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Science Fair Project. 5/6 Science St. James Elementary. Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project. Select a Topic Research Purpose and Hypothesis Experiment Research Paper Exhibit Judging. Seven Steps to prepare a Science Fair Project. Step 1: Select a Topic
Science Fair Project 5/6 Science St. James Elementary
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Select a Topic Research Purpose and Hypothesis Experiment Research Paper Exhibit Judging
Seven Steps to prepare a Science Fair Project Step 1: Select a Topic Select something that is of interest to you! Use the following website if you need help with ideas sciencebuddies.org Be as specific as possible. Time and resources may be limited. Write it as a question that you want to answer.
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 2: Research This means you look for any and all information associated with the topic you have chosen. Use any and all sources of information available to you. (Books, magazines, Internet, interviews, etc.) Keep a Working Bibliographyin your Log Book. Write a Research Plan that includes a problem, hypothesis, procedures, and bibliography. This is to be submitted for approval of your project. Identify any equipment that you may need. Obtain all necessary forms. Use the informationto establish a time line of events.
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 3: Purpose and Hypothesis The Purpose is a description of what you will be doing and why. This is part of the introduction of your Research Paper and must capture the attention of the reader. The Hypothesis is the conclusion of the introduction. It is a testable, educated guess that answers the question posed by your topic.
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 4: Experiment List materials and procedures to be followed. How will the equipment be used? Identify the control and experimental groups. Identify all safety concerns. Provide a detailed description of the experiment being performed. Take detailed notes of measurements and observations. Record these in your Log Book! Upon completion of the experiment, provide a detailed discussion of the experimental results and any sources of error .
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 5 The Research Paper • Compile your work into a comprehensive report that presents: • The background and history of your topic • Any information collected • Complete description of your experiment • A discussion of your findings • A conclusion that refutes or accepts your hypothesis
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 6 The Exhibit • This is your visual presentation of your project. It should be an organized, eye-catching, attention-grabbing presentation from the title of your project to the construction and presentation. • It must contain: • Log Book • Research Paper • Photographs • Charts • Graphs • Abstract
Seven Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project Step 7 Judging • You will be asked to present your topic to a group of qualified scientists. Therefore, know your project! • Judges will evaluate you and your project on: • How well you followed the scientific method. • The detail and accuracy of notes. • Whether tools/equipment were used in the best possible way. • How well thought out the research was. • How freely and confidently you can speak about your project. Be prepared to answer questions outside the scope of your project. • The appearance and presentation of your display.
Bibliography • This is defined as a listing of the resources and references used during the research phase of your project to develop your hypothesis. • The bibliography should be written in the APA Style. This is the prescribed style for scientific papers. The APA Handbook is available in most libraries. The following website is good resource and full of examples. • http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_apa_format_examples.shtml
Division Number of pages Title Page 1 Table of Contents 1 Review of Literature 7-10 Description of Experiment 5-7 Materials 1 Data 1 Conclusion 1-2 Bibliography 1-2 Divisions of the Log Book
Log Book (Example of how a page should look) Table of Contents Page Review of Literature…………………………….. ? Description of the experiment…………………… ? Materials…………………………………………. ? Data………………………………………………. ? Conclusion……………………………………….. ? Bibliography……………………………………… ? Appendices………………………………………. ?
Log Book Review of Literature [Daily Log] 7-10 pages • Working Bibliography • Notes • Sketches • Additional questions • End with a rough draft of the introduction for your Research Paper
Log Book Description of Experiment 5-7 pages • Step-by-Step listing of Procedures • Identify all Safety Precautions • List all materials and equipment to be used(include quantities, qualities, dimensions, etc.)
Log Book Data(Daily Log) All notes, observations, sketches, drawings, precautions, comments, etc. are to be recorded in this section. There should be a Discussion of the Data at the end of this section.
Log Book Conclusion 1-2 pages Revisit your hypothesis. Restate it. State whether you accept or refute your hypothesis. State specific facts, associated with your data, that support your conclusion.
Log Book Bibliography 1-2 pages Students are expected to use the APA format. (Students received a hard copy of this format. They can find the information at: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_apa_format_examples.shtml)
Log Book Appendices (This is any information that you refer to, but did not have room to place it in the document.) Photographs Charts Graphs Data Tables Acknowledgements
ResearchPaper A paper describing your research is required, and should be displayed in your Research Project Notebook, along with any necessary forms, or other relevant written materials A good research paper includes these sections: TITLE PAGE Project title, name, address, school and grade TABLE OF CONTENTS Number each section as you finish writing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS/CREDITS Credit assistance received from mentors, parents. teachers. And other sources
Research Paper INTRODUCTION The introduction should explain the background information about your topic and the reasoning behind your choice of study. Refer to previous research as well as your own experiments. Establish a strong rationale for the study by emphasizing unresolved issues or questions. Conclude by stating the research hypotheses MATERIALS & PROCEDURES Describe in detail the methodology used to derive your data and observations. Use photographs and drawings of your equipment to describe your experiment further. Include a precise description of the sample, any apparatus that was constructed or modified for the study, and methods of data collection
ResearchPaper RESULTS Present the data collected in the experiment in tables and graphs; summarize the data in narrative form. Include statistical analysis of the data. Do not include raw data. Include only information collected during the current year's study DISCUSSION Your results and conclusions should flow smoothly and logically from your data. Be thorough. Compare your results with theoretical values, published data, commonly held beliefs and/or expected results. A complete paper should include a discussion of possible errors or problems experienced CONCLUSION Briefly summarize your results. Discuss if your data supported of your hypothesis and what your next steps in experimentation may be
ResearchPaper REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Your reference list should include any material that is not your own (ie, books, web sites, papers, journal articles and communications cited in the paper). Follow the prescribed bibliographic style manual. APPENDIX Include critical information that is too lengthy for the main section of the paper, such as raw data, additional tables and graphs, copies of surveys or tests, and diagrams of specialized equipment.
Abstract PREPARING AN ABSTRACT When you finish your research and experiments, you are required to write a (maximum) 250-word abstract on the Official Abstract Form. An abstract is a concise summary of the entire research project. The following elements should be included in a proper abstract: TITLE The title should be brief and descriptive. The title must be used for all forms and display. The Title is limited to 65 characters and spaces. PROBLEM The statement of the problem tells the reader what specific questions are addressed in the study. The variables and limitations are identified. The intent and objectives of the research effort are made explicit in this statement.
Abstract PURPOSE The purpose states the usefulness of the study. It answers the question why the project was undertaken. HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis is an educated guess that shows the relationship between a set of observed facts and a theory. The hypothesis limits the scope of the investigation and unifies the research design. Oftentimes it is an IF/Then statement. P ROCEDURE The procedure provides a brief summary of what was done. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions provide a concise statement of the outcomes of the investigation. They should be written in nontechnical language and be related directly to the hypothesis. The conclusions should identity unsolved aspects of the original problem or any new problems identified.
Abstract RULES FOR ABSTRACTS: .The abstract is limited to the square on the form. Do not include cover sheets, graphics, etc. .The abstract must be 250 words or less. ONE Copy of the abstract must be given to the judges and the original placed in your notebook or on your Exhibit Board.
Abstract HELPFUL HINTS: .Use past tense and third person .Use correct spelling and sentence structure .Try to avoid use of highly-specialized words or abbreviations .Restrict procedure to identification of method or type of process employed .State results, conclusions, or findings in clear, concise fashion
Timeline • January 16th; topic • February 13th; purpose and hypothesis • April 10th; Research Paper, Log Book, and Abstract • April 23rd; Science Fair (tentative)