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Bismillah marks the start of blessings. God asks for remembrance, thanksgiving, reflection. Learn about pillars of belief, levels of iman, attributes of Allah, proofs of existence, and more in Islam.
Summary Bismillah is the beginning of all good things.
We pay people for whatever they bring us, even though they are only “tray bearers.” What payment does God, their true Owner, ask of us?That true Bestower of all precious bounties and goods we enjoy requires three things: 1. Remembrance, 2. Thanksgiving, 3. Reflection.
Saying bismillah at the beginning is a manner of remembrance, and saying al-hamdulillah (All praise and gratitude are for God) at their end is a manner of thanksgiving. Reflection means always being mindful and thinking of the precious and ingenious bounties we receive as miracles of the Eternally Besought One’s Power and as gifts from His Mercy.
God (Allah) Angels Revealed Books Revealed Messengers Day of the Judgment Pre-destination Pillars of Belief
Pillars of Islam • Shahadah (Declaration of Faith) • Salat (Prayer) • Zakat (Charity) • Sawm (Fast) • Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Levels of IMAN (BELIEF) Imitative faith (Taqlidi Iman) Certain & Verified faith (Tahqiqi iman) 1. Ilme-l yaqin 2. Ayne-l yaqin 3. Hakka-l yaqin
Safety and well-being are found only Submission to God and belief. Therefore, always thank God, saying:“Praise be to God for the Religion and perfect belief.”
There is nothing whatever like unto Him. (42:11) To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. (42:49) Believe in Allah (c.c.)
Who is Allah? “Say He is Allah, The One, The Self-Sufficient, The Master, whom all creatures need, He begets not, nor was He begotten; And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him.” [Qur’an 112]
His Attributes (Zati: Only God has these attributes) • Existence • Oneness • Eternity (There is no beginning to His Existence) (قدم) • Everlastingness (بقاء) • Non-neediness of others • Non-resemblance to the creatures(There is nothing like Him)
His Attributes(Subuti: Allah has these attributes in absolute extent. We have these attributes in very minor scale to know Him. ) • Power • Will • Knowledge • Life • Hearing • Sight • Speech
Proofs of Existence and Unity of GOD Inner Proofs Outer Proofs 1. OurIndividuality 3. Our Conscience 3. Prophets (AS) 1. Universe 2. QuranBook of Allah 2. Our Origin
God (Allah) Revealed Messengers Revealed Books Angels Day of the Judgment Pre-destination Pillars of Belief
Proofs of Muhammed (pbuh) Prophethoodpbuh: peace be upon him • Holy Assembly of Previous Prophets (pbua) (Their news and glad tidings about Muhammed pbuh ) • Past Time (before Muhammed pbuh)(Declarations of presidents, poets, preachers, priests of churches, soothsayers, scholars about Muhammed sav.) • His luminous personality • His moral and manners • His appearance • His inner nature • His devotion and piety • The transformation and revolution He (pbuh) made • All his miracles especially Quran • Future Time (after Muhammed pbuh)(Proofs of Historic events and scientific facts He pbuh informed. )
The One Who creates knows, surely the One Who knows will speak. Master of the universe surely does everything with knowledge. disposes every affair with wisdom, directs everything all-seeingly, treats everything all-knowingly, and arranges everything willing the instances of wisdom, purposes, benefits that are apparent in them
The One Who creates knows, surely the One Who knows will speak. Since He will speak, surely He will speak to those who possess consciousness and thought, and those who will understand His speech. Since He will speak to those who possess thought, surely he will speak to mankind, whose nature and awareness are the most comprehensive of all conscious beings.
He will speak to mankind, surely He will speak to the most perfect of mankind and those most worthy of address. Since He will speak to those who are most perfect, most worthy of address, highest in morality, and who will guide humanity; He will certainly speak to Muhammad PBUH.
Even in a simple museum and a tour we need a Guide to learn more and navigate in comfort. Humankind need true guides in their lives in the Earth.
A class or a book can be taught perfectly only by a Good Teacher. Understanding and learning about this life and universe requires Books and Teachers.
“The people of the book know this as they know their own sons, but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.” Quran 2:146
Muhammad pbuh, as friend and foe alike testify, is of the highest disposition and morality, who is obeyed by one fifth of humanity, to whose spiritual rule half of the globe has submitted, with the radiance of whose light the future of mankind has been illumined for thirteen centuries, to whom the believers, the luminous segment of humanity, renew five times daily the oath of allegiance, for whose happiness they pray, for whom they call down God’s blessings and bear admiration and love in their hearts. Certainly, God will speak to Muhammad pbuh and indeed He has done; He will make him the Prophet, and indeed He has done; He will make him the guide for the rest of humanity, and indeed He has done.
Top Jewish Scholar Abdullah Bin Salam accepts Islam Jews witness that Abdullah Bin Salam is the their top rabbi, the son of their top rabbi in previous generation, their master and the son of their master. The glad tidings that he found in the Torah had their great impact on him to adapt Islam though he was expecting his people to go against him. These tidings confirm the coming of the prophet Mohammad pbuh . While Abdullah bin Salam was on the top of a palm to pick its dates, at Madenah , he heard some noise and asked, what was this? They replayed, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had came. (He immigrated from Makah to Madenah). After that, Abdullah jumped from the palm tree and went to meet the messenger of Allah. { Mjgma'a Al-Zawed 8/243} Then, Abdullah declared, "when I contemplated his face, I knew that he was not a liar.He added, the first thing I heard from him was, “if you spread Asslam ( greeting with peace ) , feed the poor people, pray at night, visit Alarham (your relatives), you will gain the paradise peacefully.” {Narrated by Imam Ahmad 5\451}.
MONK BAHIRA and SYRIA TRIP The Prophet’s first meeting with a Christian occurred when he, as a young boy aged twelve, he joined his uncle’s (Abu Talib) merchant caravan for a trip to Syria it was his first journey to the north. So After days of travel, the caravan arrived at a place near Syria called Busra, a Roman colonial city. The Romans used to come here to trade with the Arabs. Near this marketplace lived a monk called Bahira. His cell had been used by generations of monks before him and contained ancient manuscripts.Monk Bahira was known for his belief that a prophet was soon to appear among the Arabs. Bahira had studied old manuscripts, where he had learned of the coming of a final prophet, and he was convinced that this prophet would appear in his own lifetime. He was particularly interested in the Arab merchants who visited Syria, to see if his conviction would come true.
Monastery of Monk Bahira Monk Bahira Inside the Monastery of Monk Bahira
Bahira' saw the caravan in the distance and was amazed to see that over it was a large white cloud. It was the only cloud in a clear blue sky and it appeared to be shading one of the travelers. The monk was even more surprised to see that the cloud seemed to follow the caravan but disappeared when the person it was shading sat down under a tree. When he also noticed that a tree lowered its branches over the caravan to provide further shade, he immediately realized that this caravan must contain an extraordinary person or persons. Bahira’ knew from the scriptures that a prophet was expected to come after Jesus (pbuh) and it had been his wish to see this prophet before he died. Realizing that what he had just seen was a miracle, he began to think that his wish might, after all, come true. The monk sent an invitation to the Meccans to come and eat with him. The Arabs were surprised because they often passed by and Bahira’ had never invited them before. When the group was all together for the meal, the monk said, 'Is this everyone?’ 'No', someone said, 'a boy was left watching the camels.' .
Bahira’ insisted that the boy should join them. The boy was Muhammad (pbuh). When he arrived Bahira said nothing, but watched him all through the meal. He noticed many things about his appearance which fitted the description in the old manuscripts. Later on he took him aside and asked Muhammad (pbuh) many questions. Bahira began to scrutinize him very intently, looking at various parts of his body and finding certain qualities in him. Finally, when all had finished dining and had dispersed, Bahira went up to the boy and said, "Boy, by al-Lat and al-Uzza I charge you to answer what I will ask you." Bahira only used these words because he had the boy's people swearing by these two gods. They claim that the Messenger of God told him: "Don't ask me anything by al-Lat and al-Uzza; for, by God, I hate nothing more than them." So Bahira said, "By God, would you tell me about what I ask you?" So the boy told him to ask whatever he liked. The monk then asked him various questions about his sleep, habits, circumstances, and so on; and the Messenger of God responded. And what Bahira heard matched the description he expected. The he looked at the boy's back and saw the seal of prophethood between his shoulders, in the very place according to the description he had..
They talked together about Allah, and about Muhammad's life and family. What was said made Bahira certain that this was indeed the Prophet who would follow Jesus. Having concluded this, he went to the boy's uncle Abu Talib and asked, "What relation is he to you?" "He is my son," he replied. Bahira objected, "He's not your son. This boy can't have a living father, he is destined to grow up an orphan.“ "Well," Abu Talib replied, "he 's actually my newphew." "And what happened to his father?" the monk asked. "He died while the boy's mother was still pregnant with him." "Now you're telling the truth," the monk went on. He recognized the Prophet and said while taking his hand: “This is the master of all humans. Allâh will send him with a Message which will be a mercy to all beings.”
Abu Talib asked: “How do you know that?” He replied: “When you appeared from the direction of ‘Aqabah, all stones and trees prostrated themselves, which they never do except for a Prophet. I can recognize him also by the seal of Prophethood which is below his shoulder, like an apple. We have got to learn this from our books.” He also asked Abu Talib to send the boy back to Makkah and not to take him to Syria for fear of other people. Abu Talib obeyed and sent him back to Makkah with some of his men servants and he ordered Abu Talib to watch over Muhammad (pbuh) with great care.
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (s) - 570Death of Aminah (prophet's mother) - 576 Journey to Syria ( With his Uncle Abu Talib ) - 582 Marriage to Khadijah (a Widow, Age 40 ) - 595 First Revelation - 610 Emigration of Muslims to Abyssinia - 615 Death of Abu Talib (Prophet's Uncle) - 620 Death of Khadjiah (ra) (She was his only wife at the time) - 620 Israa' Wal Miraj (Overnight Journey to Jerusalem and to the Heavens) - 621Pledge of Aqaba - 621 Emigration to Medina and Treaty with Non-Muslims in Medina - 622 Battle of Badr - 624 Battle of Uhud - 625 Battle of Azhab (Trench, Defense of Mednia - 627 Treaty of Hudaibiyah – 628Invitation to Kings and World Leaders - 628 Opening of Mecca - 629-630 Hajj Pilgrimage led by Abu Bakr (ra) - 631 Last Revelation - 632 Hajjat al-Wada (Farwell Pilgrimage) / Death of Muhammad pbuh - 632
The Sacred Trusts are kept in Topkapı Palace Istanbul Turkey Chase of Sweater of Prophet Muhammed pbuh Sandals of Prophet Muhammed pbuh
A Letter of Prophet Muhammed pbuh Bow of Prophet Muhammed pbuh Prayer rug of Fatma ra. Doughter of Prophet Sweater of Fatma ra.
Seal of Prophet Muhammed pbuh From the time of Osman ra