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ZERMELO AND FIXED-POINT THEOREMS. TACL’2009 , AMSTERDAM , JULY 7-11, 2009 Janusz Czelakowski University of Opole , Institute of Mathematics and Informatics , Poland jczel@math.uni.opole.pl. J. Czelakowski , Zermelo and fixed-point theorems , TACL’2009 , AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009.
ZERMELO AND FIXED-POINT THEOREMS TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 JanuszCzelakowski University of Opole, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Poland jczel@math.uni.opole.pl
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 1. Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem. A poset P = (P, ) is inductive if every chain in P has a supremum. Every inductive poset possesses the least element 0 – the supremum of the empty chain. Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem in the standard formulation states the following: Version I. Every expansive mapping from an inductive poset P = (P, ) toP has a fixed-point. (is expansive if for every a P it is the case that a (a).) The above theorem is equivalent to the following statement:
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Version II. Let P = (P, ) be a non-empty poset in which every non-empty chain has a supremum. Every expansive mapping fromPtoP has a fixed-point. Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem (in both versions) is provable in ZF. Yet another version of Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem is provable in ZFC by a straightforward application of Zorn’s Lemma:
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Version III. LetP = (P, ) be a non-empty poset in which every non-empty chain has an upper bound. Then everyexpansive mapping from P toP has a fixed-point. In fact, every maximal element in P is a fixed-point of .
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 2. Some Applications ofZermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem. The theory of fixed-points splits into two, to a large extent autonomous and conceptually independent, areas of research. Each of these fields is determined by the specific choice of underlying mathematical models: (1) the theory of fixed-points conducted in the framework of order-complete partially ordered sets (see e.g. Gunter and Scott [1990]). (2) the theory of fixed-points developed in the setting ofcomplete metric spaces (see e.g. Goebel [2001], Goebel and Kirk [1990], Kirk and Sims [2001]).
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Zermelo’sTheorem (in all versions) belongs to the first of the mentioned branches (the so called order-oriented theory of fixed points). (1) is developed in the envoirment formed by the class of posets endowed with appropriate mappings. The properties of these mappings as e.g. monotonicity, expansivity, or various forms of order-continuity are strictly conjoined with the order. (1) offers other non-trivial results as e.g. the famous Tarski Fixed–Point Theorem, Fujimoto Fixed-Point Theorem, etc. for mappings or relations defined on ordered sets. All these theorems to a large extent exploit various completenesspropertiesof theunderlyingposets.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 On the other hand,(2) contains an array of results that are anchored in the class of complete metric spaces augmented with suitably selected continuous mappings, and not in ordered structures with derived mappings. We mention in this context the names of Brouwer, Schauder, Kakutani, Nielsen, Caristi or Banach. They all have essentially contributed to the development of the metric-oriented theory of fixed-points.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 In the talk we shall underlie the fundamental role Zermelo’s Theorem (in the three versions) plays not only in the order theory of fixed-points but also in the metric theory of fixed-points. We shall show how to derive Caristi and Banach Fixed-Point Theorems from Zermelo’s Theorem in a straightforward way using the Principle of Countable Choice. These facts show the logical dimension of Zermelo’s Theorem as a tool enabling a uniform presentation of the theory of fixed-points from the order-theoretical standpoint. We shall also show how derive Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem from Zermelo’s one.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Let be a partial order on a topological space X. is said to be compatible with the topology of X if the relation is a closed set in the product topology on X X. If (X, d ) is a metric space, then is compatible with the metric topology if and only if for any two convergent sequences (in the metric d) {x n} and {y n}of elements of X, x ny n for all n implies that lim n x n lim n y n.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 R stands for the set of real numbers. t : XR is upper-bounded if the set { t (x ) : xX } has an upper bound in R (or, equivalently, sup{t (x) : xX }exists inR ). For a given t : XR we define the following binary relation ton the space X : (*) xty if and only if d (x, y) t (y ) t (x ), for all x, yX.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 The following observation is crucial. Theorem 1. Assume ZF + the Principle of Countable Choice (AC). Let (X, d ) be metric space with a metricd. Lett : XRbe a function. Then: (A) tis n partial order on X. (B) t is a monotone mapping from the poset (X, t) to (R, ), i.e., xty implies t (x) t (y), for all x, yX.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 (C) Suppose the metric space (X, d ) is complete. If t : XRis continuous and upper-bounded, then in the poset (X, t) every non-empty chain has a supremum. (D) If t : XRis continuous, then the order tis compatible with the metric topology (X, d ). Note. The above definition of the order tin (X, d) is due to Caristi [1976]. It seems, however, that conditions (C )-(D) have not been explicitly considered in the literature.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Theorem 2. (Caristi’s Fixed-Point Theorem). Assume ZF + AC. Let (X, d ) be a complete metric space. Let t : XRbe a continuous and upper-boundedfunction. Then every function : XXwhich satisfies the following condition: (**) d (x, (x )) t ( (x ))-t (x ) for all x X, has a fixed-point.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Proof. Zermelo’s Fixed Point-Theorem in Version II is applied here. Define the poset (X, l ) as above. Since t is continuous, Theorem 1 implies that every non-empty chain in (X, l ) has a supremum. But condition (**), defined by Caristi, actually states that is expansive in the sense of the poset (X, l ) (cf. (*)). Zermelo’s Theorem implies that has a fixed-point.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Let (X, d ) be a metric space. A mapping : XX is called a contraction if there exists a positive real number k, 0 k 1, such that d((x), (y )) k d(x, y ) for all x, y X. It is clear that every contraction is continuous (in the metric d). The following observation is known:
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Proposition 3.Let : XX be a contraction of (X, d ). Definet : XR as follows: t (x ) := d (x, (x )) / 1 – k, for all x X . The function tis continuous. Moreover (1) sup{t (x ) : xX } 0, (2) d (x, (x )) t ( (x)) t (x ) for all x X . Theorem 4. (Banach Fixed Point Theorem). Assume ZF + AC. Let (X, d ) be a complete metric space. Every contraction : XX has a unique fixed-point.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Banach Theorem is directly derivable from Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem in Version II, Theorem 1 and Proposition 3. Let t : XRbe defined as in Proposition 3. As t is continuous and upper bounded, Theorem 1 implies that in the poset(X, t ) every non-empty chain has asupremum. In turn, (2) states that the mapping is expansive in the sense of (X,t ). Zermelo’s Theorem implies that has a fixed-point. (This fact also follows from Caristi’s Theorem.) The uniqueness of the fixed-point trivially follows from the fact that is a contraction.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 3. Zermelo and Brouwer. Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem can be derived from Zermelo’s Fixed- Point Theorem. Let k be a positive integer. I k denotes the k-th power of the unit interval I, where I := {x R : 0 x 1}. The elements of I k are k–tuples of real numbers from I. k denotes the standard order relation in I k. Thus for a = (a 1,…, ak), b = (b 1,…, bk) I k a k b means that a 1b 1 … akbk.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 The poset (I k, k ) is a complete lattice. Let X I k and a = (a 1,…, ak). Then a = sup(X) in (I k, k ) iff ai = sup(pi [X ]) in the standard order on I,for i = 1,…, k. Generally, for k 2, if X is a closed set in I k, thensup(X) need not be an element of X.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Theorem 5. Assume AC. Letk be a positive integer. Let f = (f 1,…, fk) be a continuous function from I k to I k. Then there exists a non-empty closed subset A I ksatisfying the following conditions: (1) Every non-empty chain in the poset A := (A, k ) has a supremum. (2) f maps A to A. (3) f is expansive in the poset A.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Note. The crucial fact in the above theorem is the non-emptiness of A. Moreover, itmay happen that the set A with the above properties is a singleton. In the one-dimensional case, let f : I I be a continuous function such that f (0) = 0 and f (x) x for all x 0. Then A = {0}because x f (x) only if x = 0.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Theorem 6. (Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem). Let k be a positive integer. Let f = (f 1,…, fk) be a continuous function from I k to I k. Then fhas a fixed- point. Proof. Let A be defined as in Theorem 5. Zermelo’s Fixed-Point Theorem (Version 2) when applied to (1)-(3) implies that f has a fixed-point.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 It should be noted that Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem implies Theorem 5.While the existence of a set A satisfying conditions (1)-(3) of Theorem 5 can be easily established, the critical property is that of its non-emptiness. Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem implies that there exists such a non-empty set – we take as A the singleton containing a fixed-point of f .
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 Bibliography S. Banach [1922] Sur les operations dans les ensembles abstraits et leur applications, Fundamenta Mathematicae 3, 133-181. L.E.J. Brouwer [1912] Über Abbildungen von Mannigfaltigkeiten, Mathematische Annalen 71, 97-115. J. Caristi [1976] Fixed points theorems for mappings satisfying inwardness condition, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 40, 241-251. B.A. Davey and H. Priestley [2002] Introduction to Lattices and Order, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002. J. Dugundji and A. Granas [1982] Fixed Point Theory, Monografie Matematyczne 61, PWN, Warsaw. T. Fujimoto [1984] An extension of Tarski’s fixed point theorem and its application to isotone complementarity problems, Mathematical Programming 28, 116-118. K. Goebel [2001] Metric environment of the topological fixed point theorems, in: W.A. Kirk and B. Sims (eds.) [2001], 577-611.
J. Czelakowski, Zermelo and fixed-pointtheorems,TACL’2009, AMSTERDAM, JULY 7-11, 2009 J. Jachymski [2001] Order-theoretic aspects of metric fixed point theory, in: W.A. Kirk and B. Sims (eds.) [2001],613-641. K. Goebel and W.A. Kirk [1990] Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. C.A. Gunter and D.S. Scott [1990] Semantic Domains, in: J. Van Leeuwen (Managing Editor), Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, The MIT Press/Elsevier, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo /Cambridge, Massachuesetts, 634-674. W.A. Kirk and B. Sims (eds.) [2001] Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston-London. Y. N. Moschovakis [1994] Notes on Set Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York–Berlin. J. Schauder [1930] Der Fixpunktsatz in Funktionalraümen, Studia Mathematica 2, 171-180. A. Tarski [1955] A lattice-theoretical fixpoint theorem and its applications, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 5, 285-309.