controls - 4 Use Dynamic Data Exchange Override virtual function DoDataExchange Use DDX functions to associate member variables with controls Exchange occurs: Input (variable to control) in OnInitDialog Output (control to variable) in OnOK

    20. DDX Example

    21. DDX Functions DDX_Text Edit control DDX_Check Check box DDX_Radio Radio box DDX_LBIndex, DDX_LBString List box DDX_CBIndex, DDX_CBString Combo box DDX_Scroll Scroll bar

    22. Dynamic Data Validation Dynamic data validation (DDV) works similar to DDX DDV checks that input data is within specified limits If data is outside limits, focus is passed to the control and an error message is displayed

    23. DDV Example

    24. DDV Functions DDV_MinMaxByte, DDV_MinMaxInt, DDV_MinMaxLong, DDV_MinMaxUInt, DDV_MinMaxDWord, DDV_MinMaxFloat, DDV_MinMaxDouble, DDV_MaxChars

    25. Modal vs Modeless Modal Display dialog by calling CDialog::DoModal Exit by calling CDialog::OnOK or OnCancel Usually instantiated on the stack so destruction is automatic

    26. Modal vs Modeless Modeless Display dialog by calling CDialog::Create Exit dialog by calling DestroyWindow Don’t call OnOK or OnCancel Usually instantiated on the heap (new) so the dialog is not destroyed prematurely Make sure dialog is deleted by overriding CDialog::PostNcDestroy function using “delete this” statement

    27. Basic Modal Dialog Programming (see example p. 398) Declare dialog member variables in header file (.h) Initialize variables and setup controls in OnInitDialog Use Class Wizard to create message handler functions that get user input Perform data processing in OnOK and comment out call to Cdialog::OnOK()

    28. Property Sheets Tabbed dialog boxes User can switch between pages using mouse MFC classes CPropertySheet CPropertyPage

    29. Property Sheets Is a tabbed dialog box containing pages of controls that user can switch among. Encapsulated in a pair of MFC classes: CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage CPropertySheet represents the property sheet itself CPropertyPage represents a page in the property sheet. Property sheets can be modal or modeless, created with DoMomal() or Create()

    30. How to Create a Modal Property Sheet For each page create a dialog template. For each page derive a dialog-like class from CPropertyPage that include public members linked to the page’s controls via DDX or DDV. Derive a property sheet class from CPropertySheet. Use CPropertySheet::AddPage() to add pages to the property sheet. Call the property sheet’s DoModal() to display the property sheet.

    31. How to Create a Modal Property Sheet (cont.) MFC CPropertySheet provide functions for three buttons -- OK, Cancel and Apply. Property sheet pages should not include OK or Cancel button --when the property sheet’s OK buton is clicked, the current page’s OnOK() is called. Add message handler for Apply button, which should call the active page’s UpdateData(TRUE). Use CPropertyPage’s SetModified() to enable or disable Apply button.

    32. How to Create a Modal Property Sheet (cont.) class CFirstPage:public CPropertyPage{ public: …. // delare member here ptotected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange*); …. }; class CMyPropertySheet:public CProperySheet{ CFirstPage m_firstPage; // first page ….. public: …. CMyPropertySheet(…){ // constructor AddPage(&m_firstPage); …. } };

    33. Common Dialogs CFileDialog CPrintDialog CPageSetupDialog CFindReplaceDialog CColorDialog CFontDialog

    34. CFileDialog

    35. CFileDialog code

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