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Personal Tutoring

Personal Tutoring. FAQ’s. How do I advise on problems with housing/emotional issues/careers/difficulties related to mental health or other disabilities/issues with time-management other aspects of study?

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Personal Tutoring

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  1. Personal Tutoring FAQ’s

  2. How do I advise on problems with housing/emotional issues/careers/difficulties related to mental health or other disabilities/issues with time-management other aspects of study? • Refer to appropriate sources of support within the University: The personal tutor is not expected to act as a health professional/be an expert on any or all these issues – be aware instead of what sources of support there are.

  3. How do I introduce the idea of Counselling or Disability Support to a tutee I feel might benefit from such support? • Introduce the services at initial group meetings; discuss with individual tutee what the services offer and reassure with respect to confidentiality

  4. What is the difference between an extenuating circumstance and a disability? • Disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities • (NB long term = 12 months or more; or a terminal illness)

  5. How do I best support a tutee who is struggling with course requirements because of disability/health issues? • Refer student to Disability Officer in your department and University Disability Office/Counselling and Wellbeing/University Medical Centre and Senior Tutor in your department

  6. How do I cope with difficult confidential disclosures? • Counselling service can also support you – Head of counselling: Alicia Pena • Encourage student to seek support from the appropriate source

  7. What do I do if a student wishes to withdraw/suspend/transfer? • Talk through why – could their reasons be addressed through appropriate support? • Refer to Student Services • Refer to Senior Tutor • Refer to RUSU advisers (especially in relation to financial issues)

  8. How do I respond to an overly needy tutee? • Advise on sources of support: Living Positively Talks; Chaplaincy; Peer Support • Encourage Social Involvement: Societies; RED Award

  9. What do I do about a tutee who is persistently absent and doesn’t respond to email? • Follow up – use other methods of contact: Hall Wardens; phone/postal address (under confidential cover) • If not successful refer to Senior Tutor

  10. Some sources of support • Student Services: Carrington Building, ext. 5555, helpdesk@reading.ac.uk • Study Advisers: Library Rm 103, ext. 4242, studyadvice@reading.ac.uk; http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/studyadvice/sta-home.aspx • RUSU Advisers (financial/housing/academic support officers): The Hub, Student’s Union, ext. 4100, stu.adv@reading.ac.uk ; http://www.rusu.co.uk/advice/

  11. Some Sources of Support (cont.) • Chaplaincy: Chaplaincy Centre, Park House Lodge; ext. 8797; chaplaincy@reading.ac.uk; http://www.reading.ac.uk/chaplaincy/ • Counselling and Wellbeing: Carrington Rm 106; ext. 4216/4218; counselling@reading.ac.uk; http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/counselling/cou-home.aspx • Disability Office: Carrington Building; ext 8921; disability@reading.ac.uk; http://www.reading.ac.uk/disability/ • Peer Support: Carrington Rm 104; peersupport@reading.ac.uk; Peer Support Co-ordinator: Kate Ward-Perkins k.s.wardperkins@reading.ac.uk; ext 4217; http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/peersupport/peer-homepage.aspx

  12. Some Sources of Support (cont.) • Careers Office: Carrington; ext 8358; careerscentre@reading.ac.uk ; http://www.reading.ac.uk/careers/ • International Student Support: Carrington; International Student Adviser: Matt Daley m.d.daley@reading.ac.uk; ext 6185; http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/student/international-students/ And via the Counselling Service: http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/positivelivingandlearning/about/plal-international.aspx

  13. The Personal Tutor’s Handbook • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/personaltutor/ • Gives guidance on: The role; the structure of the personal tutor system; setting boundaries and expectations; when and who to refer to; a list of common issues with guidance

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