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High degree of specialization Personnel primary loyalty belong , to profession not to the organizationLittle effective managerial control over physicians and surgeons(the main staff)Dual lines of authority (confusion of roles)Highly interdependent (team working). The Difference be
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2. The Difference between hospital and other organizations
6. Definition : Assessment of health services according to a set of standards describing the structures and processes that contribute to desirable patient outcomes based on quality of care and patient safety
7. Benefits of Accreditation Shows commitment to quality
Improves communication and collaboration within the organisation
Promotes team building
Increases credibility
Demonstrates accountability
Improves productivity
Obtaining advice from surveyors (mentoring)
8. Accreditation methodology Function based (tracer methodology)
Department based
9. JCAHO(U.S) 1-Patient-Focused Functions
-Rights, ethics, responsibilities
-Provision of care, treatment, services
-Medication management
-Surveillance, prevention, infection control
10. JCAHO (cont
11. Joint commission international (JCI)
12. A new task force in 1997 In EU, Middle east and Far east and then everywhere
13. Patient safety goals Goal 1 Identify Patients Correctly
Goal 2 Improve Effective Communication
Goal 3 Improve the Safety of High-Alert Medications
14. Patient safety goals(cont
) Goal 4 Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-Patient Surgery
Goal 5 Reduce the Risk of Health Care-Associated Infections
Goal 6 Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls
15. JCI (cont
) Functional Section I:
Patient-Centered Standards
ACC (Access to care and continuity if care)
PFR (Patient and Family Rights)
AOP (Assessment Of Patients)
COP (Care Of Patients)
ASC (Anesthesia and Surgical Care)
MMU (Medication Management and Use)
PFE (Patient and Family Education)
16. JCI (cont
) Functional Section II: Health Care Organization Management Standards
QPS (Quality improvement and Patient Safety)
PCI (Prevention and Control of Infections)
GLD (Governance, Leadership and Direction)
17. JCI (cont
) FMS (Facility Management and Safety)
SQE (Staff Qualifications and Education)
MCI (Management of Communication and Information)
18. JCI Functions Functional Section I:
Patient-Centered Standards
ACC (Access to care and continuity of care)
Transportation needs
Continuity of care
19. JCI Functions PFR (Patient and Family Rights)
Personal value and beliefs(pastoral services
Processes for PFR
20. JCI Functions PFR (Patient and Family Rights)
Pt will be told about care and complications
Inform consent
Organ donation
21. JCI Functions
AOP (Assessment Of Patients)
Initial assessment & needs for discharge planning
22. JCI Functions COP (Care Of Patients)
Continuity of care
Integrity of care
Uniform care
Based on assessment
High risk Pts(Restraint Pts ,children ,elderly , comatose and
Pain management
23. JCI Functions ASC (Anesthesia and Surgical Care)
Pre-anesthesia assessment
Pre induction assessment
During anesthesia monitoring
Post anesthesia monitoring
Risks ,benefits and alternatives
24. JCI Functions MMU (Medication Management and Use)
Readiness of medication 24/24
Storage safety
Medication recall system
6 stages of medication(prescribing,transecribing,dispensing,preparation,administration,documentation)
Medication brought to hospital by Pts
25. JCI Functions MMU (Medication Management and Use)
Medication orders review for appropriateness
Medication error report
26. JCI Functions PFE (Patient and Family Education)
Patient and family participation in decisions
Patient and family education need assessment
Education method consider patient and family values
All health professionals collaborate to Pt education
27. JCI Functions Functional Section II: Health Care Organization Management Standards
QPS (Quality improvement and Patient Safety)
Participation of leaders in quality and patient safety program
Process management(clinical and managerial)
Key indicators(including data collection , aggregation and analysis )
who collect ,aggregate and analyze
Sentinel events process
Near miss events process
Continuous quality and safety improvement and priority areas
28. JCI Functions PCI (Prevention and Control of Infections)
Infection prevention and control
Prevention and control of health associated infections
Waste management
Disposal of sharps
Gloves and masks , eye protections
Hand washing
IC education for doctors ,nurses , Pts and
29. JCI Functions GLD (Governance, Leadership and Direction)
Bylaws , policies & procedures,
Senior manager
Defining mission ,policies & procedures and their fulfillment
Contracts for clinical or management services
Department directors
Ethical management
30. JCI Functions FMS (Facility Management and Safety)
Facility inspection
Maintenance plan
Plan for inventory ,handling storage and use of hazardous materials
Disaster plan
Potable water and electricity 24/24
31. JCI Functions SQE (Staff Qualifications and Education)
Determine qualification and skills for all staff
Recruiting, evaluating and appointing staff
Orientation program
Education and training plan for all staff
Gathering, verifying and evaluating the credentials
Ongoing professional practice evaluation of medical and clinical staff
32. JCI Functions MCI (Management of Communication and Information)
Communication with community about Pt care services
Pt care information is communicated during and between shifts
Information privacy and confidentiality
Information security
33. JCI Functions MCI (continue)
Standardized diagnosis codes, procedure codes, symbols, abbreviations and definitions
Staff participating in selecting and using information
34. Accreditation infrastructure Process management
Data collection
Quality improvement planning
Orientation program
Competency testing
Policies and procedures
Internal audit
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