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Mahayaha Buddhism #1 2 Kamakura Buddhism 3 ( Nichiren / Nichiren-shu ). Masayo Urasaki 6 September 201 2. Today ’ s schedule. 1) Brief history of Nichiren(日蓮) 2) Some Video Clip about Nichiren 's Life 3) Feedback. Keywords. ・ Nichiren (日蓮) ・ Lotus Sutra(妙法蓮華経)
Mahayaha Buddhism #12Kamakura Buddhism 3( Nichiren/ Nichiren-shu ) Masayo Urasaki 6 September 2012
Today’s schedule 1) Brief history of Nichiren(日蓮) 2) Some Video Clip about Nichiren's Life 3) Feedback
Keywords ・Nichiren (日蓮) ・Lotus Sutra(妙法蓮華経) ・Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo(南無妙法蓮華経) Odaimoku(お題目) ・Rissho Ankoku Ron (立正安国論) ・National Crisis of Mongol Invasion(蒙古襲来による国難) ・Mount Minobu and Kuon-temple(身延山久遠寺)
Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282) • Born at Kominato, Chiba Province. the son of poor fisherman • Became Novice at Seicho-Temple (Tendai-sect) • Bacame Tendai priest, studying 10 major Buddhist sects (Nara, Zen, Shingon, Pure Land, Tendai) • He developed ideas based on strong faith with Lotus Sutra. • Declaration of Nichiren-sect in 1253 (31 years old)at Seicho-temple at Chiba province.
Persecution other sects,but never gave up • After established Nichiren sect, Nichiren moved to Kamakura. He had some deciples. • He publicaly attacted borh Pure Land and Zen on the street corners(辻説法) • Believer of Pure Land burned Nichiren's hemitage. • Nichiren felt that he was persecuted because of "Decay of Dharma" in that time, lack of Lotus Sutra. He called "Ho-nan(法難)" (Difficulty mission of Dharma)
Rissho Ankoku Ron(立正安国論) • In 1260, Nichiren submitted his writting opinion (Rissho Ankoku Ron) to the Shogun (Political Leader) Mr.Tokiyori Hojo three times. But Tokiyori rejected. Rissho Ankoku Ron ↓ means "Traatise on the Establishment of the True Dharma and the Peace of the Lotus Sutra"
National Crisis of Mongol Invasion • Mongorian already conquered China and Korea peninsula. Finally Mongoria tried to invation Japan. • 1st time => 1274, 2nd time =>1281 • Nichiren redard this invasion as National Crisis, because of no faith with Lotus Sutra .
Exile on Sado Island Finally, He was persecuted from Govenment. Nichiren had to exile Izu(伊豆)for two years. In 1271, Nichiren arrested again. Secretaly he was sentenced to Death penalty. But Thunder lighted at the moment of execute. He was saved his life, but he was reprived into Sado Island. He Spent almost 3 years at Sado.During at time, he developed his faith and doctorinne, wrote "Eye Openning and the True Object of Devotion"
After exile life • In 1274, Nichiren came back from exile at Sado island. He move to Mount Minobu(身延山), established Kuon- temple(久遠寺)at Yamanashi province. • Nichiren stayed to teach his disciples (including monks, layperson- Fishermen, Samurai, Merchants)
Devote to propagate Lotus Sutra • In 1282, Nichiren became serious illness and passed awayon 13 October at Musashi procince (now at Tokyo) • Although he was being persecution many times, he believed that he regarded himseld as Boddhisattava in the Decay of Dharma. • His aim is to save the nation and people.
Nichiren sect(shu)'s monks Nowadays • Before monk (candidate) After finish ceremony, candidate take course of Nichiren Buddhism, 35 days practices. • After monk Monk sho will practice at temple 100days in winter. Chanting every 3.am to midnight, take water 7 times a day(水行)
Believing Power of recite "Odaimoku" Introduce some Nichiren writting and saying • By intoming "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo"(Taking refuge in the Lotus Sutra) you are assured of buddhahood; what is most important is your depth of faith. The root of the Buddha-Dharma is faith" (quated from letter Nichinyo Gozen) • "Mixing other practices with the chanting of this "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo"ha grave results"