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Quiz. 1. Where does Paul speak of the pillar and foundation of truth? 2. How many attributes does the Church of Christ possess? 3. Catholics believe the church is an invisible Church. 4. In the Church of Christ all will be saints

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  1. Quiz • 1. Where does Paul speak of the pillar and foundation of truth? • 2. How many attributes does the Church of Christ possess? • 3. Catholics believe the church is an invisible Church. • 4. In the Church of Christ all will be saints • 5. This is where Jesus gives Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.

  2. AUTHORITYWhere does authority rest after Christ? Objectives: Demonstrate the primacy of Peter Differentiate Protestant vs Catholic views of authority. Cite scriptural passage supporting Sacred Tradition. Define infallibility Differentiate ordinary vs extraordinary magisterium

  3. Catholic View • Jesus vested authority with the Apostles • Where is that in scripture? • Mt. 16:18 • Just to Peter • Mt 18:16 • “Whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven” • Mt 28:18-20 • Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."

  4. Protestant Response • 1. Jesus is referring to Peter’s confession of faith not to Simon himself • You judge! • And so I say to you, you are Rock, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. • I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." • Is Jesus referring to Peter’s confession or to the man Simon now known as Peter?

  5. Argument 2 • The Greek translation of the Bible uses the word Petros =small stone. • Rock would have been Petra • How could Jesus say he was building the Church on a small stone or pebble? • Jesus was not speaking in Greek. In Aramaic the word was Cephas = rock! • Petros is masculine • Petra is feminine • So the translators took the word that agreed in gender while not perfect in description of Peter!

  6. Peter’s Primacy • Peter is always mentioned 1st • Peter gives the speech at Pentecost • Peter is mentioned 191 times. All others combined = 130 • John 21:15-18 three times Peter is told to tend the flock of Christ. • Jesus preaches from Peter’s boat • Peter receives the revelation to admit gentiles • Peter settles the question at the Council of Jerusalem

  7. Infallibility • Both Catholics and Protestants claim it • Protestants claim if for the Bible and their interpretation guided by the Holy Spirit • If guided by the same spirit shouldn’t all be the same • 30,000 churches from individual interpretations • Catholics for the Church= DEPOSIT OF FAITH • Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition • Ordinary magisterium • Day to day teaching of the Church • Extraordinary magesterium • Special circumstances

  8. Revelation • Two sources • Sacred Scripture • The Bible • Collection of books • Canon established in 397 a.d. • Sacred Tradition • Verbal instructions handed on by the Apostles to the 1st bishops • Through the ages to us • St. Paul speaks of “Oral Traditions”

  9. Protestant View • Sola Scriptura • The Bible or Scripture is the authority • Where is that in the Bible? • Its not! Jn 21:25 ... not everything is in the Bible. • 2 Thess 2:15; Paul speaks of oral tradition. • Acts 2:42 ... early Christians followed apostolic tradition. • 2 Pet 3:16 ... Bible hard to understand, get distorted. • 2 Pet 1:20-21 ... against personal interpretation. • Acts 8:31; Heb 5:12 ... guidance needed to interpret scriptures.

  10. Quiz • 1. At the World Council of Churches Pope Paul VI said “our name is Peter. T/F • 2.The Church of Christ must have an unbroken chain of succession to the apostles. T/F • 3.The 1st pope to travel outside of Italy in modern times: a. Paul VI b. JPII c. JP I • 4. The Catholic Church is primarily a European church. T/F • 5. All other churches have a gap of about ____yrs between their foundation and the time of Christ. • a. 50 b. 100 c. 1000 d. 2000

  11. How was the Bible formed? • Written over 1000 years • Who collected the books? • Some books included others excluded • Who decided what to keep in and take out • How long did this process take? • Canon of Scripture decided at the Council of Carthage in 396 AD

  12. Infallibility • Not Revelation • This is where God works through a human instrument to reveal some truth • Not impeccability • This is preservation from sin • Only the Blessed Virgin Mary enjoyed this charism • God standing outside the person • Protecting from error

  13. Ordinary magisterium • Day to day teaching of the Church • Those teachings the Universal Church has held to be true • Universal means consensus it is not mathematical

  14. Extraordinary magisterium • When some teaching or belief is called into question, ignored, or challenged • The Church endeavors to solemnly define a point

  15. Ecumenical Council • All of the bishops of the world • Charged to meet on this point • Issues decrees • Once ratified by the pope they are infallible and binding on all Catholics • 22 such in the history of the Church • The 1st in 50 a.d @ Jerusalem • The last in 1965 at the Vatican

  16. Papal Decree • The pope has the power to act by himself • This is by virtue of the authority granted him by Jesus (Mt. 16:18) • when speaking “ex cathedra” In his official capacity as chief shepherd • Matter of faith or morals • Solemnly defines some matter as binding on the entire Church • Only exercised twice in 2000 years

  17. Catholic idea of infallibility • The bishops in union w/ the pope • A Ecumenical Council once approved by the pope • The pope by himself: • when speaking “ex cathedra” In his official capacity as chief shepherd • Matter of faith or morals • Solemnly defines some matter as binding on the entire Church

  18. How does the authority of the Pope and bishops lead to and preserve unity? • What has happened to Christianity since the authority of the Church was cast off in the Reformation?

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