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History & Government of East and Southeast Asia

History & Government of East and Southeast Asia. I. Civilizations. *China is the culture hearth (center from which ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas) of East and Southeast Asia *every other country has blended Chinese ways with their own. A. Yellow River Valley Civilization.

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History & Government of East and Southeast Asia

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  1. History & Government of East and Southeast Asia

  2. I. Civilizations *China is the culture hearth (center from which ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas) of East and Southeast Asia *every other country has blended Chinese ways with their own

  3. A. Yellow River Valley Civilization -emerged around 4,000 B.C. along Yellow River -flooding of river provided fertile soil/loess for agriculture -surrounded by mountains and Gobi Desert = isolated from invasion (outsiders = barbarians) -did not trade with other civilizations

  4. B. Southeast Asia -early rice-farming and bronze-working communities existed in Thailand by 3,000 B.C.

  5. II. Dynasties, Kingdoms, and Empires

  6. A. China’s Mandate of Heaven *idea of divine rule (mandate of heaven)

  7. Shang Dynasty (1700 B.C.) -established on No. China Plain -created first calendar & writing systems for China

  8. Zhou Dynasty (1122 B.C. – 403 B.C.) -Chinese culture spread & trade grew -Confucianism & Daoism founded (religious & philosophical beliefs)

  9. 3. Qin Empire (221 – 210 B.C.) -emperor united all of China & built the first section of the Great Wall to ward off attacks from northern Asia

  10. 4. Han Empire (202 B.C. – A.D. 220) -restored & extended Great Wall -competed with Roman Empire 5. Tang Empire (618-907 A.D.) -trade thrived along Silk Road – more openness to outsiders

  11. Mongols -united all nomadic tribes to north & took over by force

  12. B. Japan - Feudalism & Samurai 1. Yamato Dynasty (400s) -Yamato was leading clan & leader united Japanese independent clans -Yamato adopted China’s philosophies, writing system, art, sciences, and government structure

  13. Rule by Shogun (1100s-1800s) -armies of nobles began fighting for control -Yoritomo Minamoto became Japan’s first shogun (military ruler) -Minamoto was protected by samurai -samurai helped shoguns rule until late 1800s

  14. C. Korea - Chinese Influence -Chinese settlers brought their culture to neighboring Koreans -Buddhism later spread and became a major religion here -about 1300, the Chinese seized control of Korea and introduced Confucianism

  15. D. SE Asia’s Seafaring Empires *maritime (seafaring) empires gained power in Southeast Asia by controlling shipping and trade • Funan Empire (100s A.D.) -set up by Indian traders -adopted Hinduism and Indian model of government -traded with India, China, and Persia

  16. Khmer Empire (1100s-1200s) -current-day Cambodia & Thailand -developed advanced irrigation and agriculture *grew 3-4 rice crops annually • Srivijaya Empire (600-1300) -current-day Indonesia & Malaysia -used strong navy to control trade – taxed traders who passed through waters surrounding the empire

  17. III. Contact with the West

  18. *by the 1500s, western countries had set up shipping routes to East and Southeast Asia, hoping to share in the region’s rich trade in tea, silk, and spice -SE Asia was most open to west -next came China -last Japan decided to modernize before being taken over by westerners

  19. A. China - The Opium Issue -agreed only to trade with British at port of Guangzhou -British bought tea, but Chinese did not buy British goods (British wanted Chinese to buy) *1700s – Br. began to smuggle opium into China *Chinese government asked British to stop trade but British refused *Opium Wars broke out – ended with Treaty of Nanking -in treaty, British gained control of Hong Kong (until 1997) -Chinese opposition continued to grow with increased western influence

  20. B. Japan – Western Influence -until 1854, Japan refused to trade with the West *American Commodore Perry sailed into Tokyo Harbor

  21. -in 1867, Tokugawa shogun stepped down & Mutsuhito established Meiji (enlightened rule) *feudal lords gave land to emperor *sent people to study foreign ways *studied industrialization – built railroads, ships, & weapons

  22. C. Southeast Asia – European Colonization *spheres of influence (agreed upon areas of control) were originally set up in SE Asia, but colonization quickly followed

  23. Indochina Peninsula = France • Malay Peninsula & Myanmar = Britain • Indonesia = Dutch • Philippines = Spanish (then U.S.) ***most all were taken over by the Japanese in the 1900s (Japanese expansion)

  24. Thailand (Siam) = unique because it maintained independence -modernized on its own (reorganized legal & govt. systems, started schools, built infrastructure, ended slavery) King Chulalongkorn the Great (Rama V) 1868-1910

  25. -Effects of Western Rule: 1. built railroads, paved roads, and improved harbors 2. replaced small farms with commercial plantations 3. disrupted E & SE Asian traditional culture 4. forced Southeast Asians to grow cash crops, work in mines, and cut timber for low, if any wages

  26. IV. Modern East and Southeast Asia *by 1965, all Asian countries had gained independence *after independence, political conflicts raged throughout the region

  27. A. Revolutionary China -in 1949, Mao Zedong and his communist followers set up the People’s Republic of China on the Chinese mainland

  28. -after Mao took control of mainland China, nationalists, under Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan to set up a government called the Republic of China *the Republic of China still exists today – ruled by a democratic government

  29. B. Japan's Transformation -from the 1890s to 1940s, Japan expanded its territory to create an empire (see page 671 in textbook) -this expansion led to Japan’s entry into World War II -after being defeated in WWII, Japan became occupied by the U.S.

  30. *Japan forced to adopt a new constitution that made the Emperor a figurehead of a new democratic state -in 1954, Japan was restored as an individual state – its sole focus was economic growth

  31. C. A Divided Korea -after U.S. dropped 2nd atomic bomb on Nagasaki during WWII, Soviets took advantage & invaded Japanese territory (including Korea)

  32. -U.S. did not want Korea to become communist, so we (U.S.) proposed joint occupation b/w us & Soviets -U.S. asked U.N. to allow for a general election in Korea – Soviets disagreed, so election was held only in the South -U.N. recognized this government as legitimate government of Korea

  33. -Korean War began in 1950 between the north and south *in 1953, a truce divided the country at the 38th parallel into North Korea and South Korea *North Korea = communist government *South Korea = democratic government

  34. D. A Free Mongolia -Mongolia ruled by a communist government between 1924 and 1991 *influenced by the Soviet Union government -now, Mongolia is ruled under a democratic government

  35. E. Vietnam -Chinese, then French, then Japanese rule until end of WWII -until 1955, France fought to regain control of Vietnam, but the Vietnamese refused 1954 – communist forces, under Ho Chi Minh, defeated French in Vietnam

  36. *Vietnam divided into 2 parts: communist North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh and non-communist South Vietnam led by Ngo Dinh Diem 1963 – military coup overthrew Diem with support of North Vietnamese (not all South Vietnamese were pleased) 1965 – American troops arrived to support South Vietnam in war

  37. 1973 – Americans left Vietnam 1975 – war ended – communist North Vietnam won 1976 – Vietnam reunited under communist rule http://www.vietnampix.com/intro.htm

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